Lord Shadow

Chapter 551

Chapter 551: A palm (3)

Then they looked at the direction of the Sword Immortal standing there in the distance, facing thousands of people without even a hint of being fearful

Standing there he looks like an immovable mountain. When he moves he is like lightning, swift and deadly

For some reason, the Sword Immortal emanated this feeling of ancientness and a sense of vastness that they could not comprehend.

They look toward the Sword Immortal because they expected the land around him to explode after that sound.

But the moment he thrusted his sword forward, the sound explodes and a moment later, it was like the sound was cut apart.

There is no noise and no sound.

The sound of the rain falling could not be heard, the thunder and lightning dancing in the skies could not be listened to and every noise and sound seems to be cut apart with that one strike.

No one understands what happens.

Before any of them could make any sense what is happening, they saw the most unbelievable things.

Some of them gulped, and some of them even fainted seeing it.

It is because they saw that the thousands of soldiers charging toward the Sword Immortal is still charging forward, but their bodies had no head.

A thousand headless bodies rushing forward, their heads slide backward as their bodies moves forward, like they did not yet realize that they are dead.

Their neck veins spurted out blood even as its body keep moving forward

But that was not the only thing that shock the martial artist that is seeing the scene.

Even before those bodies could reach even one meter around the Sword Immortal, their bodies withered up before turning into dust and blow away by the winds.

A thousand people suddenly turns into dust a disappeared like they never existed in the first place.

Azief could feel Death Source for a bit and he infuse that in his sword strike.

It could be even said he had cheated a bit.

An inspiration flashed inside Azief mind.

He swung it towards the sky and the sky split apart. The wind that become the obstacle between the sword and the heaven were sliced apart.

But no one could still hear any sound. For a moment, they live in a soundless world.

The rain was split apart into two regions as the clouds were sliced off in that one simple movement of swinging his sword to the sky.

Azief did not stop as he moves again.

This time he no longer walks. he rushed forward, his sword charging with him. He swings, he hacks, he cuts and he slices, killing hundreds of soldiers with one strikes.

Each strikes created a hair raising pressure, cut apart the lands and wither the life force of everything that is in the path of that sword strike.

‘Sword God’ that is the thoughts of many people seeing all of this.

They have never seen such a grandmaster of martial arts possessing such power that seems to transcend even the limitation of powers that grandmaster possesses.

Xi Feng pull his sword out from Wen Zhong chest and he look at his teacher and sighed

‘Are you doing all this because you are leaving, master?’ he asks to no one in particular but there is sadness in his heart.

He leaps up, gliding in the air toward his teacher in the distance

The soldiers created formation and changed their positions rapidly to contain Azief.

But Azief right now possess the power that have a trace of the laws and concepts. He could even felt a trace of his divine sense. josei

The Worldly Energy and Universal energy is slowly pouring in from the hole in the Golden Palm that covered this world, and Azief is absorbing it all.

The attack of the soldiers could be deflected using his own body but Azief is insistent in using his sword.

He wanted to use this opportunity to use the moves he had thinks about in his mind; to use a bit of the moves he had thought to include in his supreme manual.

At the same time, he could use it to absorb the Worldly and Universal energy that is slowly being used to whittle on the nine and tenth seal on his body

There is already an outline in his mind of how his sword manual should look like. And the more he fought with the soldiers, the more his eyes were opened.

These soldiers are special elite unit of the two imperial dynasties. As such they are not easy to kill and they mastered a lot of martial arts from all over the martial arts word.

To many people, fighting with such kind of unit is a nightmare but for Azief this is like sending him firewood in winter.

They are not like normal military unit that always attack in the same way. Some people stab toward him but none of their stab look and move the same.

Some stab him with internal energy, some emphasizes swiftness, some emphasizes lethality.

The same could be said about the others. In normal military unit they are separated like the cavalry units, the infantry unit, the spearman unit, the swordsman unit or something along that line.

But not in this special unit.

They all attacked Azief with their own weapons and their own martial arts.

So, even as he kills this people he sometimes let them live for a few moves as he analyzes their moves and in his mind created a way to counter their techniques.

None of their understanding seem deep in their own discipline which disappointed Azief. Their moves are static, rigid but the one executing the moves is alive

Azief moves have always been carefree and relaxed even. His sword move is fast and swift yet it is not rigid.

Azief did not insist in persistently maintaining a sword move that did not work and would emphasizes the breaking of one own moves if that could have caught the enemy of guard.

Of course, this kind of concept could not be performed by people who did not yet master their own martials arts.

It is like telling a baby to start running from the very moment they were born. That is why no matter how many people attack him, Azief could breaks their moves easily.

He could kill all of them with one sword strike but he takes his time. The internal energy inside his body becomes thicker and dense. And sharper.

And as such, his sword also becomes sharper. His Will did not need any polishing like he polishes his sword with internal energy.

He possesses the most unbreakable Will. He had lives countless of lives that have endowed him with persistent will in following his path.

And he had experience the depth of Time on his soul when he walks the steps of the Thirty-Three Steps and the Thirteen Steps Beyond the Heavens,

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