Lord Shadow

Chapter 652

Chapter 652: The worldly matters(2)

Below them, half of that archipelago sink down into the sea while the other half is slowly following the other half descend to the bottom.

The sea water around the area rises up suddenly because of the tremendous impact of that destructive power and thunderous roars of lightning and thunder filled the Heavens above

It sounded like a farewell ceremony to all those souls of people on that archipelago.

Tsunamis formed and the sea wave moves wildly and then and only then Death Monarch finally fly forward, leaving the archipelago. He said only one word

‘Let’s go back’ the moment she said that Sasha could only follow.

Now that her superior is back, she no longer have to struggle to much.

She knows not all of the mission that Death Monarch entrusted her to do had been accomplished

but she at least she accomplished some of it., She did not like mediocrity especially in doing her job but the other task that Death Monarch give her was never meant to be successful.

Both of them knows it so they both were trying their luck. When Death Monarch said Let’s go home, there is only one home that he refers t. It is of course pandemonium.

Azief since then have been flying. But he is flying at a comfortable speed. He is not rushing at all. It was almost like he wants all the people in the world to see him flying across the skies.

Sasha had a guess. But she did not ask or try to answer her own doubts. She just followed.

Azief then ask her

‘Loki’ he said only one word to her and she understood what Death Monarch is asking her.

‘he ruled Pandemonium wisely.’ He nodded and there is a smile on his face. Then he asked again

‘Other than that?’ His eyes are glowing for a second. Sasha ignores it and then she reply

‘He seems to be searching for the Broker.’ Then after a few moment of thinking, she then said

‘Riana might have a falling out with him’

‘The Laughing Demoness. That is interesting’ He went silent for a while as he is deep in his thought. Sasha notices it but she also notices that Death Monarch is still waiting

She understood. His silence means that he wanted her to continue. With Death Monarch, there is this rule of communication between them.

There is big matters and small matters when she reported to him.

Most of the time, she sorted it out by herself.

But there are times where a small matter in her eyes is a big matter in his eyes and sometimes there are matters where she believes it is a big matter but it is a small matter in his eyes.

For small matters, Sasha only needs to do a brief report. The shortest report that she ever made about a small matter was one sentence.

Most of the time, her conversation with Death Monarch have always been brief and short.

That is because there are not many matters in the world that could be considered big matters in the eyes of Death Monarch.

But, this news certainly doesn’t feel like a small matter to Death Monarch. So she continued to elaborate josei

‘Riana seems to have some relationship with the Broker. When you sent the Three Army to capture the Broker, she was there. Loki does not seem to be the one that approve this. He might have known about them but he surely didn’t think that Riana would save the Broker. Azief only smiles and then he said

‘You think too little of him’

Sasha did not say anything but she frowned. Azief didn’t look back but he could feel that she felt dissatisfied.

‘Why did you not think that this is his plan all along? There is not a lot of thing in this world that is not under his calculations’

Smiling he said

‘he is a schemer and a trickster. Would it have surprised you if you are being tricked by him? He might have expected that Riana would save the Broker even if he objected to it’

Smirking he added

‘He might have schemed it like that so I would know that he is not the one responsible for the three Army failure to apprehend the Broker. Or maybe he is acting a play with Riana. Even if he did not act any play with Riana, who is to say that Loki did not expect that kind of development to happen from the moment he sent Riana to the Broker’

Storms thunder all over the skies as the waves below their feet grows even wilder.

The coast of Yemen, India, Pakistan, Somalia, is activating their tsunami barriers to minimize the damage of the impact.

The Maldives on the other hand is being drowned by the tidal waves

While all of this tragedy wreck the many nations that is around the Arabian Sea, these two people are discussing of matters of the world calmly, like the matter below their feet does not have anything to do with them

‘How could someone scheme so deeply in this world?’ Sasha asked. She clearly did not believe that Loki would have so many counter scheme

Azief heard Sasha words and he could only smiles bitterly

But Azief knows that Loki is not from this time.

As such, surface appearance could never be trusted when dealing with Loki.

What seems to be a disadvantage might be advantageous in the long run. People usually scheme in hopes of reaching a certain objective.

Most of them don’t even known how their scheme turns out until it is the moment to execute it and seeing it succeed or fail.

But with Loki, there is another variable at play which is Time.

With Loki a move that look like a feint might be an attack at a different time.

That is why Loki had an edge when scheming against someone.

Since he probably knows the future, he either guided his enemies to the destination he wanted them to be or throw them off course.

But he must do it in moderation else the Time Backlash will not be something that Loki could endure.

‘You think too little of him’ Azief said once again and he did not say anything more about that matter. Sasha also become silent.

Death Monarch rarely repeated his words.

But when he did, it means, he wants people to pay attention. And that is an ultimatum. He would not accept any objection.

That is why she too become silent and she just nodded silently, looking at that black cape that seems like death aura billowing from Death Monarch shoulder with understanding.

If Death Monarch said that she was underestimating Loki, then that means she really did underestimate the so called Trickster.

She could only nods. And Azief did not broach the subject about that again. Instead, he asked about that Laughing Demoness.


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