Lord Shadow

Chapter 582

Chapter 582: All seals broken (3)

Meanwhile on the Stairway, the energy of the Divine swirls around the Divine Law Body. It is one of the most mysterious energy in the Omniverse

It is an energy that comes from people faith and belief and enables whoever that master it to shape and manipulate forces of heavenly origin

Azief Divine Body is now shining with the intensity of a quasar, white light fills the world and it could blind any beings that tries to peek the Law Divine Body.

The faith and trust and belief of the people that once believed and still believes in Azief pour in inside Azief Law Divine Body.

For some reason, these faith and belief energy seems to transcended space and time, ignoring distance between the Supreme Dimension and Earth which probably has a layer of thousands of spaces between them

But the hymn of songs and prayers swirls around Azief Law Divine Body and all of their prayers and faith was absorbed inside the Divine Law Body regardless.

Azief did not know it but his Divine Law Body could see Pandemonium right now in his gaze.

It is because of faith power. Since there are people that invokes him in their memories and in their words, Azief Divine Law Body could see them.

He could see and hear everything that those who believes in him do and said. Azief Divine Law Body could even use his power to aid them even when he is in the Supreme Dimension since this kind of ability is not restricted by Time and Space.

But the one thing that all of these Law Body lacked is only one thing.

Directions and feeling.

They were crated from energies essence and they were cultivated to become Laws.

As they complete their transformation as Law Body, the lingering emotions of its owner has been erased, leaving only a pure body of Laws of the Omniverse.

For them to make a move would require direction. And the only one that could provide the direction is Azief.

It still needs him to merge with all of this Law Bodies and begins to move. Azief on the temple ground take another steps toward the Pagoda.

He of course saw the black aura but as the black aura moves around him, it was instantly suppressed.

The monks and the grandmaster and even the Abbott was shocked seeing this.

When these black auras attacked the Temple before, they break the wills of their monks and only the strongest of them could resist its darkly temptations.

But for the Sword God he just walks through it and not only there is nothing bad happening to him, the dark aura was suppressed.

Azief Will is sharp as a sword and as he passes the black aura, it was minced into nihility.

It was cut by Willpower. Azief was curios of the pagoda as he saw the windows were the source of the black aura.

He waves his finger.

Sharp blinding light of sword will come out form his finger.

It was infused with his Will power and its light illuminated the area, annihilating all of those black aura around him and the area around the windows of the Pagoda.

But there is still traces of it.

‘The Flute’ he thought.

This flute must be a demonic item to create such powerful dark aura.

Azief senses is different from all these mortals so he could sense many things from the dark aura that the others could not. It was a dark aura full of resentment and full of killing intent.

Azief had the ability to turn into a Celestial and an Asura. He could not be more familiar with such energy

That is why he could sense it. Unlike before, the black aura could not even fill the area in front of Azief feet.

The golden light dims and it shocked the grandmaster and the Abbot because the golden light should have been suppressing the black aura.

But this time it was different

but then a more astounding scene happens in front of their eyes. Arial body turns golden, absorbing the divine energy hidden inside that Pagoda.

Azief smirks a bit.

‘This must be one of his ways for me to ascend’ Azief thought to himself.

He could feel the twelve seal was broken. Azief felt a sensation washing over him as seventy percent of his power instantly returns to him.

The weather above the Temple becomes even more chaotic.

Storms are forming above the clouds and it begins to devours the clouds as thunderstorm ravaged the skies peaceful day.

The force of his sudden increase in power depressed the land where he is standing to five feet deep and all the grandmaster around the area were pressed by a powerful suppression energy that they were forced to come down from the tree branches to alleviate the feeling of weight all over their body.

At the same time this was happening, the people of the martial arts world arrived at the scene.

They were not obstructed by anyone as they journey to this area.

All monks seem to be chanting their sutras inside their residence which is why they could easily pass through all the halls that is usually could not be passed so casually.

The moment they arrived at the area of the pagoda, they instantly were crushed down as their body felt a weight on their back as they were forced to prostrate to the ground.

And for some of them their body could no longer hold the pressure and they have to lied down face front on top the soils.

Those who were in grandmaster realm had it a little better as they are could hold on.

Heaven Reaching Swordsman is using his sword as a support to stand up but even he had already kneeled in one knee.

The martial artist whether they were lying down, kneeling or feeling too heavy because of the pressure could see the Sword God shining in golden hues. josei

And that golden hues seems to piece through the skies above, opening a large hole up in the sky that reveals a wider stretch of stars above them.

And then they all could see it. A translucent palm up above the stars. Up on the heavens of this world they could see a titanic palm covering the world.

Azief took another step but his last seal is not broken. But he was not anxious. He had found the way.

His Divine Sense spread even furthers as he could reach the entire continent with his Divine Sense. Every nook and cranny could be felt and sense inside his awareness.

His power is slowly encroaching the Will of this world.

Azief had once fought the Heavens of his world and he got some authority to alters the Laws of the World in Earth if he wanted to because he wrested against heaven and won.

This world had the Will of the World, but it is weak and so does its Heaven so Azief sudden increase of powers slowly surpasses the power of the Heavens of this world.

Only some divine beings could see the illusory cracks of the Will of the World and the Heavens.

He could sense and his power had reached surpassing the Heavens but even with all of this, he still couldn’t sense the entirety of this small mountain.

So he keeps moving forward.

He walks toward the Pagoda and push open the door as the black aura inside the Pagoda were instantly extinguished by the golden aura around him

The Abbot and the grandmaster of the Temple could not have predicted such happening

‘The Fated Owner have arrived’ the Abbot said and the other grandmaster nodded.

They no longer resist the pressure instead they sit down in cross legged position and chanted Sutras and Song.

Faith and belief streamed all over the Temple to supplies the Pagoda as the Pagoda dimming of golden holy light slowly returns

But the moment it returns it would be absorbed into Azief body. Azief knows that this golden light is trying to break his last seal.

He then saw the one and only hall inside the Pagoda. The Secret Hall.

The Abbot had told him that the name of that Hall is the Secret Hall of Enlightened Ones That See All Truths

And inside it there is an altar of marble stone. Azief walk inside it as his body glowing even more golden looking like Golden Saints of the Temple.

The entire Temple right now is covered by golden lights. In a faraway Universe, a Monkey is laughing joyously.

On the Five Elements Mountain, the mountain itself is trembling shocking the people of Silhae. They then see an unbelievable sight.

The mountain seems to change. Fire seems to rise up from the mountain bringing endless energy of power that changes the skies above the mountain.

They saw trees suddenly growing at an accelerated rate around the mountain vicinity, tall and strong.

If Azief was here, he could see how these tree was full of vitality of life.

The Earth around the mountain seems to experience a seismic change as the mountain becomes higher and higher, reaching well above the clouds and affecting the villages around the mountain.

Water burst out from the holes around the mountain as it burst outs of with water that gives life.

Metals spikes come spout from many corners of the mountains

And then to the surprise of everyone, the Five Element Mountain rises up and from the ground and the entire mountain was plucked out from the Earth.

Its base hovers above the ground.

The Five Element then come out from the base of the mountain. Fire essence, Wood essence, Earth essence, Metal essence and Water essence.

All of it is coming out and it seem to be waiting for something.

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