Lord Shadow

Chapter 623

Chapter 623: The movement of the world (2)

Because sitting on the throne of the most dangerous and mysterious continent in the Earth is none other than Death Monarch Azief, the strongest person in the world. josei

That title had still remained in his hand even after six years had passed.

Even Raymond could no longer compete for that title.

That Stairway that comes from the heavens had made an impact in everyone mind that day.

It carved the title of the strongest in everyone mind.

In the eyes of the people of the world, unless Death Monarch is dead, then no one is qualified to compete for that title.

Six years and people still believe that Death Monarch will return.

Why would they believe in him so much?

Some people would only be gone for a day and some people would believe that they have died of being killed by some monsters.

But Death Monarch had been absent for six years but people still believe that he would return

What is the difference?

If one asked this to anyone in the world, there would be only one answer.

Because it is Death Monarch.

This is the same Death Monarch that always managed to return back to Earth. He even died and encased in an Ice mountain and he still managed to return.

Some people cited these as their proof that Death Monarch would return.

And while there is a lot of people like that, there is also another type of person that believes in the Death Monarch for a different reason.

The other reason was that they fear that if they not believe that and somehow offended Pandemonium when Death Monarch is gone, when Death Monarch returns they would pay the price.

At that time, there is no medicine for regret

The reason for this persistent fear is because of the history of people who try to fuck with Death Monarch.

Many organizations had made a blunder when dealing with Death Monarch.

The World Government had been thrashed how many times in the hands of Death Monarch because of this matter?

They couldn’t even retaliate after being thrashed down.

Each time that they believe that Death Monarch is dead or weak, Death Monarch would come out, prove them wrong and make them pay the price for their actions.

That makes many people cautious.

Unless, they see Death Monarch body in front of their eyes, they would not believe that Death Monarch is dead.

And many people had understood that for people of Death Monarch level six years is just a blink of an eye.

Thus even if they waited for a decade, people would still believe that Death Monarch would return.

There is peace in the world right now but however one would want to sugarcoat it, this peace will not last.

It is intended as a stopgap measure and it is reaching its expiration date.

Each continent ruled by the Seven Great powers had been conserving their strength for when the pot exploded and the fight for the world will once again begin.

And it is clear that peace is about to be broken from the signs of the years with league of Freedom recruiting soldiers and investing research in weapons and magic.

And they are not the only one. Each of the Seven Great Powers plotted against each other in the dark.

The most mysterious is of course that continent covered with fog and thunders, Pandemonium.

But the news that have come in the few days since that time ripple had made the whole world stood still.

As some people plotted in the dark for the dissolution of the Article law binding power toward the Seven Great Powers, the Senate of the Republic held an emergency hearing, headed by the Left and Right Chancellor

The front gate of the Senate was closed when all the Senator had arrived, heeding the summons.

Nothing comes in or out until the meeting on the Senate floor is concluded. And the Republic is not the only one making questionable move.

World Government Quorum council also held an emergency meeting with all the great personage of the World Government was summoned back to Island of Peace to speak about matters of grave importance.

And after that, a shock comes once again as some intelligence channels found out that even pandemonium is making strange moves.

The Golden Speedster had returned to Pandemonium.

After Loki took the throne of Pandemonium as regent, the Golden Speedster is rarely seen in Pandemonium, preferring to meddle in many great matters of the world wherever his heart felt like it.

Many people believe that the Golden Speedster loyalty was never to Pandemonium but to his sworn brother, Death Monarch Azief.

So, to get the news that the Golden Speedster suddenly meeting with the Trickster made everyone eyebrows furrows in confusion.

The Three Great Generals of Pandemonium halted their campaign of killing enemies of Pandemonium and also heed the summon by the Central Government of Pandemonium.

Lady Freya, the Valkyrie of the Battlefield, the Flying Berserk Cavalry General of Pandemonium flies through the thundering and lightning filled skies of Pandemonium with his ten thousand Berserkers soldiers, shocking the whole world.

In the six years of Death Monarch absence, Lady Freya and her twelve thousand soldiers fought against those who flouts the rules of the article of Distribution and also have a reputation of defending the weak.

Six years of foreign expedition and only two thousand people had died under her command after all that battles that she had participated.

It is nothing short of a miracle and shows her effectiveness in leading her soldiers

Her return to Pandemonium is a sign to everyone that this is serious matter.

The decree that have been left by Death Monarch was for the Three Army to punish any of the rule breakers.

It is by constant suppression of these flouters that the laws in the Article of Distribution could be enforced.

Some people decries that it is a violation of human rights to force them to follow a law that they do not recognize.

To that, Freya answered

‘Power is power’ and she will cut down anyone that disobey. With such unrelenting determination, who could last long against her?

And her level in the world stage is also not that low

She is in Disk Formation and such she could not attack freely in the battlefield unless another Disk Formation leveler also joins the battle.

Only then she could join the battle too.

As such, there were times when, the enemy commander or general who is also Disk Formation level decided to battle purely in terms of their strategy and not dare to enter the battle.

This is in line with the agreement of the Article of Distribution that Disk Formation leveler could not arbitrarily starts battle without any clear reason and especially in a war battle where most of the soldiers are Orb Condensing Stage

It would be an overkill to have a Disk Formation leveler to attack such force. It is like pitting a giant against a baby.

They did not want to face Freya Lightspear, the spear of light that Freya possesses and Freya herself is not some weak general.

When there is Disk Formation leveler interferen, only then she could run amuck.

The laws of the Article are also binding to her.

If not some people said that Pandemonium who wrote the laws also flouts off the rule. If that was the case, Pandemonium, the Republic and the World Government also loses their justification of suppressing others that did not follow the rules.

If Death Monarch was here, the matter would surely be different.

But precisely because he isn’t on Earth, that he draws up the agreement and ask the other great powers to enforce it.

Justification is very important for some people.

It might not be important for Azief but he knows it is important for some people.

For someone like Hirate, Boris they want to capture the human hearts.

And they could not be aggressive in doing it.

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