Lord Shadow

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: An acquaintance from the future part (2)

Then suddenly someone lightly tap Arno shoulders from behind.

Arno was so shocked he jump on the side and when he finally manage to see who was tapping his shoulder there he is.

A tall, lanky man wearing an attire that has its collar up and a tight leather jeans full with dark glowing ancient writing.

The man itself was not handsome but gaunt and seems to give the feeling of mischievousness and mischief glinted in his eyes.

‘You called?’ The trickster said with his smile curved upwards.

‘I want to make a deal.’ Arno said with his voice trembling.

‘Hehehe. Of course. Why would anybody call me other than making a deal? Not that it is an inconvenience. I like making deals. What would you offer me?’

Loki said as he moves around the cave, looking totally unconcerned of the fact that there is a horde of wolves outside the cave.

‘Hmm’ he said as he examines Arno body.

‘You don’t have anything valuable. Ah, I don’t want to make this deal. But that would be such a waste…hmmm.’

The trickster said to himself like he was contemplating whether he want to take this deal or not.

Giselle and Arno just look at Loki with trepidation. If Loki did not take their deal, then they would surely not live past this day.

It was then that Loki realizes the wolves and then his eyes squinted.

‘Death Wolves? You are being hunted by the Prince?’ He asked in shock.

Loki looks at this couple and he could not understand why the Prince would send his Death Wolves just end the life of some Disk Formation low level realm.

It was then that Loki smile got even more insidious.

‘What is it you want me to help you with?’ Loki said smiling.

‘The horde of Wolves. Made sure we are safe from them.’ Gisele said and Arno nodded.

‘Easy’ the trickster said as he clicked his fingers together and a floating parchment appeared out of nowhere and begin heading to Arno and Gisele.

‘Sign the contract and the deal will be complete.’

Arno looking a t Loki then sighed as he ask.

‘What is the price?’

Loki closes his eyes and then he said with glee.

‘A wish that you can’t disobey.’

‘A wish that I can’t disobey?’

‘A wish that both of you can’t disobey’ Loki said clarifying the terms while smiling like an evil mastermind.

‘What is the wish?’ Arno asks, his face shows that he is uncomfortable with the Price.

‘Uh..uh. Not now. Not now. When the time is right, I’ll tell you. Hehehe. This is fun. Did you finish signing?’ he asks as he keeps chuckling like there is something amusing is going on.

Arno decided he doesn’t like the sound of the Trickster chuckling.

It sounded like he is laughing at him. Probably he is. The feeling of powerlessness. This is how Arno feels when he confronted a Sovereign.

Even though, Loki demeanor was the farthest thing then an image of a Sovereign who could render heaven and earth apart, Arno could feel there is bubbling power inside that playful demeanor of the Trickster.

‘Did you finish?’ The Trickster ask agin.

They both nodded and then with another click of his fingers the contract disappeared.

‘Ok, now it’s my part of the deal right?’ He said while smiling mischievously.

Saying this he clapped his hand three times and then suddenly the howling outside the cave stopped.

Suddenly the place becomes quieter. It was like there was no one there. Like they were the only three people here in this large forest

‘It’s done’ the Trickster said confidently. And then he said.

‘One day, I will ask you to fulfill your part of the deal. Be ready until that time arrives. Don’t die on me, alright? Hehehe’

Saying this he twirled around and fades away in a green smoke.

Arno and Giselle were dumbfounded.

‘What just happened?’ Arno asked

‘l don’t know.’ Gisele summoning her courage slowly went to the entrance of the cave and she let out a shocked exclamation.

Arno also follows behind her but when he sees what is happening in front of him he was shocked beyond belief.

He sees in front of him hundreds of rotten wolf corpse like they dies a hundred years ago. The smell was nauseating but Arno also realizes that none of the wolves survives.

Loki fulfills his part of the deal. And so easily too. Is this the power of the Sovereigns? It is true that every Sovereign is an existence beyond human imagination.

Now, Arno could feel the vast gap between people like him and people like the Seven Sovereigns.

To think that it needs only three claps from the Trickster to dispel a horde of Death Wolves that could tear apart him and Gisele easily. josei

What kind of monstrous existence Sovereign is?

He shudders to think of the answer.

Gisele seeing the Death Wolves rush towards one of the wolves and kick the wolves until it turns into a meat paste.

‘Idiot wolf. Bastard.’ She keeps spewing curse word while relieving her pent up feeling of frustration by kicking the already dead wolf.

‘That’s enough, Gisele.’ Arno said as his face is pale with fright.

Giselle has also calms herself down.

‘What should we do now?’ Gisele ask.

‘What else? Let’s ask Raymond to shelter us.’ Arno answers

‘You think he will help us?’ Gisele said, not knowing whether to believe Arno words. This time Arno smiles.

‘He owes me something. And he doesn’t like owing anything.’ Then they began leaving the forest and teleport away from the place.

On a tall forest, Loki was sitting on a large branch, his feet was dangling as he look at those people teleporting away.

‘To think that the Prince even seal Teleportation Formation inside the forest to capture those two? What secrets do those two possess that the Prince wanted to catch them? Hmmm’

Loki said to himself as he rub his chin when suddenly the clouds covering the moon suddenly turned darker and then a dark lightning struck the large tree where Loki was sitting.

The moment the thunder struck the tree, the tree dissipates into nothingness. Loki already turns into a puff of smoke by that time and can be seen floating a hundred meter from the tree position.

‘Whoa!’ Loki said as he looks at the sky

‘That is harsh. Hehehe. Did I ruin your plan?’ He said while chuckling.

‘I guess it’s time for me to leave’ Saying this, Loki turns into a green puff of smoke and disappeared.

In the Darkness, there was a pair of eyes looking at the scene and then with a complaining grumbling he returns back to the darkness.


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