Lord Shadow

Chapter 673

Chapter 673: Status (2)

There is thousands of ways and myriads of path of reaching the apex. But seizing fortune and luck would certainly also be one of that thousands of way and myriads of paths.

He sighed again. He took a seat on one of the chair on the corner of the throne room and try to think if he had missed anything else. josei

He rubs his temple a bit since his consciousness is slowly returning to him, giving him many information all at once.

There is many question he wanted to ask Loki but right then, there was only one question that matters.

He had learned the Oracle whereabouts and had also learned that the oracle is probably anticipating him coming to her.

His eyes narrowed when he thinks about this matter.

This Oracle must be quite important if Loki keeps tabs on her.

Azief knows to fight with someone armed with the knowledge of the future would not be easy.

But Azief could still discern how important someone is to the future by looking at how Loki treat them

And as for why the Oracle could anticipate him, Azief was not that surprised even after hearing Loki words.

When one thinks about it, it is not surprising since the Oracle is the Oracle.

It is her job to see the future. It would surprise him more if she could not predict him coming t he because that means she is a hack.

He sighed again. At times like these he would like to have a cup of coffee. How many years had he not taste a sip of coffee?

Azief himself chuckles at the thought.

For people of his level, they don’t even need to eat or drink. Their biological process has also changes.

But he still craves drinking some coffee.

He could have ordered someone to make him coffee before but he had come into the throne room, thunder blazing.

But how could he break that image of power that he had cultivated by asking one of the Keepers to make him some coffee?

That would surely be a joke.

But now, since the meeting is over and many matters has some solutions, he began craving some of that tasty aroma.

Maybe this is also side effect of the evolution of the World Orb. You become attached to some habits, like a habit strength phenomenon.

Love becomes more passionate and hatred becomes more intense and a habits becomes like an addiction.

If there is one thing, he likes about his current physiological condition is that he would no longer felt his stomach ache after drinking coffee.

Yes, out of the many secrets he had told Sofia, this is one of the secret he did not share. It is an insignificant secret and not important at all.

He just found it embarrassing. He likes coffee. But he always had a stomach ache each time he drinks it.

But he drinks it anyway. It is as pointless as Sisyphus trying to push the rock to the top of the peak.

‘Heh. It seems even I myself is not immune from such mundane thoughts’ He takes a deep breath, close his eyes and then exhale and slowly opens his eyes.

This is the method he had always used when he wanted to focus.

His mind went back to the crux of the problem.

The problem is simple. It was that he didn’t know what choice he would make after seeing what he should see but he is sure Loki knows about it.

And that fill his heart with unease.


He rubs his temple as he is slowly discovering more and more stuff slowly erased from his mind.

‘Who should I meet next?’

Should he go to Will first or Sofia first? He thought to himself

Sofia is waiting for him and Will is also waiting for him.

His emotions are roiling and his mind could not forget so he did not think that it is wise to meet Sofia right now.

Else she would notice.

He sighed.

He knows why he is rubbing his temple and why he felt so uneasy.

He almost laughed ta himself. It has been such a long time since he felt this feeling that it almost felt foreign to him.

The emotion he is feeling right now is fear.

There are not many things in the world that would make him fearful.

He was not fearful even when he is stranded in some Sealed Universe

But he is afraid now. He is afraid of himself, of what he is going to see and what he is going to do after seeing it.

‘I need to see Will first’ he decided. There is some question about Time he needed to ask. But that is not the only reason he wanted to meet Will.

In the vision that he saw in the Time Tunnel, Will was also there.

He told Loki that in his vision he saw himself getting betrayed.

But he also saw him betrayed people. And he doesn’t know what happen that leads to the vison he saw but saw himself fighting Will.

And he needs to know whether Will had seen such images before. Will is a Speedster. If there is one thing that these Speedsters always get involved with it is Time.

And he also wants to confirm something about what he thinks the best possible reason why he in the future would try to kill himself during that time in the limbo.

He had his own hypothesis of why that happen. But he needs confirmation

He had made his decision but he did not immediately speed himself off to the villa and meet with Will

Since he already made his decision he also had time to calm down.

He first needed to check his status window.

He had never checked his status window since he got back. He did try once when he is inside the Time Tunnel but it didn’t work at all.

The status window might show more information now that he got back to Earth Prime.

After all, this system was given by the World Orb and now that he is in Earth prime the energy of the All Source fills the world

It might be thin is some parts of the world but it is there nonetheless.

He then thought to himself and the stratus window once again appears in front of his eyes, hovering there above the air.

Azief smiles a bit and then said


He notices that his race had changed and also many other info about him has changed like his class which is the most important part of his identity

The Fame table had also been erased.

Then he looked at his status table and see the many changes in his status window.


Lord Shadow is actually nearing its end. Though to say it will end in a couple of month would probably be stretching it. one could say that it is nearing its end but not quite near as one would thought or as quite far as one would thought

I’m trying to tie up soem loose ends, reveal some things and prepare for the events that would follow the conclusion of the Time Crisis.

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