Lord Shadow

Chapter 568

Chapter 568: Tragic love story (2)

It turns out the villa is called Lin Villa. Living inside the villa is a beautiful woman. And she is called Lin Guifei.

And she mastered a lot of the orthodox sect martial arts. When Azief enters the villa, she was attacked by hundreds of people all ready to die for their master.

But Azief did not kill even one of them.

From the very beginning, he did not worry about the safety of Han Xiao. that is because, he doesn’t believe that the person who kidnaped him wanted to harm him

When Lin Guifei finally comes out she uses all the skills that she learned to contend with Xi Feng and the other two Devils.

Xi Feng could not defeat her and the Two Devils attack were all neutralized like she knew exactly how they would react

Since that moment, Azief could see the clues. He also realizes that the woman tries as hard as she can not to give too much injuries to the Two Devils.

It was then Azief realizes that this woman possesses the prowess of a grandmaster of martial arts. It is shocking to find such an unknown grandmaster in the world of martial arts.

Though Azief could tell, that she just broke through that realm. Maybe early in the year.

Azief did not think that there is another lady grandmaster other than the White Robed Lady Duan.

He was surprised and excited all at the same time. The woman herself is mysterious, referring herself as Lin Guifei. Guifei is a title of one of the four honorable consort of the Emperor

It was not only the fact that she is a grandmaster that made her mysterious. It is the fact that she knows all the orthodox martial arts techniques.

Azief had fought some of those sect before and he could see all of their martial arts being executed perfectly by the woman.

They fight hand to hand as Azief lowered himself down to her level, trying to see through all of the techniques she uses and break each one of them with one simple tap, one simple push, one simple flick and one simple strike.

Once he could see through it, the same moves would not work twice.

She was defeated and as the Two Devils wanted to threatened her to tell where Han Xiao is, Han Xiao himself comes out and shield the woman.

When Azief saw Han Xiao comes out, he knew his hunch was right. Han Xiao and the woman knows each other.

It turns out there is tragic story behind all of this. The Three Devils of Han were all handsome and dignified man before they were exiled and framed for the crime of rebelling.

They were once the citizen of Yong and Lin Guifei is the past Yong Emperor concubine. It could be said before Han Xiao become the Han Xiao of today, he was a young official in the Yong court.

Many have said that the Three Devils of Han is actually the survivor from the Yu, Song and Wu family.

The Yu and Song family is a military family and the Wu family is an official’s family. And Han Xiao real name is Wu Qi

It seems he and Lin Guifei love each other since they were young. They are what one would called childhood sweethearts

But the parents of Lin Guifei wanted to chase for titles and power and married their daughter to the Emperor, forever separating the two lovers. josei

When Wu Qi become an official, he had perished the thought of meeting her ever again as he did not dare being treasonous to the Emperor.

But while he did not dare to pursue that love, she was not. She loves him even when she had been married to the Emperor.

During the time when the Wu family were accused of rebelling, she was the one that pleaded for Han Xiao family but her advice falls to deaf ears

She even helps the families of those who were executed from the Emperor that year to escape from the execution block.

When the Emperor found out what she did, the Emperor wanted to kill her but at that time the Lin family had the power of the military so she was exiled.

Lin Guifei was banished to the Cold Palace. In the Cold Palace, she met an old lady who called herself Wu Mei

This Old lady it turns out a grandmaster level martial artist. But she seems a little bit crazy. This woman while she is crazy, is very powerful.

When one of the eunuch tries to beat her, the Old Woman slaps the eunuch head and the eunuch head exploded.

When the Emperor heard the news, he thought that Lin Guifei is seeking death. He did not know it was Wu Mei that did it.

He wanted to punish Lin Guifei so he sends a units of soldiers. The Old Woman once again acted, this time killing them all by drilling her hand into their chest

When the imperial guards heard about this they charge into the Cold Palace. About three thousand Imperial Guards charge inside.

But Wu Mei with her martial arts kills them all. Metals and steel seems to not be able to hurt her and none of that armor could not be pierced by her fingers.

The entire imperial palace seems to be dyed with red blood.

When the eunuch reported the story and told there is someone named Wu Mei protecting Lin Guifei, the Emperor went pale in the face and nearly fainted in fear

‘Wu Hou’ the Emperor said before immediately send out an order to stop and halt all the operation. He even ordered no one to come near the Cold Palace.

Whoever come near would be executed

Everyone was surprised at the order.

Even Lin Guifei was shocked.

After a few hours of that bloody battle, Wu Mei seems to went out the Palace and went raiding the Imperial Kitchen

While she was gone, other people come. Though this time they did not come to make things hard for Lin Guifei.

there is some martial artist that came to retrieve the body and clean up the Cold Palace

They also even send some foods and clothing to the Cold Palace.

Since then the Emperor turns a blind eye on what is happening on the Cold Palace. Even the Empress and the other consort did not dare to come near the Cold Palace.

Lin Guifei told Azief that she doesn’t know why the Emperor did not send more soldiers to rid out Wu Mei.

This is a grandmaster level martial artist inside the Imperial Palace. Usually this is a matter of concern because a grandmaster could easily bypass the security of an Emperor security guard and take their heads.

But the Emperor buried the news and no one seems to know that there is a grandmaster martial artist inside the harem

The only reasonable explanation was that Wu Mei is someone that the previous Emperor knows.

Azief while listening to the story were amazed. It seems that the world did not lack grandmaster at all.

From the way Lin Guifei describe Wu Mei, she might be the closest to ascend.

Even for a grandmaster to fight against three thousand would be a taxing task. But from the story, she was described to not even lose a breath

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