Lord Shadow

Chapter 670

Chapter 670: No regret (1)

From what Loki had remembers in their conversation when Azief was the God of Death and he was the God of Deceit, he said in the vision, he saw himself getting betrayed.

But of course, in that timeline Azief did not ever reach Perfection Path and did not walk the Supremacy Stairway.

As such, there is no such thing as a Time Turbulence that happens that alerted the world.

And he didn’t saw the vision like he did now.

Instead, Azief met with the Oracle in one of his journey and he forced the Oracle to look at his future.

This timeline now is different. The Oracle Erika had even come to Pandemonium to read the future of Death Monarch but he rejected her.

Of course, Erika herself at that time was prompted by her own curiosity.

Because the past had changed, the position between the two had also changed.

That Timeline where he came from could be considered the Prime Timeline.

To stop from that timeline to become diverged and let others take advantage of that Jean had erased that Prime Timeline with his godly abilities and then sent Loki to the past using memories.

That is why Mind Master was also needed and why Loki could never let Azief kill Hirate during that confrontation in the World Government.

Hirate might be someone that Azief doesn’t like but he is useful and Loki even considered him as comrade in the future.

Of course, this Hirate in this current timeline is still not that mature and prioritize his World Government than the world.

Loki once again sighed in his mind.

A lot of things had change and a lot of people that should have died is alive and people who should be alive is dead.

In some stories, such alteration to fates and destiny would surely create a humongous butterfly effect that compounded and keep compounding until the future is so murky and full of uncertainty that everything could possibly happen.

In such cases, even oracles and Norns could not divinate the future. They probably would not have any backlash if they try to peer such a future because there is nothing they could see.

Sometimes, divine beings would do such a thing to murky up the future so they could do their schemes.

Since Loki was once such a divine being, he also knows such a trick of tricking fate and destiny

But not Azief fate and not the fate of the Universe seems to had any change. He knows that this method would not work against the fates and destiny that is about to descend to the Omniverse

Things changed a bit but the general direction did not change.

It is like Loki is putting up blockade on a road and the car just took the offside road. And it still heading to that destination in the distance.

It is like throwing a stone into a sea. It ripples on the shore but the ripples could not affect the entire sea.

Anyone else would have surrendered in front of such a stubborn fate. But Loki did not because he knows from the very beginning how hard it is to change this fate.

This is because Azief fate is a strong one. There is strong fate and there is weak fate. The weaker the fate and destiny of a person the more susceptible it is to change.

And the stronger the fate and destiny one had, the harder it is for anyone to change it.

And is there any fates and destiny harder to change than a fate of someone who had reached the peak of the Universe in the future?

A Sovereign fate and destiny is always strong. There is also the fact that most Sovereign would make his past so murky and inaccessible for others

The reason for such things is that they worry their enemies would travel to the past and try to kill them when they are weak

That is why the fact that Jean could erase a timeline was so unprecedented.

The past is especially guarded by great magic that could not be easily unravel.

There is the fact that many great figures of the Omniverse usually lay an enchantment on their past to make sure that no one would go back in time to change some things.

Thus, time travel by magic is hard and almost impossible

peering through it is a more probable task. But trying to turns back time in a world full of magical energy and have powerful beings there, it is almost impossible.

But Jean did not turn back time specifically.

He erases an entire timeline out of existence making it appears like the future they lived in is nothing more than one probable future.

An altering time storm ravages the entire Omniverse in that moment of erasure.

If it was anybody else, they would not do such crazy thing.

But Jean did it. He knows to send Loki to the past would be hard since all Sovereign had made sure that their past is impossible to traverse too.

And that even include Jean who had made precaution of people messing with Time.

It is also the same reason that doomed Jean to be unable to return to the past where he could save his own lover, Paulette

There is the fact that Paulette death was the trigger that enables him to finally break through to Sovereign level.

If Paulette did not die, how could he be able to become Sovereign? How could he take the last step?

But it is because Paulette death, that it also become a trigger for the War of the Sovereigns. Loki recognize the irony of such event. In the end, Paulette still had to die.

When one lives long enough, all stories seem the same.

Only the character is different.

It is no wonder that after almost eight hundred years, the God of Death doesn’t seem that affected by the death of people.

He even welcomes some of them to his realm. Because in his realm, they are eternal

Because he sees people lived and die, the flowers bloom and wither.

He comprehended that everything that lives had to die, that there is a balance that need to be maintained.

And the only way to break that balance is to become strong enough to resist death. If they can resist it, that is their fate and destiny.

Jean had done just that.

At that moment when he erases the Timeline, his grand Path illuminated the entire Omniverse, rewriting the code of reality like an editor erasing a few sentence out of a writer manuscript, changing an already predetermined ending.

At that moment, he nearly Realize his Path and instead realizing and actualizing his own path, he sacrificed that moment of clarity to make sure that the ending is changed.

That is how hard it is to change that code of reality of all the worlds, realities and dimension that existed throughout the Omniverse.

Jean knew that it would not be possible to send Loki with his body and power back to the past.

Because they knew no matter how powerful Loki could become in the years that would follow after the fall, Loki would not be able to stop the final Battle from happening.

And no matter how many treasure that Loki could find and strengthen himself with, he would not be able to win in that Final Battle.

The only one that is able to win the Final Battle would be Azief.

They believe in it not because they believe in Azief or his prowess. They believe in it because Azief is their only choice.

Thus Jean took a risk. josei

The only way to circumvent that great magic is to erase all of it completely and they also have to put trust to him, the Trickster God to do what must be done.

A hope of an entire Omniverse is burdened onto Loki shoulders.

If Loki told those three people right now that in the future, Jean, Mind Master, The Divine Archer, these three people that do not even trust one word that come out of his mouth that they would risk the fate of the Omniverse to him because they trusted him, those three people would surely laugh out loud

The reason why is because taking such a bet would also be risky for Jean

Because since Jean erased the Prime Timeline, and send Loki back to the past, Jean himself also put himself in a disadvantage.

If Loki betrayed him, then it would be easy for Loki who have the knowledge of the future to kill him in the past and stop the rise of the Time God

There are seven Sovereigns but there is only Six Great Era. It would not be surprising that Loki would be envious.

Loki could even take the chance to make himself the main character of this great sage, to become one of the first Six Sovereign before they ripped apart the Will of the World

But Jean the Time God, Hirate the Mind Master, Sofia the Divine Archer still trusted him.

Those people who did not fight in the final battle didn’t understand. The Final Battle was actually anticlimactic.

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