Lord Shadow

Chapter 575

Chapter 575: Is this destiny? (2)

Six years could change many things. These three heroes might grow to become a powerful figure in the martial arts world or maybe they will not

Nobody knows. Only time would tell. After that Azief come down from Saber Manor and finally travels down to the Temple of Xi.

It was then that the ambushes beginning to start against them.

In every forest, in every village and in every city they pass, there would be at least a few ambush unit waiting for him, trying to kill him.

But none of their ambushes could be considered successful. they could not even reach three meters in front of the Sword God wheelchair.

But these ambushes do have its advantages.

Because of this ambushes even the most steel hearted storytellers and martial artist no longer follows the Sword God journey which made Azief felt a little bit grateful for these ambushes

These ambushes looks like they were done by the heterodox sect or the friends of the orthodox sect member that tries to avenge their fallen comrade when Azief fought his way to the imperial city of Zhou

But the martial arts world is not full of idiots and the Sword God is not blind. It is obvious that these people are all the elites of the Hidden Guards of the Yong Imperial family

They pretended to be these people because the Young emperor did not want to fall out completely with the Sword God.

The proof of Sword God ability is not something anyone in the world doubted. Even as Azief was journeying down to Yong and Zhou, the imperial city at that time still tries to rebuilt back the wall that has been struck down by that sword strike.

The Yong Emperor did not want to shed all cordiality with the Sword God because he is afraid of dying the same way his father did.

Azief play along with this matter. He himself did not intend to stop this ruse of the imperial family of Yong.

It is sad that those people under the Emperor keep sacrificing himself for him but this world is not his world so he did not want to change things too much.

Karma will come to all of them.

Because this is a Sealed World.

That Emperor might be an Emperor today but maybe after he died he would reincarnate.

And maybe he would be reincarnated to become the soldiers that died under other people blade.

In an unceasing reincarnation and rebirths, who knows whether they did the wrong thing and were punished or whether they become the punisher for past Karma?

Maybe in the Emperor past life, he was a soldier that were ordered by the Emperor to die and this time he reincarnated to become the Emperor sons and this time the Emperor that send that order were reincarnated to become a soldiers and his orders is to fulfil that Karma

Who knows?

Maybe that is the truth or maybe it is not. Recycling souls would surely create such situations like that.

To be trapped by past Karma and tied down by present Karma and being fearful of future Karma.

And those martial artists that the Emperor of Yong had sent were used by Xi Feng and the Three Devils so that they could train.

Wu Qi or Han Xiao as he wanted Azief to call him is using this opportunity to break through to grandmaster level.

After all, the love of his life is already a powerful grandmaster.

He did not want to feel small in front of her so he trained diligently to break through and sometimes Azief could see that Wu Qi is slowly opening up his heart to the world, smiling more and having hope for the future.

It gave the other Two Devils things to think about when all of this is over.

Azief did not hate that at all. He is leaving and while the rest of the martial arts world did not know about his intention and his eventual departure, these people knows.

It is why Han Xiao delayed his happy ending with Lin Guifei and accompany him as a sign of gratitude. Azief kills the Emperor of Yong for them and avenge their fathers

The Three Devils is always going to keep that deed engraved in their hearts

But for the other things, Azief could not help. In the annals of history of Yong dynasty, the families of Yu, Song ad Wu is still considered treasonous officials.

This is not something Azief could change. Whether they would try to change it in the future, that is their matter.

Because of their gratitude they accompanied him and determined to accompany him until the end

Xi Feng on the other hand did not want to part him but also knows there is no banquets that last forever.

He did not mind pushing the wheelchair as he could spend more time near his teacher, who Xi Feng regarded not only as his master in martial arts but treated him like a son treated a father.

And that is the eventful one year that has passed since he come down from the Mountain.

It is a year full of life, full of stories and full of meaningful connection being built.

Azief saw many things and experience many things in that one years and he would not forget even one of them, because everything become so precious.

He saw love. He saw pain, he saw suffering and he saw happiness. He experiences what it was like to feel all this human emotion once again.

It made him think a lot about his life and home. It was like his heart is being cleansed. He doesn’t know how to describe it other than this,

In Earth, he was truly like a God and sometimes that fact made him forget he was humans. He rarely sleeps and he rarely eats.

Slowly, he even forgets how to feel these simple human emotions.

Of feeling joy in the simplest thing. Of being hurt when someone did something you don’t want to do.

Feeling sad because you couldn’t have what you want. To regret the things, you should have done and to love and to hate as carefreely as this.

Of being human. josei

Does it make one weak to be human? Yes. But there is a source of strength in love, in hope and in dreams that no one could take from you unless you let them.

These sources of power in intangible, uses but could only be felt. It is a lot like magic.

Azief take a deep breath and he once again felt the cold of winter on his skin. He himself does not shiver.

Feeling cold…. that is also something he had long not experience.

He sometimes even forgets the feeling of being cold. Of being hot. Of feeling many things that once makes him human

He had been focusing on walking his path and in walking that path, they were a lot of things he had to shed. Being human is one of them. He himself felt he is slowly changing.

There is no scent of human around him. He is scentless.

There is this coldness that come from him and maybe that is because he keeps evolving or maybe it just brings out the things he wanted to hide.

The Fall and the subsequent forced evolution of humans had made feeling felt more enhanced. That is what he had read about the Fall and its effect to human physiology.

And sometimes, he thought to himself about this coldness that come from him.

Was that something he developed because of his evolution, or was it that is just something that is already there, waiting to get out?

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