Lord Shadow

Chapter 591

Chapter 591: Merging (3)

He knows he embarked on a different journey than the other people on Earth in his quest for strength

He strives for perfection. And he knows it made him a little late in achieving breakthrough than other people. But once he breaks through, his powers multiplied a hundredfold than if he follows the normal path.

If it’s not strong, why would it be so hard right?

Azief also recognize that he is very lucky.

Some of the breakthrough that he had, he probably had to spend many more years than he expected if not for all the fortuitous encounter that he had over the years

Even in that formation of Disk it should have taken him longer.

And even now when he is forming law Bodies, it should have taken him even longer, maybe around thirteen to fourteen years but because he was included in the Demon Monkey scheme, he got some help.

The Temple and the energy of the world was used to help him achieve faster completion of his Law Bodies

That is the only real explanation why it took him only five years to complete something that should have taken him a decade

Though Azief don’t believe in luck. Luck could be seized and taken away. And in some cases, it could also be stolen…and given away

All of this luck, maybe this is also because of Loki efforts.

Loki for some reason keep wanting him to become strong and have been doing everything he can to make sure that he would.

There is no other reason for this other than his objective for coming closer to him. Azief could never forget what he said to him. That he in the future would destroy the Universe.

Azief knows Loki is not telling him everything. If that thing is destined to happen, wouldn’t it be the safest way to kill him? Yet, Loki for some inexplicable reason had never schemed to kill him.

Instead, he schemed to get him stronger, by all means possible, even if that means endangering the people Azief hold dear.

That is why he could never be completely at ease with Loki. Yet, in the list of people that Azief hold dear, Loki is also in it.

It is not he couldn’t kill Loki. It is that he doesn’t want to. And no one other than Azief and Loki understand why

Azief keep flying across meteor belts and space rocks, dodging them left and right as his speed increased even more.

Laws and Concept that swirls around him, unseen and invisible to the naked eyes is protecting him from radiations, cosmic dust and many other foreign elements that could change the makeup of human physiology

Thought, it is not very accurate to say that Azief is a human anymore. He had evolved. And when he steps into Divine Comprehension, he would evolve even more.

And each time he dodges and avoid these things floating in the vast space of the Universe, his mind is also making calculation.

What Azief is worried about now is the steps after this.

He knows that if he breakthrough to Divine Comprehension, there is another level of breakthrough which is Essence Creation.

He had a rough grasp on how to become an Essence Creation leveler but he is still not sure entirely.

Azief would not be satisfied just being a Perfect Divine Comprehension leveler. He also wanted to become a Perfect Essence Creation leveler.

He did not want to break the path that he is walking on.

Each time he breakthrough, the World Orb will fill his mind with new information on his path. Word Orb seems to not care which worlds you ended up in.

It still exercises it power over you.

Azief did not know this before but as he roams the Universe, he knows that there is not many object that shows such overbearing powers that could ignore dimensions, space and Time regardless of where you are.

Azief knows some things about the World Orb that most people don’t know. He believes that the World Orb is the All Source. Not its fragments but the true and complete All Source.

Azief had once went into a world full of people with abilities and there he got an All Source fragments. He turns it into his Disk and now he had turned it into his Law Body.

So, he could estimate how powerful the real All Source would be. If the fragments alone are that powerful, he shudders to think how much power the real All Source object possesses.

It is why he rusted the information that got into his head each time he breakthrough.

What amazing is that the World Orb would adjust the level of knowledge it gives to the people according to their path.

Like it was trying to minimize the mistake someone could take in pursuing their path. Strengthening humanity…. but for what reason? That has always been Azief biggest question.

He sighed and shake that thought from his mind

Azief had researched this ability of the World Orb and he found out that for each person, it is different information but also mostly the same.

What Azief means was that If you take the conventional path of breaking through, then the requirements to breakthrough is the same.

These people could never fight against people who is like Azief who could decimate the same people of the same level

The people that uses such method to breakthrough could be said, to be neutral, blank devoid of any distinguishing feature, since they have no color of themselves.

Their energy is simple energy and is not colored by their will or emotion.

Thus, they might have great powers and could intimidate those low levelers but when meeting someone who have their own path or someone who perfected their foundation they would not compare even if that person they fought is a lower realm from them

Of course there are some people who walk their own Path. These are people who Azief felt like a comrade in spirit, searching for their Grand Path, just like him.

When he thinks about these people, his mind would flash to Raymond, Hikigaya, Oreki, that person who control Time in the Republic, Loki and Katarina.

They all have their own path and they focused on only one disciple. Azief on the other hand, since he seeks Perfection, had to master many things and understand many Laws.

And the Laws he had to understand must not be laws that are too low leveled else the Perfection Path could never truly be complete.

Azief had to plan each step with caution because one missteps and he could ruin his chances and break down all of his past efforts

He shudders to think what kind of requirements that he needs to fulfil after his breakthrough to Divine Comprehension.

But since he chooses such path, he did not complain or regrets it.

Azief was thinking about this when he suddenly stopped for a moment. Floating in the empty space, surrounded by nebulous colors of some distant star, he saw a planet not far away from him.

The planet seems newly formed. There is only water and there is not even any life inside it yet.

But that is not the reason he stopped suddenly. He frowned.

‘It could even do something like this?’ Azief thought to himself. The reason he stooped is because he could sense some of his power in that planet josei

The Law Bodies had incited the formation of this planet in this hidden dimension. He is thinking about a lot of thing and he then look back toward that vague outline of the Supremacy Stairway in the distance and thought to himself

‘Did my Law Bodies truly incite a change to this Sealed Dimension? There is a Cosmic Law protecting the new planet. It could even do something like this’

Azief look at it for a long time like he was thinking of something. He then closes his eyes and then he shakes his head

Without saying anything he then flew once gain to his destination

His mind once again wanders thinking about Divine Comprehension level.

What he understands about Divine Comprehension is that if one person could obtain three Laws, whatever that Law was and gained understanding of it, they could charge through to Essence Creation

Of course one could obtain many Laws so that the foundation of Divine Comprehension leveler would become stronger and more firm

After gathering many laws and understanding it, then people would choose and breakthrough to the next level.

Azief believes that people have understood how important it is to have a firm foundation when attempting a breakthrough.

Even Azief when he is a realm below his enemies, he could still trash them.

It is not only because he is strong, but also because his enemies are mostly people who did not have firm foundation of their realm.

But Azief also knows that not all people could choose to do it like that. There is the matter of resource, energies distribution in some areas and also situation.

If you are being hunted by an Orb Condensing Stage and the only way to survive is to become stronger, then even if you could not firm up the foundation, some people would surely breakthrough to Energy Disperse Stage to stave off the current problems

And each person has different ways to obtains Laws. Some absorb the energy of the world and refines it. Others who had more peculiar abilities could even steal it from the Heavens and the Universe.

Azief himself had stolen some essence from the Heavens and he bets there are others that have such abilities.

Others could also have the ability to imitate it and also could break through to Essence Creation.

There are thousands of way to obtains Laws and there are thousands of path that one could walk on.

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