Lord Shadow

Chapter 655

Chapter 655: World gate (1)

Then Death Monarch asked another question

‘What about the world?’ he suddenly asked. By now they are about to arrive in the skies of the Indian Ocean

‘The world is large’ she replied. Azief laughed and then he asks

‘What about Antarctica, then? Why can’t my Divine Sense scan them?’ Antarctica was bestowed to the Order of Thinkers.

Azief had always pay attention to the Order of Thinker. He had never liked them and never trusted them.

That organization was to used hiding in the darkness. The reason why he gave that post in the Antarctica to the Orders of Thinker is to draw them out.

Sasha then answer

‘They have the Eyes of Heaven. It is an artificial artifact they created.’ Azief then smirk

‘Eyes of Heaven, huh? Interesting. How about Asia? There is some part of them that my Divine Sense could not scan?’

‘Lotus Order have the Lotus Palace. It had many defensive features and it is said each brick tile that covered the entire city of Beijing is carved with array formation.

‘Hmm’ Azief also notices that the other Six great powers also have some kind of defensive measures to guard against his Divine Sense.

But if he truly insisted in seeing thing, he would not only use Divine Sense that he control by using the Will of the World.

He could use Divine Sense infused with laws. Divine Sense is not only used to see thing.

It could also be used to pressure and even attack people. The prerequisite for such action is that the one executing such action must have enough power.

He is not interested in all of them. He sweeps the world with Divine Sense because he wanted to make sure that his Time Turbulence did not change any fates of the people he knows.

Time is a terrible thing to be entangled with.

That, and of course he wanted to seek the oracle. But he could not find her even with his Divine Sense. So, she must be in somewhere that his Divine Sense could not see.

Which makes it easier for him to find her.

Of course, if she is in some open space this would be easier. But, he does not want his desire to be revealed to the world.

He has his reason for wanting to meet the Oracle. And if the world were to know that he wanted to meet the oracle, then to the minds of his enemies, it would be better to foil his plan.

Azief was silent a she was thinking of things and then Sasha reported something else.

‘The World Government created the World Gate’ Azief broke out from his thought and he frowned.

‘If my guess is right, that gate function is pretty self-explanatory right?’

‘Yes. They too believed what you believe, Your Excellency. They also send a few Battlestar into space filled with humans. They called it Project Genesis. It is a backup plan in case humanity on Earth went extinct. I will report this matter to you later since the explanation is long’ Azief nodded.

Then Azief thought about the World Gate and then asked

‘The Orvanians and the Time Lords did not interfere with this matter?’ He asks.

Azief could guess what the World Gate is being used for.

For the many high ranking members of the World Power they all know that there existed a multiverse and other dimensions.

Even when the Orvanians first came to Earth and explain to them that there is a parallel worlds and Otherworlds to them, not many were shocked.

Some of them had probably even went to other worlds or sense that barrier between worlds and dimension as they grow stronger.

During their meeting with Orvanians, they were warned that traveling through parallel dimension and entering the multiverse without the proper channel would cause the barrier between worlds to become weak and fragile.

There is also the fact that each time such travel took place, the worlds involved would have their barrier weakened.

Earth prime was lucky in that it is supported by the power of the All Source Orb.

But damage it enough, and Multiversal Storm and Multiversal Singularity could happen which would create a multiversal disaster of catastrophic level

Thus, he is perplexed why the Orvanians would not seek problem with World Government if they willy nily travels through worlds and weakening the already weak barrier of reality of Earth

Sasha quickly explained.

‘The World Government created the World Gate on a multiversal rip’

‘Ah’ Azief immediately understand.

‘They could close and open this rip whenever they wanted’ Sasha added

‘That is impressive. Then there might be a Divine Comprehension leveler in World Government after all’ Azief said, his eyes are glowing with excitement.

Disk Formation on Earth is already an apex existence.

But in the vast Universe outside the skies of Earth, while Disk Formation is not low in the power level of the many beings in the Universe, it is still not the highest.

It is not an exaggeration to say that once a person reached Disk Formation, they are eligible to roam the Universe without worrying much unless they encounter some ancient beings that roams the many universes

Azief then said with an amused expression on his face

‘They could open the doors to multiversal world line then. That is why they probably named the Gate the World Gate. It seems that Hirate and Raymond could also see the crisis that is about to befall humanity and they are taking the initiative this time’

Sasha then added

‘It is impressive. But, to say that they could open it whenever they wanted is not quite accurate. They could close it whenever they wanted to. But to open it, if my intel did not disappoint me it requires many things to be done first’ Azief nodded.

Now, he understands why none of those Orvanians is messing with the World Government World Gate.

It is because they could maintain the balance and contain that rip. Azief believes that is not the only reason why Orvanians did not mess with them.

Maybe if any damage happens to the structural reality of Earth, they all would gather around that World Gate.

It is the focal point of damage.

Unlike certain damage in the real world, the damage to the fabric of reality is unseen.

But if the World gate become the focal point of that damage, attracting the damage each time it was inflicted to the world barrier and widening the rip, then the World Government could expand their choice of worlds they could go into.

At the same time, they could also monitor the damage to reality and exerted more concerted effort to contain it. An unseen damage could not be treated easily. But a damage that could be seen is easily cured.

Azief believes they also have some kind of agreement with the Orvanians.

If this was the case, then Hirate decision to host the Orvanians at that time might have been the beginning of the plan. josei

As the World Gate seems to have a function that enables it to be closed whenever the World government wanted it to, this kind of travel seems safe. And from what he heard Sasha said, there is certain condition to open it.

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