Lord Shadow

Chapter 549

Chapter 549: A palm (1)

His laugh still echoes inside the ears of the soldiers even after he had stop laughing.

Azief sword whistled as it moves slightly like it was cutting the air with each simple movement.

There is wind gathering around him the moment he stands up. It is not like the wind is gathering around him but his internal energy causes it looks like the wind is gathering around him.

The stones around him were grinded by some invisible force until it turns into dust that floats towards the sky

The force of his foot depressed the land on where he is standing.

He tightened his grip on his sword and the wind howls around the sword. One could even hear the cry of the sword.

Azief smiles since the first time he enters the battle.

The sword shakes and trembles and the aura of energy around it was so powerful, that one could see the area around it seems to be spiraling like it is pressured by some powerful pressure.

Azief killing intent causes the sky above his head top turns red. Thunders seems to crack on top of the Heavens as dark clouds surrounded the mountaintops.

Immediately the area turns dark. Some people could not believe that the Sword Immortal attainment in internal energy was so powerful that it affected the weather

They could not believe such fantastical story. It seems too much like some kind of a fantasy story josei

The entire area around Azief seems to tremble violently. Mini quakes shake the entire mountaintop.

As Azief stand up, the soldiers in front of him did not just stand there waiting to die. The officers in the back shouted



As he looked at the thousands of people charging towards him, the chill in his eyes grew colder. His heart beats like a war drum is being pounded on the eve of a battle. And now his killing intent becomes even more thick and more pronounced.

‘Hmph’ he snorted.

If he even without his feet could kill so many people, what made these people so confident that they could defeat him when he could use his feet.

The one weakness that the soldiers thought the Sword Immortal have is nothing but a miscalculation on their part.

But the soldiers keep charging forward nonetheless even though knowing fully that they are going to die.

Azief knows why they did not hesitate to throw themselves into a pit of fire and he could respect them for it.

They also have some sort of willpower. Their willpower stems from loyalty.

In the path of seeking his true path, Azief would surely meet people who have their own path. And if their path is different than the only way they could settle it is to clash against each other.

There is no other solution when they walk different paths. They should either never meet each other but if they do meet each other, there would be no agreement between them

Azief never had a weakness in the first place. The people of this world did not know that they just lived in one worlds of the thousands worlds that the Jade Empire have.

They are like a frog inside a well, thinking the well as their own world.

The fact is that there is another world outside the well, but they did not have enough power to leapt from the well and see the vast world that is outside the well.

Azief lifted his foot and took a step. As he moved the force of his legs causes the land beneath his foot to explode as large fragment of the ground exploded into the air.

It immediately shattered and turns into debris of dust. Azief did not say anything anymore. Since it would be unnecessary at this point

The soldiers did not stop charging with all of their weapons even as Azief appeared not to far away from them

Azief swing the sword in his hand forward. A dozen head flew up into the air, bringing with a wave of fresh blood, dyeing the tip of the sword red.

The sound of screams and despair sounded all over the area. Their charge was broken with one sword lights as their body keep moving forward even when their heads flew into the air

The spears, the sword, the hidden weapons all were broken with that one sword light. The sword of the soldiers was sliced into two, the spears were broken apart and the hidden weapons were deflected by a powerful gust of sword wind.

With each steps he taken, more heads flew up. Even as he killed, even as his eyes shows a light that could chill one heart, he still walks calmly.

Around him were bodies falling down with each step.

Waves of sword aura is swirling around him, cutting anyone and anything that went near him. No hidden weapon could penetrate that sharp sword aura that swirls around him.

No sword could break apart it and no spear could pierce through it.

He did not stop swinging and waving the sword in his hand. Heads fell on the ground and rolled down, scattering around like some kind of balls.

Azief did not count how many people he had kills. There is so many bodies around him that the blood from them creates a bloody small blood trains.

These blood look like blood river. Even as he killed and their blood sputtered around, there is not one single droplets of blood that sticks on Azief black robe and the edges of his sword is still as sharp and clean as before.

The sword aura around him becomes even more sharper and more destructive. Squalls of wind formed behind him, forming mini storms

Azief is in the state of intense concentration right now

He did not think about anything else other than swinging and waving his sword. Sometimes he slices his sword. Sometimes he makes a cutting movement.

Sometimes he hacks his enemies. Sometime he just waves his sword.

But each movement kills a person and take their lives.

Thunder boomed up in the skies and lightning flashed once again as Azief walk in this battlefield like a God of Death descending down to reap the souls that was promised to him.

The wind howls and wind storms appears. Rains falls down with the sudden crack of thunder.

Azief did not know that Xi Feng is bloodily killing the members of the Vulture Peak and the Sun Devouring Sect even in this sudden downpour.

He did not know that there is five people watching him from ambush, in awe and sacred looking at his prowess.

He did not know all of this. He only knows his sword right now.

An endless barrage of sword light and other weapons charged toward him with killing intent, each one is powerful and have a trace of willpower

This kind of force could easily break any lineup of a large sect.

But they are facing Azief.

with each movement of his sword, he would dissipate those attacks, killing the wielder of that weapons.

His swordsmanship transcends the swordsmanship of the Flowing Sword Arts.

Each movement that he makes is a divine movement, each strikes that he executed is capable of splitting up mountains and his internal energy seems to be limitless.

He seems to be an even more terrifying existence than the grandmaster.

No matter what kind of attack the soldiers came up with, no matter what kind of formation they prepared, their heads still flew into the air, with their blood washing the green grass and shrill screams of pain accompanying their deathly throes.

There is red patch of land around Azief area of killing. It is the accumulation of the blood of the fallen but none of it touches him.

The sword dulls at the tip but sharp at the edges.

The entire land around him shattered because of the pressure around his entire existence crack and depressed the land.

With each steps he takes, the ground behind him would explode like it bounced off from the impact of the pressure emanated from Azief body.

The land would then explode into the air creating large dust that obstruct the views of the soldiers.

In the time that their eyes could not see clearly, sword light would appear separating their heads from their neck

Whenever he steps forward all lives would be extinguished. The rain becomes harder and the roaring of thunder becomes even louder.

For a moment, Azief felt like he was once again Death Monarch, controlling Laws of the world, the Death Monarch that surpasses the Heavens.

The nine seals on his body wriggles and the diamond mark dimmed a bit. The same could be said for the ten seals.

Both of it is interconnected with each other. The seal is both in Azief right ankle and his left ankle.

The sealing patterns and the lines that connected them were already loosened after the seven and eight seals were broken.

Before the seven and eight seal was broken because of Azief comprehension of internal energy and his sword technique which incorporates his internal energy comprehension.

This time, the seal is affected by Azief will and determination. There is a reason why it is now easier for Azief to break his seal.

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