Lord Shadow

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: A world born anew part (2)




It was night. The sound of the owls could be heard. Strangely, the owls sound was comforting. Like a song.

A lullaby to sleep.

Under a large tree a man and a woman is sitting nearby a fire pit.

The woman was warrior like, with a bow as large as her back. She has long silky hair, and her face was as elegant as the moon.

The boy was Caucasian, blonde, tall and blue eyes.

His face could be considered handsome but a little boyish. But for some reason, there is an aura of mischief in his eyes, like he is always thinking of some tricks to do.

The woman was eating something resembling chicken but the meat seems a little chewy. While the man is eating skewered meat.

Then the woman looking at the man finally decides to ask the man a question.

‘Loki, do you have a plan to break her out? Because right now….we’re losing. I don’t like losing. And I don’t want to meet him two months from now, begging his help.’ She looks at him

Loki still eating the meat then looks at Sofia and shakes his head.

‘We have to wait. That’s the best answer I could come up with. The security around here is no joke. I told you didn’t I? That we should not have messed with that Metal Guy. I told you not to make a mess when the World Government invite us on their banquet.’

A few weeks ago, they were invited to the opening of the Island of Peace, the headquarters of the World Government when they encountered Arno from Africa that could control metal.

Long story short, they were involved in some kind of misunderstanding.

Not to mention Sina whereabouts were also revealed in that time which arouses the many factions in the World Government to capture her.

They tried to rescue her that one time but failed spectacularly.

Sofia clearly is not satisfied with this answer

‘Wait for what? And stop blaming me. It’s not my fault that the guy was so annoying. He kept wanting to see my bow.’

‘Opportunity. We’re waiting for an opportunity. Remember the last time what happens when we rush to the World Government headquarters without a plan? Not only you almost get caught, your weapon almost gets stolen. If I did not save your ass back then, you will be rotting in their prison right now.’

‘Ok, that is quite enough. If you only let me draw the Arrow of Slaughtering Sun then those armies is nothing.’ Sofia retorted

Loki smiles bitterly and said

‘Like I said to you, that Arrow cannot be used by you. At least not now. With your strength, that arrow will not shoot the way it’s supposed to.’

‘Humph. So what? We let the World Government have Sina? She might be tortured right now.

‘Tortured?’ and Loki smiles.

‘I don’t think so. I have got some information about what is happening in the World Government right now. It seems the Revolutionary Army and the World Government is arguing about Sina.’

‘What!! Why??’ Sofia said almost spewing out the content of her mouth.

‘What do you mean by that?’ she asked again.

‘Sina abilities is really heaven defying. You think the Revolutionary Army will let the World Government grows even stronger?’

‘How did the Revolutionary army knows about her abilities? The World Government knows about her abilities because of that two bastard generals but how did Revolutionary Army knows about it?’

‘I spread the information to them’

‘You what!!’ And Sofia stands up from her seat.

‘Did you know you are only endangering Sina more?’ Loki snorted and then answer back.

‘No, you don’t understand. What I did was increasing the chance Sina would be safe. Now, the World Government is stuck on a dilemma. Before nobody knows about Sina abilities, the World Government could torture her or persuade her to join the world government under the threat of death but now it will be hard-pressed for the World Government to do that.’

‘What do you mean?’ Sofia said as she sat back and looks at Loki eyes. Even now, she never understand the way Loki is thinking. His way of thinking is too twisted.

‘Now, if Sina refuse to work with the world government she can work with the revolutionary army. At least now, she has a choice and I think the World Government would rather use the carrot than the stick now. Not to mention since Sina could always pretend to be working for them concocting poisons instead of potion. Some of them are smart you know?’

‘But I don’t think the World Government will like it?’ Sofia said exactly.

‘And this is the point.’ Loki said confidently

‘The end goal is not that Sina will work with the World Government or Revolutionary Army but to create such a mass confusion that we can have our opportunity.

‘But what happens if they killed Sina?’

‘Then that will only increase the already tense situation between World Government and Revolutionary army.

‘You mean…’

‘World government might be powerful…..But they are not all powerful. Even if they killed Sina what good does it do for them? Its better they tries to persuade Sina rather than killing her. And even if they somehow believes that killing her would solve the problem, I believe a few of the members of the World government will advise strongly against it since revolutionary Army might not even believe them and choose to believe that World government faked her death to gain complete control over Sina miraculous abilities.’


‘There is more?’ Sofia said shocked.

‘There is still Raymond.’ And saying this Loki smiles.

‘What are you implying?’ Sofia said, her face turns cold.

‘The man was entranced by your beauty so much that he even lets you go from his Wall of earth. I don’t think he will let your friend get executed under his watch.’

‘You think too much.’ She said.

‘Am I? Maybe so’ and Loki continues eating. Sofia seeing that Loki want to drop the subject also resumes her eating while thinking of the many things that happen in this two months.

Loki is also pondering about something.

While he was chewing, he realizes that time has moved in a different direction then before.

In his timeline, Sina volunteered to join the World Government because he was chased by the Two Generals.

But in this timeline, she was captured. As he look at the sky, he wanted to ask…is the future already written.

Even though Loki changes some minor details in history, it almost seems like destiny, great destiny could not be changed.

Sina still end up at the World Government hands. Even though Azief fight an almost impossible existence, he still wins and manages to get the Universe orb. Can destiny be changed?

This is the question he wanted to ask. Can it be changed? Or is time immutable? A river that only ripples but always return to normal. A ripple that could not change the current of time.

Is his effort right now….pointless? He didn’t want….Sofia effort in the future to be wasted. He didn’t want the sacrifice of so many great heroes wasted.

Loki is selfish. He admitted this bad part of him. He is egoistical bordering on maniacal and very playful. But seeing the End of the World changes behavior.

Changes your own priority. Changes your perspectives on some things.

Loots. Gold. Items. Artifacts.

Those things that he bet his life for in the previous timeline, those things that he will not share, in this timeline he even gives it away.


Because he sees what has happened and what will happen. He has seen Hell…..and it was not a pretty view.

Then as he was thinking of this Sofia suddenly asked.

‘Who’s your contact?’

‘What contact?’ Loki said startled.

‘Your contact in Revolutionary Army. You must have contact if you could spread the information?’ Loki grin and then he answers with a smile


‘That bitch.’ She said gritting her teeth.

‘That bitch that saved your life.’ Loki said grinning.

‘I didn’t ask for her help.’ She grumbled

‘Maybe because you were turned to stone from the Medusa Stare.’

‘I could find a way to get out of the curse.’ She complained giving more excuses. Loki chuckles.

He never thought that the girl who will become the Divine Archer one day always like to grumble. josei

Well, come to think of it, he doesn’t even expect to see Arno too. The man who will one day ask for his help. Loki remembers the event as clear as day.

‘Yeah right.’ Loki scoffed

‘Why do you hate her so much?’ Loki asked

‘She is such a showoff. With her shield and her sword. “Here, I have Athena Shield. It could almost nullify any attack. Look, look, my Ares sword. It could cut even through Gods’ she said with Athena tone of voice.

‘Showoff’ she said it again

‘Hehehe.’ Loki laughed with that weird laugh of him that was bordering on an asylum escapee.

Which was creepy and annoying at the same time. Sofia felt that she wanted to punch Loki face right there and then.

‘Stop laughing.’ She almost yelled at Loki.

‘Is that all? Or is it because you lost to her at the Battle of Athens? I think that is the real reason why you are mad at her.’

‘That Pegasus should have been mine.’ She said as she bites the meat again and swallows it in one gulp.

‘Now, that’s a sore loser. You have the Houyi Bow that can destroy a sun. Why do you care so much about that Pegasus?’

‘A Bow that I could not use.’ She said bitterly.

‘And I see the Pegasus first. If not for that damn old Oracle finding where I was hiding, Athena would not have the chance to win the Pegasus.’

Loki could only smiles and then after talking about this and that, they were prepared to sleep.

The reason why they could sleep in an enemy territory is because they have the Grain Palace of Ten Thousand Earthly Beauties.

Loki call it the Grain Palace. Because the name was too long. Anyway, it is an artifact. It belongs to Loki.

They found this in Greece fighting a Giant lamia.

Anyway like its name, they could enter the Palace and the palace is as small as a grain. They only have to will it and they could enter.

They also have begun their plans to rescue Sina. And the first step that Loki was thinking is…..to China.

Yue Dynasty.

To get themselves a peerless General under Heaven. Thinking to himself, he smiles.


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