Lord Shadow

Chapter 560

Chapter 560: The last year (2)

Azief had regain the senses of his Divine Sense. Of course, he only gains around fifteen percent of his use of Divine Sense.

But even that is enough to scan an entire mountain range especially when this world had no overlapping powerful Divine Sense.

Yet, when he uses his Divine Sense to scan this mountain, his Divine Sense reflected back at him.

It did not injure him but it just reflects back at him calmly and without making any waves.

Azief then become confident that the Temple holds the answer to his question.

The smell of blood had long dissipated from Azief and his companion but even then the Monks on top of this lofty mountain did not interfere.

Azief had no stains on his robe whether it be blood stains or any other stains.

The smell of blood could not be smelled on him and no stains could near him is because he did no need to lift his sword to kill.

Other than grandmaster martial artist, no one under that level is worthy of to taste the strike of the sword on top of his lap.

‘Teacher, the Monks might attack you when we arrive on top’ Xi Feng suddenly said. Azief just nodded and said

‘Hmm. Let them. I too wanted to know the Myriad Arts of the Temple of Xi, whether it is as powerful and grand as everybody say it is.’

Xi Feng nodded as he keeps pushing the wheelchair.

The sound of the winds, the rustling of the leaves falling down from its branches, all of this creates a serene environment and slowly Azief closes his eyes.

The sound of the creaking keep sounding on as many things happens.

The secret operatives of the imperial family are moving inside the forest behind them to carry the corpse of their people back home while the Monks on top of the lofty mountain, prepares themselves.

The Abbot of Temple of Xi is Kong Yu also come out from his Abbot Room and seem to be waiting

It is his order that no one should interfere in what happens inside that Forest of Stele when they heard the commotion. josei

The ringing of the metal plates hanged on the many branches of trees inside the Forest of Stele had alarmed the city of Monks on top of the Shaohua Mountain.

Everyone knows that Temple of Xi did not condone killing and form the sound of swords and sabers they could all feel that a great battle was about to erupt on the foot of the mountain of the most prestigious Temple in the world.

Some grandmaster who were guarding the pagoda of Bearing Evils had volunteered to come down the Temple and fought off the people fighting inside the Forest of Stele.

But the Abbot had forbidden them. They did not understand at first but then when that sword strike was revealed the monks all understand.

Azief strike had split the sky opens.

Thunder fills the clouds and its roars thunderous, like a primordial dragons roaring from the Void. The entire land shakes and the wind howls and changes course. The westward wind was forced to went east, the eastward wind was forced to go south.

The Monks, the grandmaster protector were all reminded of the ancient prophecy of their Temple.

“When the true owner of the Flute come to the Temple, thunder would fill the skies of the world, the land would shake and wind would change courses.”

That is the gist of the prophecy of the Temple.

The Abbot did not only know that. He also knows who executed that sword strike. In the martial arts world right now, there is only one person that could execute such divine sword strike.

The Sword God that reside in the Five Element Mountain.

How appropriate that the person that come to claim the flute comes from the Five Element Mountain, the same mountain that in the ancient text of the Temple told the story of the Demon Monkey imprisonment and the Enlightened Monk karmic powers that release the Demon Monkey

When the Abbot had come out form his room and saw the thunders, the changing wind and feel the shaking of the Earth, he said

“Karma is about to resolved!” and then he went to the Mountain Gate. He stands there in front waiting.

Meanwhile on the foot of the Shaohua Mountain, Xi Feng is still pushing the wheelchair across the snowy land.

Around the wheelchair the snows melt. It was Azief internal energy, that is hot and vigorous causing the snows to melt and turning into a trails of water underneath the wheel

Azief took a deep breath as he slowly closes his eyes. His memories flashback to all those events a few months ago after he descend down from the Five Element Mountain.

The wheelchair keep being pushed forward as Azief relive those moments of the past.

The snows fall and the wind blows as he was once again seeing himself descending the Five Element Mountain

He wanted to clear the confusion in his mind as he wanted to create and perfected his path of martial arts and see all the great martial arts under Heaven.

He declares to the world of martial arts that he would come down the mountain and challenge all the sects and the schools of martial arts.

His declaration was an explosive news and it swept the martial arts world into a frenzy.

The martial arts world from the Martial Alliance in Yong to the Majusi Cult in Beiyuan they all stirred in uneasiness.

Azief still remembers that day when he descended it was a fine day in spring.

He first went down toward Pyocheon.

It was a city not far away from the Five Element Mountain. Sometimes he travels inside a carriage, but most of the time when they have to walk, he would sit on top of his wheelchair.

While he could walk now, the burden of the Worldly Energy he had to use to neutralize the effect of the seals is enormous.

Thus when it is only necessary would he walk using his own two feet. After all there is still three seals on his body

The moment he arrives at that city and when people saw the wheelchair and the four people behind him, the entire city was abuzz.

All kinds of martial artist follow him from a safe distance as he challenges all the martial arts sect and the martial art schools there.

After that there is even some swordsman and experts coming out form the crowd to fight him.

He defeated the Heaven Reaching Swordsman with one finger, kill the Red Butterfly with a pebble.

His journey did not stop as the news of him coming down from the mountain was spread to the world.

He then went to the Three Legged Raven Sect and wreck their sect before departing away.

By that time, he could see that his seal is beginning to thin. But unlike before it still did not break. It was like there was something holding it back from breaking.

At the same time, he was challenging all this martial arts sects and schools, he also slowly perfecting the manual he had in his mind.

And even while he is on his journey, he did not neglect on teaching Xi Feng and giving some pointers to the Three Devils.

Many people who heard his coming down from the mountain all thought that he would go immediately to Zhou. Instead he breaks expectation by traveling to Beiyuan.

There was something that he needs to confirm when he decided to go to Beiyuan.

Azief had heard and learned about many things since he come down from the mountain. He learned that the Majusi Cult is an ancient cult that have appeared throughout history through different names.

The fact that they still survive after ages has ended, piqued his curiosity thus prompting him to cancel his initial plan to head straight to Zhou and made a detour to Beiyuan first.

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