Lord Shadow

Chapter 660

Chapter 660: Everyone had gathered (2)

One of the most powerful formation that even the many elites from the Six Great Powers dares not face was actually dissipated by a wave of Death Monarch hand

Maybe this is the small matter.

Sasha when executing orders on behalf of Death Monarch always said to the enemies she killed that the reason why Death Monarch did not personally take action because to him, some things are small matters.

To others, big matters might actually only be a small matter in the eye of “that person”

Like that archipelago in the Arabian Sea and the formation that protected Pandemonium. All of this probably only a small matter that does not weight that much in Death Monarch mind

And like always, every action of Death Monarch would be analyzed by all the people of the world.

Why would Death Monarch destroy the formation? Why would he not just order people to open the formation for him?

Why would he go so far to wave his hand and destroy the protection formation?

It is like Death Monarch is declaring to the world, that since he is back, Pandemonium will accept people once more.

Is that his intention? Who knows? But many people that are watching the scene believes it to be so.

Without the thick white mist and the thunder and lightning harassing people that intends to come, people who wanted to live and rest under the large shadow that Death Monarch had cast all over the world would surely come to Pandemonium.

Of course Azief had never cared about the opinion of other. He looks behind him and then he asks Sasha

‘I never needed the key in the first place. And Pandemonium never needed that formation in the first place’ Sasha only smiles as they enter the skies of Pandemonium

Now, Pandemonium no longer have any protection formation that protects them.

Everyone should be shocked but no one could say they are since the people of Pandemonium is entirely at ease.

Because everyone knows that Pandemonium had never rely on that protection formation to be recognized as the strongest world force in the world.

It is because Death Monarch is in Pandemonium that it becomes the strongest force in the world

That is the source of their power. It is not some protection formation that Azief had left in a hurry that protected Pandemonium from invasion and made all heroes look upon Pandemonium with awe.

It is his name.

The Arrayist Sage Sangmin once evaluate the protection formation of Pandemonium and he said it was crude.

But he also said just because the formation is very crude did not mean it is easy to break

The reason why he said it was crude because there is no beauty at all in the formation that Azief had laid out. It relies only in brute strength. That is why it was called crude.

But he never did say that formation is the strongest formation in the world. Even if it’s a weak formation no one would have dare to attack Pandemonium unless that person is Void

Azief no longer hesitates to move forward as Pandemonium is now opened. The energy shrouding Pandemonium scattered and fused with the energy of the world

Azief and Sasha flies over the sky heading toward the Center Palace. Sasha follows as she shows a complicated expression.

But she did not question Death Monarch.

In the sky, two black dots could be seen splitting up the clouds and leaving clouds trails. Every resident of Pandemonium could see it clearly as they all look up toward the sky

The moment anyone from Pandemonium spotted that black attire figure up there on the clouds, they all kneel to the ground and prostrate in the direction of the Centre Palace.

They all cheer and that cheer sounds like some kind of holy prayer.

In the Centre Palace itself, many people are waiting. They all look solemn. Loki has stepped down from the throne seat and stand on the right side of the throne.

He shakes his head

‘He could not even wait for me to bring down the formation and straight up destroy it. Sheesh. He becomes even more impatient….and also more powerful. Haish, Erika would have a headache this time’ Loki muttered to himself.

Loki had senses Azief was coming and he was about to order Shinji to open the formation but who would have thought Azief would be so quick and tear apart the formation with only one wave of his hand.

The Golden Speedster Will was waiting for Azief return come out from his cave. He had been residing inside a cave to digest the knowledge he got from his teacher.

The moment he felt that energy come inside Pandemonium he got up and look toward the sky.

He saw the black figure up there in the sky and he smiles.

He thought of the first time they met and he laughs. Then he kicks his feet forward. A golden burst of light distorts Space and Time around Will body.

Wind was generated creating a gust of wildly thrashing wind shears that cut around the surrounding as he runs forward

The moment he moves Will quickly flashed by through sceneries and then maintain his speed on the ground following Azief speed on the sky.

Now, if one looks at it from the sky, there is two figures up in the sky splitting clouds and leaving clouds trials and on the ground, there is a golden light following that clouds trails.

Azief who was in the sky look below him and he smiles. He felt like he was back on Earth Two again and he was Hyperion and Will is the Dark Speedster

‘Will’ he thought to himself as he flies even faster and the golden lightning keep following him. If one could look at Death Monarch face right now, they would be shocked.

He is smiling right now

Meanwhile, the people inside the throne room could sense another energy bursted out. They all looked toward that direction. josei

Even though they could not see it, they could sense where it came from. It came from that secluded cave.

the Golden Speedster Will has also come out.

The people inside the room felt more nervous. The Golden Speedster had suddenly rushed to Pandemonium a few days ago when the Time Turbulence first happened.

At that time, he convinced the Central government, the Three Army and the operatives to return home.

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