Lord Shadow

Chapter 597

Chapter 597: Threads that connected them (3)

The closest he could express the feeling that he is experiencing is that he felt rejuvenated, refreshed and energized all at the same time.

Azief took a deep breath as all kinds of information about Runes and the Rune making enters his mind. He closes his eyes as he focuses and a moment later he opens his eyes.

The moment he opens his eyes, all the floating runes on top of the third steps all surged into him and Azief lifted his finger as he wrote something up in the air.

He wrote Life. And then he wrote Death. He wrote it using is language but because of the understanding of the Law Body it turns into runes.

And these runes trigger some kind of energy outside the Sealed Dimension.

It is a very ancient energy. It is the source from where all Runes originated. The Source of Runes come from the Etherna of Words, Xerergan

Like a beast that is awakened from its sleeps, that energy seeks its master. Azief of course did not know this because he is in the Sealed Dimension.

Then he waved his hand and the runes fly out from his hand. It looks like it travels slow but it moves in light speed velocity.

In just a few moments, it arrived at its target. Azief is trying to test whether he truly understand what his Law Body understand.

The two runes have two different target.

There are two planets that he saw and the Life rune went into a barren planets and the Death rune travel to a planet that seems to have formed seas and clouds.

The moment the rune of Life enters that barren world, a world that is devoid of life, a powerful Laws that disrupt the natural orders erupted inside that world.

To Azief shock, the barren world seizes the fortunes of the Universe.

And it transformed that world as the runes fused into each and every part of that world, gestating a life force

Grass suddenly sprouted, trees erupted from the soils as it reached the clouds, clouds were formed and rains fall down, filling the barren world with life.

On the other planet, that world that seems it will contain life a few trillion years later, the moment that death rune enters it, everything seems to wither like they were attacked by Time.

The entire world seems to age by trillions of years in a second and it slowly become barren.

The clouds dissipated into nothingness, the trees rots and withers, the seas dried up and even the sun around it seems to experience death.

Azief was astonished. He then understands how runes work

‘So that is how it is. The compression of meaning is one of the ways to utilize runes’

And he laughed as he took the next step to the forth steps no longer doubting the comprehension of his Law Body

The third steps immediately crumble into nothingness and another thread latched itself onto him.

And another change happened in the Omniverse.

The Destroyer which was sailing the stars at that time suddenly stopped. He was shocked and the Destroyer is rarely shocked.

As the Promised Day for him nears, he had more emotions. It was like the seal that have been weakening his emotion slowly unravels. He now had feelings.

Hate. Desires. Wish. Dreams. These emotions fill his heart and torture him so. Because there is also regrets and heartbreak.

One might never understand why a powerful Being like Destroyer have feelings. They don’t. They work. Creator creates. Destroyer destroys.

That is their job since the beginning when they were created.

And while the Creator is allowed to have feelings and emotion to better understand all creations, the Destroyer did not have to.

And since the beginning they never have.

The fate of Destroyer and the Creator is not something one should pity. Because they are only doing their job.

There is evil and good in creating and destroying. For others, such thing has the connotation of evil and good. But not for the Destroyer and the Creator.

And if this is so, why now Destroyer have these feeling? Because there is a secret that only a few Beings in the Omniverse knows

The Creator is human. Or at least he used to be. But not for the First Creator. To understand their history and why they have emotions, it all traced back to the First Rebellion by the Etherna

That is where all of the thing in the Omniverse started.

The Destroyer squinted his gigantic eye and then he tries to see where this thread coming from. But to his shock, he is unable to cut it.

The Destroyer stand still in space, emanating destruction that slowly affected the Universe he is in as everything swirls closer into destruction.

He then tries to find the source of this power and the knowledge shocked him. There is a complicated emotion in his eyes before he decided to continue sailing into the stars.

On Earth prime, someone got up from his sleep. He was inside a cave and he was sleeping hen suddenly the man got up from his sleep.

His eyes are black before it regained back its normal colors.

The young man is sweating and the moment he got up he frowned

‘This did not happen before. Perfection path? It seems there are other scheming in the dark. Hmm. Is this beneficial or is it harmful to my master?’ he thought to himself

This person is a young man. Outside the cave is perpetual snow falling down. This young man is in Russia.

The man is wearing fur clothing that protects him from the cold. At least that is what some people that saw him thought. Even if the world had changed, there are certain things people are accustomed to.

When in hot nations, you wear loosely and when you are in a cold country you wear thick fur clothing.

But Earth had changed and even the weakest person is at Orb Condensing Stage which means their resistance to cold and hot is higher than normal humans.

But the Earth had also changed. As the humans become stronger, Earth also become stronger. The cold increases and so does the heat.

So some people would use fur clothing enchanted by some wizards or being made with special effect imbued in them.

The young man walks slowly to the entrance of the cave. The cave is hanging just below a tall mountain that reaches the sky. It is the tallest mountain in the world.

That title no longer belongs to the Mount Everest. It belongs to the Ice Mountain in Siberia. Katarina surpassed her tribulation and uses her newfound power to create mountain of ice combining it with the earth making a true mountain to materialize from the ground

And the clouds above the mountain pour down perpetual snow all the time.

The young man breathes and the air coming out from his mouth could clearly be seen.

The young man was thinking of the vison he had just seen. There is one-part of his face covered by his long silver hair

When he met people, he introduced himself as Rafah. But he in truth is none other than Yewa Hafar, the last Acolyte of Dark Tidings

He just got words that something had changed and he needs to investigate it.

He did not want to leave this body yet since it would be hard to find another body. Thinking about it again, Yewa Hafar just shakes his head. He could not affect something that is happening in another dimension and a dimension that even his Master couldn’t penetrate with his eyes.

He had to think of other ways. josei

‘So, it seems Death Monarch will return. I must make more preparations.’ he muttered as he closes his eyes and let the cold wind assaulted his body


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