Lord Shadow

Chapter 573

Chapter 573: Coming closer to the end (3)

After all, Azief supreme martial arts manual could evolve.

In a different person hand, the martial arts manual that he left could become an orthodox sect technique or it could even become a heterodox martial arts manual.

It evolves with its user. Its limit is only decided by the limits of the one learning it. The more they understand, the more they become stronger. josei

Li Dan after leaving the martial arts world with this shocking news take a leap into the air and disappears as the last thunder boomed in the distance and dissipated.

Azief at that time had learned something new.

This world was not so void of powerful people. Only the fact that they were suppressed inside here, unable to come out and break the seal.

Like a fish inside an aquarium.

Azief also learns something else. When they talked about the many figures in the martial arts world, Li Dan mentioned a powerful former imperial lady that is even stronger than him

When he asks whether that person name is Wu Mei, Li Dan only bitterly smiles and said

‘So, it is Wu Mei now?’ It seems clear that this Wu Mei is a very powerful figure in the world but no one seems to know about her. Only certain people seems to know about her.

Azief then noted this information as he wanted to relay this mater into his disciple later.

He might give Xi Feng a whetstone to sharpen his sword, but he will not treat Xi Feng like he is an egg and throws him into a rock to break

That is idiotic. He could at least be prepared on the dangers of the world and only after that, Azief could safely leave him here.

After that brief intermission in Jianding, Azief continues his journey to Ruo.

They passed the Statue of Mystery. It is a two statue of gigantic proportions that block the view of the Shaohua Mountain.

Azief noted that the stones that is used to carve the two huge statues had certain properties of the Universe.

There is even a trace of Laws and concept but it is faint.

This did not shock Azief that much. After all, he was convinced that this world was truly the worlds of Gods and Demons in the past so seeing something like this it is not shocking at all.

What would be shocking if he did not see such thing in this world. That would be the shocking thing for him

Hundreds of years has passed for this world but to erase many of its mystical past, Azief believes it would not be so easy.

They all look toward that two huge figures of the statue.

The two figures are in different poses and everything about them is different.

One of the statue resemble the statue of Buddha in his world.

There is a floating halo behind the statue and its left hand and his index finger is pointing toward the Heavens

Some architect of this world believes that the halo is suspended by using some unseen mechanism like magnetic principle.

But since the gigantic size of it prevents people from being able to research every inch of it, this theory is nothing more than just a theory

The other statue looks like a statue of a Heavenly Lord with a splendorous robe and a crown on top of his head.

The eyes of this statue is closed and its face is solemn. They sat facing each other. It reminds Azief of the statue he saw in the ninth step

Azief did not notice anything strange about the state and continue his journey. After a few weeks, he finally reached the Ruo state

Azief arrival at Ruo was something that many martial artists had predicted. The Sword of Justice Fang Jian and the Sword God, the Number One Swordsman Under Heaven!

Since the moment the Sword God had declares to the world that he would be challenging the whole martial arts world, everyone has been waiting for this lash between the top two of the most powerful swordsman under the sky.

Who would become the Peerless Sword Under Heaven! That was the slogans of the storytellers when they hype up the matter.

Some people have been waiting on the foot of the hill of the Sword Residence since Sword God news coming down form the mountain were spread around.

And when Azief arrived at the foot of the mountain, everyone watched in bated breath.

Azief heard many good things about the Sect Leader of the Sword Residence, so unlike other times, he walks up and climb the stairs with his disciple and the Three Devils behind him

And in a distance, also climbing the stairs is the storytellers, and martial artist that wanted to watch the duel

As he walks the steps leading toward the gate, Azief remembers the stories of the Sword Residence, one of the most illustrious sword sect in the world.

There are three hundred and thirty-three steps to reach to the front gate of the Sword Residence

If one reach to the entrance gate, one would see the golden board lined with black color that denoted it is a plaque gifted by the Emperor.

The Founder of the Sword Residence once had help the Emperor of Yong and the people of Yong by killing the Emperor of Zhou.

That is why the Sword Residence was rewarded an imperial board.

Even till today, they story of how the Founder of the Sword Residence killing the Emperor of Zhou is still a shocking matter.

At that time Zhou was powerful and nothing could seem to stop the unification of the world under the banner of Zhou.

Yong at that time was not as strong or as big as it is now but its martial arts world was vibrant. The harsher the environment, the more the people there grew stronger.

Zhou dynasty keep killing people and the whole world suffers under the war that the Emperor of Zhou had initiated.

States and kingdom were annexed, people were displaced and massacred and the world felt like hell.

Such villain could not earn the respect of a grandmaster.

The Founder of the Sword Residence did not meddle in the matters of the world but killing and evil seems to gone rampant because of war and as he was the native of Yong, he could not just sit down and watch it like sages and saints.

He was not heartless but because he was not heartless that the unification of the world had been halted.

If at that time he did not kill the Emperor of Zhou, the unification of the world might have happened and there might be a world of Great Harmony where there is no war.

In killing the Zhou Emperor, Yong grew strong and by growing strong it began to be able to fight with Zhou and in the years since then, every year there is a war in the border.

Some people even blamed the founder of the Sword Residence for the current events, prolonging suffering and death because of his sentiments.

Since then the Sword Residence no longer meddle with the imperial family matters or the matter of the unification of the world.

One Sword….is for one path. That is the essence of the One Sword. Azief then arrived at the entrance gate and many people were waiting for him inside there.

Sword of Justice Fang Jian look nothing like his old self. One look and everyone knows that the Seven Year Poison is slowly claiming him for the Underworld.

The martial artist that followed Azief was also very disappointed. Even if Sword God won this battle, how could it be considered a great battle?

It would look like the Sword God is bullying the Sword of Justice Fang Jian

But Azief could see what others couldn’t see. He could see the determination of the Sword of Justice to fight him.

Even though he looks weak and listless like he could be toppled over by a string gust of wind, his eyes are still alive and his hand is still holding his sword.

Azief knew then that the Sword of Justice is as stubborn as the rumors painted him to be. Azief saw no fear, only conviction in his own sword.

Many people think that this battle would be too sad for both of the experts.

Many experts in the world laments that such a great figure of the martial arts world were reduced to such a pathetic state

Zhu Yao was beside his master, standings straight without even one ounce of desire to throw in the towel. Standing beside Azief, is Xi Feng, looking small in comparison with his tall teacher.

But to everyone surprise, Azief begins the matter by saying that he once pays a visit to the Poison Valley.

Since he didn’t like them, he wrecks their headquarters and defeated their Poisons Lords

As he was plundering the Poison Valley, he found something that looks to be a cure for the Seven Year Poison.

This revelation shocks everyone especially the Sect Leader of the Sword Residence Fang Jian.

He had been living years after years waiting for his death and it even hinder him from upholding justice.

Fang Jian is one of the strongest swordsman grandmaster in the martial arts world.

If it’s not for the poison that afflicted him, many chaos that had happened in Yong would surely be quelled by him.

After the news of him falling down because of the poison, crime rates shot up all over Yong.

Bandits once again gained courage and rob people in the mountain.

Why does this happen. It is because Fang Jian is the Sword of Justice and as such a symbol of justice.

Before he was afflicted with the poison, he went around all the continent to exact justice for the powerless and is a hero to the common people. He stops robbery and gave the robber a second chance if they deserve it. He executed rapist and killers and punish corrupt officials for the common people.

All of his life, he prioritizes justice over everything else.

Azief had longa admire the man and it is the reasons why he went down to the Poison Valley.

From the very begging he heard the mater of the Sword Residence, he doesn’t believe the Poison Valley words that said the Seven Year Poison did not have a cure or an antidote.

Most poisoners that Azief had known or see always have a cure for the poison they created.

Because creating a poison without a cure could only be done by an amateur poisoner.

Even if one did not create the cure, since you could concoct the poison you would know the right way to create the antidote for such poison.

It is why when he plunders the Poison valley he was confident he would find a clue. And he found more than just a clue.

He found a pill that could cure the Seven Year Poison. Azief uses it at himself and he could feel the potency of the cure.

Azief doing all this because he is leaving some insurance for his disciple. And he is leaving many for his disciple. Because once he leaves, all those hiding in the dark would pounce on his disciple. As Xi Feng teacher, he would at least give his disciple a fighting chance

Everyone that is present in the Sword Grounds of the Sword Residence all finally knows why the Sword God had wrecked the Poison Valley.

He might not say it directly but everyone had a newfound respect to the Sword God. It is clear that the Sword God wrecked the Poison Valley to find a cure for the Sword of Justice.

All the disciple of the Sword Residence was overjoyed and when Azief said he would give the pills to Fang Jian, Fang Jian thanks him sincerely and promise him that Xi Feng and the acquaintance of the Sword God will forever have a place in the Sword Residence.

Azief then said he would wait for five days. After five days, they would duel to their heart content on top of the Thousand Pillars, the mysterious place not far away from the Sword Residence.

He gave the pill to Fang Jian and waited for five days. In that five days, he was allowed to take up residence in the Sword Proving Peak.


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