Lord Shadow

Chapter 650

Chapter 650: The closest person to heaven (2)

He still remembers some Time Wraiths chasing him when he was about to come out from the Time Tunnel

Thankfully he managed to get out before they could get near him.

He shudders to think about what will happen to him if he gets caught by a Time Wraith.

Even though he did not know what would happen when one got caught by a Time Wraith, Azief doubt that it is anything good.

He frowned a couple of times as his mind is taking all over the information his consciousness is feeding him.

It is like he is doing so many things at once with his mind, analyzing so many possibilities and sifting through all of these information that his mind could explode.

But maybe because he has level up to Divine Comprehension, he could take in all of this knowledge without having even the slightest headache.

Azief keep doing this as his Willpower spreads out all over the world.

He notices that some places are hidden from his Divine Sense

Some have arrays built around it that prevent him from penetrating it and some others have a way of diverting his Divine Sense.

While some others reflect the Divine Sense to other places, bouncing it off to the nearest area.

Azief smiles and think to himself that six years sure brings a lot of changes.

They become a lot of more creatives.

It is something that he had expected.

This new world they live in and the methods each person uses in this new world full of magic and special abilities is their new normal and as such humanity is slowly accustomed to it and begins innovating

Azief did not hate it. It is not like they created these things to stop his Divine Sense specifically.

These are methods that they used to protect themselves and their people from other people.

Though, he could guess that many of the other major powers of the world created such Anti Divine Sense measures probably not only to stop powerful experts of other forces to spied on them but also they were afraid of him knowing things about them.

For such places, he just sweeps them through first.

Since he is using the Will of the World to scan the world, he did not care that much.

Right now, he had no time to investigate these places since he had a lot of thing in his mind about other things

But he marked those places in his mind and maybe if he had enough time after this, he would pay a visit to those places to see what they are hiding.

One of the reason he wanted to scan the world with his Divine Sense is to find out about Will, Loki, Sina, Sofia and Katarina and all of his people.

His Divine Sense sweeps though Pandemonium and after making sure that Sofia, Sina, Loki and even Will was there he extends his Divine Sense to that Ice Mountain on the back of the Senate of the Republic.

Through his Divine Sense, eh could see that woman and her red sword and after making sure she is fine he seeks more and more people that he wanted to seek and confirm their existence

Of course, like always his Divine Sense could not sense Void at all.

He tried to scan the Island of Peace but the Will of the World seems to be melded into the barrier they erected.

Azief then divert his Divine Sense to other places.

He wanted to scans the existence of any other Divine Comprehension leveler. But he senses not even one.

Some of them are maybe hidden in some of those places where Divine Sense was shielded from them or maybe there is no other Divine Comprehension leveler which is absurd.

He also senses that the energy of the world is no longer as thick as before.

In some regions of the world, he could sense that it is thinning. It is not gone entirely and it is still being replenished by the All Source but the rate of the energy being replaced is slower

These regions no doubt is the site of people who breakthrough to another level and taking a lot of energy of the world.

It leaves a mark when one is breaking through. Azief was lucky that he had the Thirteen Step of the Supremacy Stairway to bear the energy consumption of his breakthrough.

If not maybe half of the energy in the world would be used to make sure he could breakthrough to the next level.

That would set back humanity development for decades.

He is probably right about that conjecture regarding the energy of the world. He could see that even the monster all over the world had decreased. josei

It is not like in the beginning of the Fall where monsters could be seen everywhere.

Nowadays, if one wanted to find monster, they either need to venture deep into dark secluded forest or high up in the mountain or burrows into dark damp tunnels.

With many kinds of way to protect themselves, humanity had managed to live with monsters.

Most of the titanic monster is usually hunted by people who wanted a breakthrough so for many people they could only hunt the low level monster.

Azief probably lived in the luckiest period of time to the eyes of the new generation.

Some children that was born in this period of time since the rise of many powerful people probably thought that if they were born during that time they could also rise up and become an earthshaking figure like the great heroes of the world.

It depends really on some people whether that period after the fall is really lucky or not.

Many people died and not all people become like Earthshaker, Thunder Monarch, The Ice Queen or Death Monarch.

Azief cut that consciousness that is trying to steer his mind from other important stuff and focus on the stream of consciousness that notices the pitiful numbers of monster

This probably had something to do with humanity having many champions to kill these monsters or that humanity had been stronger.

Or, it could also be the monster are growing weaker

And if they are growing weaker, then his previous guess was right.

Earth energy is slowly coming to a halt and the rapid promotion of level like in the beginning of the fall will probably not happen again.

Azief keep thinking of this matter while flying through the clouds.

Sasha is behind him and looking at him while slowly healing herself. She did not dare breathe too loudly for fearing to distract him

Sasha look at Death Monarch face and she felt uneasy.

She felt very happy when that sword came down and destroyed her enemies and she was happy to see her backer, but now that she is so close to him, she also felt a bit dread.

This is a habit she had formed since she works for him. She is the closest person to Heaven, people said


Because she was the one that Death Monarch trusted and allow to be beside him.

And because she is closer to him than any other person, she knows how terrifying Death Monarch really is


See you all tomorrow. hope tomorrow is a better day for all of us. And recommending Keyakizaka 46 Fukyouwaon (listen to the song while reading its lyrics. Pretty powerful words in the song)

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