Lord Shadow

Chapter 722

Chapter 722: The beast skin letter (2)

The letter is made from beast skin. But everyone could feel that the beast skin itself possess some trace of monster that is probably around the Disk Formation level.

How luxurious, they thought to themselves. Death Monarch uses the beast skin of a Disk Formation leveler to wrote his letter.

A Godly rank monster is the same level as a Disk Formation leveler prowess. They are hard to hunt and harder to kill.

Each of the organ of such a Godly rank monster would fetch a high price in the market and auction houses. Even their blood could increase one stats and one constitution.

Its skin could be used to create powerful attire that could reduce damage done by weapons or artifacts.

Only someone as powerful as Death Monarch could use the skin of such monster to write words.

The beast skin has some words written on it.

Then another powerful pressure comes out from the letter. They could feel the weigh that is coming down on them.

Like they are being pushed down by a mountain over their heads.

This time everyone could feel it. They could feel their life force is being drained and premonition of death could be feel in their hearts

Then the words float off from the beats skin. The beast skin falls listlessly toward the cracked tile floor.

And then they could see what Death Monarch had written on the skin.

‘It is rune’ Eric said, his eyes try to see the abstruse mystery contained in the rune. But then he shakes his head and muttered silently

‘No, that is not a rune’

Even Hirate was shocked.

‘Runes’ he muttered.

Even though he did nots study runes, he knew such art does exist in this world. Since he also knows that one of the alien civilization that send the World Orb to Earth is Asgard.

Asgard is not a myth. It is not some tall story. It is real and it exist. And runes are their means of power and their mystical arts.

Death Monarch Azief rarely shows all of his power.

To the people of the world, Death Monarch power always come from his fist. He fought like a warrior and not like a mage so some people wonder if he has mystical arts.

Today, they know.

But they were wrong about one thing. It is not runes. It is symbols. It is understandable why Hirate would confuse it for a rune and why Eric was not confused about it

Hirate did not study runes and as for Eric, he is the member of the Order of Thinkers.

What Hirate thought he knew about the world, the Order of Thinkers probably know better than him.

But it does appear like a rune.

The moment the symbol reveal itself the Earth trembled.

Outside, the mace in the sky, Sharur, shot off thunder and lightning toward the sky but it was like an ant trying to stop the impending rain from the sky, it was useless.

The Heaven holds all the thunder and lightning. How could a thunder that came of a mace could match the power of the Heavens?

And the mace is quickly being pushed down.

The contest of strength is concluded. The force from the sky wins

Before the symbol was unlashed, the mace could hold out.

Before, the mace is pushed inch by inch, now it is pushed meter by meter and the rate of the mace descent is faster than before.

And as it is being pushed down, the harder the pressure of the force coming down on the island.

It was like hand from the hemven is slapping down the mace back down to Earth.

Not to mention, with the symbol power being unleased inside the Hall, even the Earth is rebelling.

Heaven and Earth is now angry and as such thunders and lightning fills the sky with furious anger and the Earth is trembling and quaking.

Dark clouds, thunder roaring, lightning criss crossing and the waves of the seas goes wild. The soldier does not know why suddenly the Island of Peace is being attacked by nature.

They all suspected it is not natural and it is manmade. They expected an attacker. But from the beginning, there is no one showing themselves.

There is nothing more frustrating than fighting an unknown enemy.

Though, there is only one name come to mind when they thought of who had the guts to fight with the World Government

“That Person”

But if they knew that all of this happened because of two words from a letter, they probably would be to shocked to say anything and dampen their morale to keep fighting.

All over the Island, the soldiers are trying to calm the people and clam themselves down.

It almost felt like the Island of Peace is the verge of collapse

The laws of Space are being folded by a powerful pressure.

All the protective formation that is around, over and above the island of Peace slowly crack and then exploded into motes of energy.

The protection by the mace would not last long now

Inside the Hall, everyone expression is no longer of shock, but of fear. Did Death Monarch wanted to exterminate them all and become the overlord of the world?

Would they all die today, because of one letter?

They would probably become the butt of a joke if they die in such a way

They all could feel the sense of overwhelming danger rushing forward toward their body. They could feel that it come from that symbol.

If not for the fact that the Laws around this hall was changed and not allowing them to get out and teleport themselves out, they would long ago go out.

All inside the hall, everyone had different response to the pressure.

Nunurai is the closest to the symbol, so his condition is the worse with him pale all over and his body is all trembling. One could see directly how his vitality is being drained off and aura of death surrounded him

Among those in the Hall, Eric is the weakest, so his white robe is already red because of his coughed dup blood.

Narleod is gritting his teeth and holding the handle of his seat so hard that it is only a matter of time before that seat exploded because of the pressure.

Emperor of Wei on the other hand is regulating some kind of energy force field around his body.

But one could see that the force field is disintegrating like a small branch of a tree caught up in a violent windstorm.

As for Boris, one could see that he is holding back from coughing up blood and he could not move even an inch from his throne seat.

Sweat is filling up his forehead. His entire body tremble like he is being forced to stay where he is by some powerful pressure

All around the dome like structure, the Hall is on the verge of sinking upon itself.

Hirate at least could move because he had been prepared that Death Monarch might do something to the letter but the others were not so lucky.

Like they were being seized by fear could not move their body. And they all understand why they could not resist that pressure even though many of them are Disk Formation leveler.

They are like a boat caught up in a terrible thunder storm with winds and thunders and lightning battering them down.

The manipulation of Laws.

This is the reason why a true Divine Comprehension leveler is fearsome and why others are like ants when facing a true Divine Comprehension leveler.

The letter contained only two symbol.

It is the symbol of life and symbol of death. The symbol is written to intimidate and to be fearsome

The pressure that came down from the Heaven and came up from the Earth is because Azief vitality is inside the symbols.

The symbol corresponds with the Laws of the world.

When Azief check his Ring of Eternal symbols he did thought to himself and he thought it would be pretty badass way to intimidate people in the future.

That was his thoughts when he found out that his rings now become more powerful and open up more abilities for him to use

Not even a day had passed before the Six Great Power try to find trouble with him. It was like they were serving themselves up in the platter to become guinea pig to his newfound ability

When he found out that the Six great power wanted to find trouble with him, Azief only snickers.

To him, his act of killing all of those people is righteous and just. The Crime Alliance commits all kinds of evil things from simple thieving to human trafficking, slavery rings and killing and murders and all manner of dark and evil things.

He exacts justice to those bereaved souls and those who were caught in their injustice and evil deeds.

Azief had never seen himself as a warrior of justice. But the world does see him like that.

The fact of the matter is, even though he did not consider himself as some kind of warrior of justice, that did not mean he condone evil things.

It is that the fact that if he starts thinking he is some kind of hero of justice, he might be caught by that title and began interfering in things that are not his business.

Justice is different for each person.

And as such, he is not that arrogant to claim that he is a warrior of justice. All that he knew was that the Crime Alliance did something that is vile and something he could not accept.

There is also the fact that they create chaos. It is why he had never allowed any Crime Alliance member to make any business with Pandemonium.

But the reason why he swings that sword and why he cut down the archipelago had nothing to do with justice or the fact that the Crime Alliance is an evil organization. josei

He swings it because they tried to harm his people. The justification come later. It is a privilege of the strong.

Even if the organization that holds Sasha was different and not the Crime Alliance, he would still swing the sword.

But that does not change the fact that the Crime Alliance is a harmful organization to the world.

Instead of praising him, they want him to apologize. Azief laughed when he heard about it.

If he did something wrong, Azief felt it is not beneath him to apologize. But why would he apologize when he only exact justice for his people.

They are not qualified

The suggestion of the six great world power in theory looks good. Everyone wins, the envoy explains.

The law of the Article will be upheld, peace will be maintained and the new world order would be stable.

But they were wrong in one matter

Pandemonium did not win if he accepts the proposition of these people. It might not seem much that he only need to pay a few millions energy stones.

That is because they did not see it through the eyes of Pandemonium and see it through his yes.

The reason why Pandemonium is the strongest force in the world is not because they follow the rules. It is because they make the rules.

And why were they able to make the rules? Because they are the strongest. It is a simple reason.

That is the reputation that Pandemonium had built upon his image. He is overbearing and lawless, but the world still had to listen to him.


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