Lord Shadow

Chapter 725

Chapter 725: Giving up (2)

‘Are you not worried at all?’ Nunurai ask toward Narleod as Boris summon his beast and ride toward the port, no longer caring about the matter.

Snow already gathered above the skies of the island. It is clear that someone else in the island. That beauty with the red sword is also here in the island but she did not show her face even once.

But as coldness pervade the island and some snow began falling from the sky, it is clear that woman did not want to interfere.

Probably that is why Boris is riding fast toward his battleship. While Boris is riding to his ship, Hirate open up his energy phone and began calling people.

It is clear he had made some counter measure and the protection formation of the island of Peace is once again erected almost immediately after the pressure dissipated.

Narleod tried to overhear what Hirate was saying but he was protected by a psionic shield so instead he answers Nunurai answer

‘He is there. Since he is on that throne, what kind of chaos that the world could do which he could not solve with a swing of his sleeve? Smiling with malice he then said

‘I would be going now. Update me if anything else happen’ Then he said a person name.

‘Warp’ Space distorted almost immediately and a rip in space appears beside Narleod. josei

A person appears suddenly beside Narleod. It is the famous Warp the Space Manipulator. No one was shocked. They knew that Warp had always accompanied Narleod wherever he goes

He looks lean, his hair is long reaching his shoulders and his eyes seems to flash with white flash every once in a while.

But even though not many people have seen Warp these past couple of years, his outward appearance is not what the people on the hill pay attention to.

It was the thing spiraling around Warp feet that take away their attention

There is white circle circling around his feet.

This circle ring is transparent and is composed of the energy of the world and have traces of Law of Space and Time

‘Ready to go?’ Warp asked Narleod.

Narleod was silent for a while and then he looks around the area around him and his eye look toward Hirate.

Then his eyes look further and saw that person in the air, floating with his golden armor, shining like a sun.

It was so shining that it might have blinded him. And his desire for vengeance grew again.

‘Hmph’ he snorted. then he said to Nunurai and Eric.

‘This matter is over. Pull back before you went in to deep’ Sighing, he added

‘I thought the collective power of the Six Great Power could at least restrain Death Monarch, but it is clear from his response today, that he had the confidence to fight against us all. If two words is enough to render all of us in this state, one would shudder to think what would happen if he come in person’ Nunurai and Eric frowned.

Both of them are probably the weakest in term of their own attainment of strength.

‘I would not sacrifice my life to know how far we could go in offending him. I guess my probing has ended. At least this time. After all, I still have things to do. Nunurai, Eric. I don’t want you to die. We got a good thing going on. If you fail to listen to my advice and insisted stubbornly to keep going, then if you die, who would help me to contain the influence of the Three Giants? There is still a lot of things we need to do’ Smiling like his message had been heard he then said

‘Until next time, my colleagues’ he bowed slightly and toward Warp he said

‘Let’s go home’ Smiling Warp put his hand on Narleod shoulder. And then a powerful feeling of Laws and energy being expended could be felt.

A powerful folding of space happened as space around those two person could be seen cracking.

The Laws of the world swirls around them and for anyone who could not feel the trace of the Laws, they could not feel this unexplained feeling nor could they sense that the Laws around Narleod and Warp is being deconstructed.

And then like a candle being snuffed out by a gust of wind, they just disappeared from their sight like they were never there.

Eric and Nunurai looked at each other and then they sighed.

‘We have to bear it, I guess. If it did not work, then we have to think of other method to pacify the populace’ Eric nodded and then he said

‘I guess we need to talk with the White Owl again. We might not be able to change the minds of that person, but if White Owl cooperate with us, we could change the perception of the public regarding the event. This is the best thing we could do right now I think’

They too went away down from the hill as they formulate the plan of how to explain this matter to the world.

Only Emperor of Wei, Feng Jing is still silent. And he was still there on top of the hill while most of them have already dispersed. It is clear he is waiting.

Hirate finished his phone call and then he looks at Feng Jing.

Smiling, he nodded.

Hirate since that day when they are in the meeting hall notice that the Emperor of Wei wanted to talk with him.

But at that time, he had to deal with some matter making him not think too much of it.

But now, it is without a doubt that the Emperor of Wei had something he wanted to say to him. And he waited until everybody is gone before wanting to talk to him

Nunurai and Eric is away, Narleod had teleported himself out even through the protection formation with Warp help and Boris is riding to the battleship.

Seeing that the snow is not falling anymore, Boris might have calmed that sister of his.

But while all the great leaders of the World power are eager to leave the island, only this Feng Jing did not.

This mean whatever he wanted to say to him, it would be something that involves a secret.

Hirate come closer to him and then with a sneer mixed with amusement he stands a few feet apart from the Emperor of Wei

‘I guess you have something you want to talk about?’

Feng Jing nodded and he sighed.

If he could choose he would not ask Hirate of this this matter. But they probably share the same problem and right now he might know more than even the World Government of this elusive enemy that they both now shared.

‘Is it important?’

‘Very’ Feng Jing reply and his face is solemn. Hirate could feel that whatever that Feng Jing is going to say would be very important

‘Hmm’ That is enough of an answer for Hirate to raise his Psionic Shield around both of them


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