Lord Shadow

Chapter 613

Chapter 613: Inner universe (1)

His eyes once again experienced a change. His right eye had white pupils and possess the power of Life in it.

He gazes into one of the planets and wherever his gaze landed, life was born. Clouds’ were formed by magical power, rains fall on the ground, firming up the soil and fills it with life force, making it fertile and bountiful, grass rises up and fills the land and tree emerges from the soils.

Life become abound

The trails where his gaze landed transform the particles around it into a particle that would accelerate life and even create life.

On the other hand, his left eye is a dark pupil that seems to threaten to swallow you whole if you look at it for too long

it contained the power of Death inside it. Wherever it gazes upon, Death will visit.

Even the most life thriving place would experience death if he uses his Cosmic Law hidden in his left eye.

Around his body, Time flows differently and Azief tries to do something the moment he regains back his mind.

As he gained enlightenment about the Laws, he also had the enlightenment about using the Soul Law and the Cosmic Law together. He waved his hand and one soul in particular was brought out.

He then uses his Cosmic Law and then throws that soul into his Inner Universe.

That soul the moment it was touched by the Cosmic Law, it experiences rebirth and he was the first living beings in Azief Inner Universe.

A child was born out of the energy of his world. It is easy for Azief to create a body and mass of flesh. But it was not possible for him to create souls.

Which is why he choosing rebirth using the soul that he had already had. The child which is just a small baby floated down to the ground slowly.

The moment it falls to the ground, the clouds hover above him, protecting him from the sun, the rain and storm stopped and the grass grew taller to protect him from the cold winds.

The tree bowed unto him and all creation would protect him.

This child is the child favored by the Heavens. And who is the Heavens in Azief Inner Universe? Of course it is him. He is the Heavens.

‘It worked’ Azief thought to himself and then he smiles.

Now Azief Inner Universe truly have a life that have intelligence.

But the one living being in his Universe is alone in a world that is just about to come into existence.

So he sends his blessing to that soul as he would be protected as long as Azief willed it. He sent another soul into his Inner Universe to become soulmate with the first living being in his Inner Universe

Azief then thought to himself and smiles at himself josei

‘I saw you two lovebirds as two tragic souls at the end of your civilization. Fulfill your love in my Universe’ he thought to himself and then he left his gaze from his own Inner universe and once again he is there floating on top of the twelve step.

Azief then look toward his finger. He now, had returned back to his human form, no longer as gigantic as before

But the pressure of his power remains the same if not even more pronounced.

Azief instantly understood. This is because of the intermixing of energies

This is the Law Body that had absorbed the Tree of Life and his Seed to form its gigantic body

Death and Life intermixed creating a shining orb of white and black and turns into the pupils of the Law Body

That is why he had the white and black pupils on his eyes.

His fingers had purple and green colors, the purple symbolizing the rebirth concepts and the green symbolizing the Time Concepts.

Thus around the Law Body, these two concepts seem to be intermixing with each other. And the Law Body entire body is colored in five colored, possessing the power of the Elements.

That is also one of his Seeds.

His right palm is in reddish black color, possessing the power of Cosmic Destruction and his left palm is purple mixed with green color, possessing the power of Destiny and Fate

That is what have made him able to create a life in his Inner Universe. Combine that with his other eleven Laws, what thing in this wide Universe, he would not be able to do?

Azief then waved his hand and nine swords materialized in front of him

It is suspended din the air and each sword had a distinct aura and a different kind of energies and Laws.

The Laws that had been formed form the Seeds. That is what each sword represents. Each sword represents a Law of the Universe

The Law of Death. The Law of Life. The Law of Rebirth. The Law of Time. The Law of Darkness. The Law of Elements. The Law of Destruction. The Law of Destiny. And The Law of Fate.

As such, Azief named each of the sword correspondingly. Sword of Death. Sword of Life. Sword of Rebirth and so on and so forth

It had been created from the Seeds. It is a lower level kind of Laws since it did not come close to the Laws that he had cultivated using his Disk. When one said a Law is low level, it did not mean that the law itself is weak.

After all, the usage of Laws of the Universe depends on one comprehension and its usage

What it means by lower level is that it is further from the source.

For example, Aether power.

One of the ability of Aether is the power to manipulate cosmological forces. Since, many spiritual, cosmic and elemental forces is created by Aether energy and it binds them all together.

In this instance, cosmological forces are closer to Aether as Aether is the source of its creation. And so on and so forth.

If there is something below Cosmological force, like the weather manipulation or star energy manipulation, that means they are far from the true one source of their origin so it could be considered a lower level law.

As he had mastered the Cosmic power, it is nothing to turns his Seed into Nine Laws.

This Nine Sword that suspended in the air also emanated an aura of sharpness that anything on its ten kilometers radius was cut into particles of atom.

Like anything is being grinded the moment, its enter the radius of the sword

This is the essence of sharpness that he had comprehended in the Sealed World manifested in the understanding of his own Law Body.

The Cosmic energy around the twelve steps are all slowly being absorbed by him. Now, there is only one Law left and he would complete his objective.

Azief did not see the statue of that young man and he felt a little bit regretful.

Out of all the statues on the Thirteen Steps the statue on the twelve step is the only one he could not attribute to any of the powerhouses in the vast Universe.

Maybe that Supreme Being was also an existence akin to Azul, an ancient existence.

Azief just shakes his head and he looked toward the last step. There are only two steps floating in this Sealed Dimension now.

Each of the two step represent a realm filled with the Law that each Law body cultivated.

And even though the step behind him had been destroyed, there is still traces of them that remains. The effect it had onto this Universe was permanent.

So some part of this Universe had deadly aura and some have life force thriving all over.

He could see behind him scene of destruction and creation. He saw the space scarring in the distance and he could finally saw the effect of his Law Body that probably happen from a star system away.

And now at the end, Azief felt a little nostalgic. He smiles and then he took his last step. The twelve step crumbles almost immediately and Azief look behind him and he saw it again.

This time it is clearer than before

He saw a thread connected to him and he tries to grasp it, to see where it connected him or who he is connected to. But before he had the chance to grasp it, the thread disappeared.

‘It did not disappear’ Azief thought. It is that he couldn’t see it anymore and even if it was there, the concept was so mysterious and ethereal that Azief couldn’t even grasp it even with all of his speed.

He is now on the last step. Behind him, there is only darkness. Of course, if he could see further he could see some parts of the Universe is fil with bright light, the traces of his Divine Law Body

His last Law Body, is the culmination of all sources of power in the Omniverse. It is the Omni Law.

That is his reward as he walks all thirteen steps of the Supremacy Stairway. It is the ultimate Law body that could be created, representing Perfection

Azief also notices something as he walks closer to Perfection.

That the Supreme Dimension is slowly being broken.

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