Lord Shadow

Chapter 634

Chapter 634: The coming storm (2)

Loki then sighed and he ask

‘How long will Antonius be gone this time’

‘A few days’ she said

‘It is a little bit long this time’ he said. She smiles and then she said

‘I know you were coming. And I got a hunch this time it would be a long conversation. I have some question that needs to be answered, and you have some question to ask. So, it had to be long. So we could talk all that need to be talked about and ask all the question we need to ask. And like I predicted, today, is a long conversation. No one is to disturb us today. Since this is the last time’

‘Hah’ Loki said, smiling, his eyes are a little sad. For a moment, there is no words traded between them.

The bitter taste of that herb concoction inside Loki mouth had also disappeared.

Then he asks

‘Yewa Hafar pawn. Did you know who it is?’ Erika thought for a few moments. Loki had asked her to look into it the second year he came. And she did try to look into it

She shakes her head

‘Whoever it is, that person is hidden from my views.

Loki just nodded. He felt a little bit frustrated at the lack of information but he too knew Yewa Hafar.

The reason why he is anxious about this particular chess piece in Yewa Hafar hand is that Yewa Hafar is trying to turn that Pawn into a Queen.

It means, this pawn is very important in the scheme of things

Erika saw Loki face and she said

‘You know Yewa Hafar. He has that Acolyte of Destruction abilities that could distort my vision. The more I try to search, the more astray the direction could be. You have to find that person the old fashioned way’

Loki shakes his head

‘He is sure not making it easy for me.’ He said

‘If it is easy, why would Time God sent you’

The wind blows again and the sound of ravens had rarely echoes inside the forest.

They have ben talking for around an hour. Inside their question are clues and hint, double meaning and probing. It is like a battlefield of words trying to know each other information.

‘Will’ Loki suddenly said. Erika frowned

‘I thought we agreed not to talk about him’

‘This is the last time I would see you. Let’s talk about all the things that needs to be talked about’

‘You could still meet me after the Time Crisis is concluded. Just not here because I would no longer be here’

Loki shakes his head and said to her

‘By that time, you might not be an old friend and instead be an old enemy. I don’t like you as a rival. And I like you even less when you were an enemy’

Erika did not say anything Loki took it as a chance for him to continue.

‘He is at Pandemonium right now’ he said.

‘I know’

‘You don’t want to see him?’

She did not answer and Loki continues

‘He might not see everything about the future, but he does see something between him and you’

Erika is still pretending not to listen as he continues

‘He had found a few of the Savi’krian Temple and his speed is more than enough to see something in the future. But the future he sees is a different future than what we see. In other words, he got the updated version while we are making plans using the old version’

Erika eye narrowed and she ask

‘Why are you telling me this?’

‘I just want to probe you if you intend to use him.’ He reply

‘And if I do?’

‘Then I have to stop you later’ Erika look at Loki and then she calmly asks


‘Not everything that is good for you, is good for me’ he answers. They become silent again. Loki no longer said anything about Wil. In the end, these are still their matters.

Loki felt a little bit sorry for Antonius but he preferred Will instead of Antonius.

But while that is the case, he also wanted to probe whether Erika is trying to take advantage of Will.

Maybe in that process of taking advantage the older Erika feeling would also become the younger Erika feelings.

That would be reuniting the former lovers again.

Their fate is tragic but that is only if they could not change it. If they could change it, there is probably a chance for a happy ending.

Loki himself don’t know why he felt this sentimental tonight.

Maybe because he had seen to many bad endings too count that even someone like him is dreaming happy endings for everyone.

‘Peace and prosperity to all living creatures’ he muttered under his breath and he laughs at himself.

This is so unlike himself. Erika on the other hand keep looking at the sky. The longer she looks the deeper the frown.

Loki then finally realizes it.

‘Why so solemn?’ He asks. Erika then said.

‘You want to know the answer to a question?’

‘Hmm? Which one?’ He asks.

‘You ask me before when Death Monarch is returning home right?’ Loki nodded. Smiling Erika answered

‘Now’ she said and the moment she said, like on que, suddenly a powerful pressure envelops the entire world was trembling. The clouds roiled up.

Lightning and thunder clouds gathers all over the world. On the other part of the world where it is sunny it was clouded by a sudden dark clouds of thunder and lightning.

Booming sound that could crack the sky echoes throughout the dividing line between the heaven and Earth.

The Heaven Will that envelop the world suddenly decrease. Everyone that felt it now have no doubt.

Death Monarch is returning.

Everyone knowns that the battle between the Heaven Will and Death Monarch ends in Death Monarch victory

That in turns had divided the power of the Will of the World.

One half went to the Heaven Will and the other half went to Death Monarch.

When he leaves, the Heaven Will restore itself and covers up the other vacuum of Willpower that has bene brought with Azief.

The moment the Heaven Will once again restore its power the suppression of the Heavens once again regained its power and tribulation lightning gained backs it full control.

But the moment that aura fills the world, the Heavens retreated and a new Willpower fills the world.

A new kind of thunders filled the sky and a new Will envelops the world and now even encroaching the Heaven Will influence over the world

For someone who is at Disk Formation level they need only a second to know whose Will is replacing the Heaven Will.

They all look toward the sky.

Some of them are on the part of the world where it is night.

Some of them are in the part of the world where the dawn just breaks and the day was just about to begin. But wherever the place is, they all right now look at the sky.

Loki eyes widened as he pointed at the sky.

Erika also look toward that direction. What they saw was a gigantic sword made of clouds swirling with powerful energy that could destroy the world coming down to Earth

There are Laws swirling around that sword.

‘What the hell?’ Loki shouted.

He quickly gets up from his seat and said

‘I need to return’ Erika nodded as her face is also anxious. That energy is reverberating all over the world

Today, all over the world everyone could see an unbelievable sight.

Before they could even calm their hearts after feeling that powerful pressure, they were shocked with the appearance of a gigantic sword shape that is heading down to Earth, cleaving up the sky as the clouds all dissipated in a hundred kilometers radius all over that sword. It was sucked into that sword.

This time, everyone no longer has any doubts. josei

The strongest man in the world, the ruler of Pandemonium Death Monarch has returned!


Finally the moment you are all waiting for.

This chapter shoudl be for tomorrow actually. So, there is not chapter for tomorrow.

I see how it goes. if there is not chapter tomorrow you could check Age of Heroes for a while. Because I already scheduled the chapter there.

Anyway, you have to bear it for a while….Hehehe

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