Lord Shadow

Chapter 593

Chapter 593: Tying karma (1)

He stepped on the first step of the Supremacy Stairway. This time there is no longer nay pressure around him forcing him to come down. He felt at ease and at the same time feels that the thirteen steps have acknowledged him

The moment his feet touched the first steps, he could see planets that have been nurtured by the power of the law bodies that stands on top of the Stairway.

He sees it from the eyes of his first Law Body.

He could feel it. It is a hard feeling to describe. It is abstract and the concept that flashed inside his mind is abstruse and complicated and as his left foot steps into the stairway a change had happened.

The first Law Body that Azief formed is none other than the Worldly Law Body. And in the first step, there is that gigantic Law Body staring at him.

But Azief could not find any hostility. The width of that first steps has transformed. Now the first steps were as wide as the circumference of a hundred Earth and standing there in the middle of that was his Worldly Law Body

His eyes are as big as the moon and something else shocked him. Inside the gaze of the eye of his Law body is sword moves. Azief could recognize it easily

‘Ah’ he said and then he smirks. Now he understands. His Law Bodies merged his comprehension of the sword arts in the Sealed World with their understanding of Laws.

And Azief could feel the energy of the world flowing around him. The Worldly Law Body formed from the worldly energy. It is formed from the energies that existed on Earth. With this Law in his grasp, there is no Law on Earth that could suppress him.

This is what it means to steps into Divine Comprehension. To become a true powerhouse in the galaxy.

To controls Laws and to be Divine. To be a God!

Azief smiles and then he comes closer to the Worldly Law Body. The distance between them is the distance of Heaven and Earth.

But the moment Azief wished to come near his World Law Body, the step responded to his wish and just by thinking it he is already in front of his Worldly Law Body

‘Return to me’ he said calmly and the moment he said this, the large Worldly Law Body exploded into motes of light and charged toward him. Azief opens his hand wide as he embraces that motes of light

In just a few seconds all of those motes of light was absorbed into him and he closed his eyes. Then he opens back his eyes

Then his energy surges up and he could feel his entire body rejuvenated. His eyes are so sharp that just by looking, he could cut stars and planets.

The light in his eyes was suffused by a sword will that is grand and could enlighten any mortal with superior form of swordsmanship

And this swordsmanship that one would comprehend is not the kind of swordsmanship that requires a sword. It is the will of the sword. The Will is important…not the sword itself. This is the hidden understanding in that gaze.

There is will of sword in his eyes. This is no different than when he kills those people without a sword.

Only this time he would use the Will of the World to cut them.

On Earth, unless Azief opponent is also in the Divine Comprehension level and comprehend Worldly Law, that person could not even contend against him.

He felt that if he waved his finger right now it could cut the stars around him and bring down the collapse of a planetary system.

He could feel that the system in his body, the interface system is cracking down. He does not know how to explain it but he could just feel it.

A lot of understanding enter his mind. All kinds of worldly laws revealed itself to him as he absorbs it.

It was like he is in his mind for thousands of years understanding each and every one of the Laws that is contained inside every world that spreads itself all over the vast universe

These only happens for a brief moment.

But for Azief it was like he was the one that was standing on the Thirteen Steps of the Supremacy Stairway, understanding and comprehending the Laws for hundreds and even thousands of years.

He felt like this knowledge does not belong to him but someone else. Then all the phenomenon in the first step dissipated and he stand there alone, straight and unbending

He then thinks about something eels as he tries to recover back his mind. His thought immediately went to his status window.

He did try to check his status window but it was to blurry for him to make the words before.

He knows for a long time that the status window is only a guide and indication of how strong a person is.

When someone power reaches a certain level, the status window could no longer make an accurate judgment of the level.

Azief too had understand a bit about this system that were meant to guide humans to quickly become stronger

One way to break away from the system is to become stronger than it.

And that is one way.

The other way if you find a path that the system couldn’t quantified or evaluates, a path that goes against its purpose or a path that suppresses the system

And maybe there are other ways to break away from it that Azief still didn’t know.

Azief had long known that many of the arts and magical abilities that appeared in Earth, the abilities and all of other tools the World Orb give humanity is derived from many alien’s civilizations.

So he was not surprised when he heard mythical monster appearing on Earth and people with mythological weapon showing of their weapons.

Even the system that they used is the same.

Before when he tries to check his status, the window status become blurred. Now he could feel it breaking bit by bit.

Azief is slowly becoming unpredictable and unquantifiable from the perspective of the status window of the system. josei

Even the system itself is a restraint that would halted many people from pursuing their path.

If you strayed from the path that the system had laid out for you and find your own answer, even if that answer led back to the system, it is still one own true path

It is those who find their Grand Path that will break through the restraint of the system.

The World Orb help humanity raises itself up in just one generation. But it also took a strain into the energy it had to provide to Earth

It is the World Orb that supported humanity but Azief also confirms many of his suspicion. There was that Fake World and the fragments of the World Orb.

Then there is the Will of Heaven who he fought against.

There is a reason why he did not stop running forward. Because he knows whoever become the first to break the limit, break the wall that is the system, he would be a true God like those Supreme Being.

And that person will be the one that dictates everything in Heaven and Earth.

And only one will sit in that Divine Throne.

Azief of course did not know this but Loki knows the future. He knows that even in that other timeline, where all is stacked against him, Azief was still the First Sovereign, the first one to break the wall of the system becoming level 100 and breaking the system.

He had also set up the Prohibition of Sovereign and decree Divine Laws and rule the world in a prosperous age.

He also was the one that gives permission to Raymond to attempt in becoming Sovereign.

Not only that, he also abdicates his position and let Raymond sit in the Divine Throne until the next selection for Sovereign.

No one understands why but only Sovereign understand why they yielded the throne.

Raymond also yielded his Divine throne to Oreki and Oreki to Hikigaya and so on and so forth. If there is one person that did not have the opportunity to sit in that Divine Throne, it is Loki the trickster.

Azief also dictated the few others Sovereign ascension after that though he remains in the background, like a dark hand guiding the era, like the matter between Jean and Katarina which eventually lead to Jean beloved Paulette death.

And the death of Paulette would one day trigger the War of the Sovereigns which he did not participated in until the death of Katarina the Snow Goddess.

In other words, Azief thoughts was not wrong. Whoever become the first one to break that system would then determine the course of humanity for eons to come.

And Azief preferred that person to be him.


Slightly longer chapter than usual. I will not be giving any spoilers of what happens this time. But if rad back in the previous chapters during the past arc, you coudl vaguely guess what the Time Crisis is all about.

To me, the Supremacy Diomesnion Arcs is all about Azief entrance to the larger Universe.

For him to see Earth is not the only planet and for him to widen his horizons. I do hope oen day I could show you teh Asgard on my mind but if I am too invested in that this story would be too long for me to write so had to cut that out from the storyboard.

Maybe later, when Azief story ahs ended I coudl make some kind of side story. Or better yet, a different kind of hero that lives in the Eight Realms.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the story. Leave some comments and dont forget to vote

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