Lord Shadow

Chapter 731

Chapter 731: Seeing the oracle (2)

Azief come to England today, he did not want anyone to know where he is. The Heaven Will try to stir but like a fire that is about to burst, it was extinguished before it became a large flame

All of the dark blob creature was slashed into nihility by that golden light.

Azief uses the Heaven Sundering Finger to dispel all of these dark blob that was maintained by some magical law that is set upon this area

He felt the flow of energy that would come and respawn these dark blobs.

It is hard to explain this feeling. It is subtle and hard to explain. But it was there.

Since Azief had Thirteen law bodies and none of the Laws he cultivated is some kind of weak Law, he could sense it acutely.

Azief would not allow these dark blob creatures to spawn again. He decided since he had already come here, and he had already make his move, why not go all the way.

To other people to survive inside a forbidden zone is something to be grateful about. No one would be as casual as Azief right now.

Probably only he in the word right now could come anywhere he wants and go wherever he wants without anyone in the world able to do anything to him.

This kind of freedom, even in the world before the fall who could be like him, carefreely roaming the world like he is some kind of wandering deity?

Azief uses his Laws to cut down those dark blobs creature

The light not only cut these dark blob into nothingness, it severed the connection of the dark blob creature with Time laws and reverse cause and effect.

The forest glows with golden hue and then when the golden hue dissipated, none of the dark blob creature could be found.

All of this takes time to describe but from the motion of him pointing his finger and to the disappearance of all the dark blob creature it only took two seconds.

After this, the dark blob creature would not respawn again.

‘Like I said, how hard could it be?’ Azief said smirking at Will

Will just shake his head while laughing

‘Show off’ he said and they smile at each other as they continued to walk forward

The journey is particularly boring. While the dark blob creature was all extinguished by the severing of the laws, there is other beast.

But with Azief and Will walking together, the aura of their existence which they show no intention to hide scared all those beats that hide when they felt the power of the Laws.

So, the walk is pretty calm. The dark forest as it is called by the local nearby does not feel that dark.

Even the sunlight could now come inside. And when light fills the forest, the forest looks very mystical with green all around and the sound of small stream echoing in the distance

The only reason they walk and did not tear the space around them was because they wanted to find where the oracle is hiding.

Then after around fifteen minutes of roaming around the forest, they found it.

Will then ask

‘You or me??? Azief then ask

‘You know how to break the formation?’ he did not hear that Will have any expertise in breaking formation

‘I have some tricks’ Will answered

‘Do you want to?’ Azief ask josei

Will extend his finger and then his hand passes the space in front of him. If anyone passes this area they would find nothing wrong with it.

Even if you look at it, there is nothing wrong with what you see.

There is trees in the distance and there is leaves on the ground, the braches sway when the wind passes by and there is wet ground and everything seem to the scenery of a normal area of the forest

After all, even if you push forward, there is nothing that is blocking the way. Since that is the case, why would they think they found the formation?

Because they simply did not trust their eyes. The more you trusted your eyes, the more you will get astray

for people who knew what they were looking for they could feel the disparity between the space of the area that Will just passes and the space around them before they pass that area

The Laws are different.

It is subtle but it is there.

One could say unless one reaches Disk Formation of Divine Comprehension, this area would probably not be discovered

And while for Divine Comprehension, these kind of cloaking method would not work, for Disk Formation leveler, unless they have understood a bit about Time and Space energy, they would also not be able to discover that this area had been cloaked

It would even be hard for Disk Formation leveler to notice such a formation in the first place but Will even said he could break the formation.

The concept of this cloaking method is actually quite simple

The Oracle took an empty space, and morphs it into an area the same as the forest.

So when people pass this area they would not feel anything is wrong. When in fact they would enter the empty space and then come out the other side without ever seeing the sceneries that the Oracle is trying to hide.

Will then said

It would take time for me to break this formation’ And he was ready to begin as electricity arc swirl from his feet and is about to slither to his knees.

Azief hold Will shoulders and the electricity arcs were dispersed almost an instant


Azief shake his head and then said

‘You said it takes time. Then, it is better that I do it’

Will nodded

Azief then he extends his hand into the area. His hand is full of the power of Laws.

If not for the fact that he limits the power of the laws to the tips of his finger, it would be impossible to hide his location.

Since the Laws around him are slowly changing to adapt to the Laws on the tip of his fingers

And then he makes a pulling motion.

The moment he makes the pulling motion, like he was ripping out the nature from the world, the trees, the leaves, the ground in that area were all pulled toward him

The area and everything in the radius of that area is rippling and distorted before turning into motes of energy that dissipated into the surrounding and then they could see the area that the Oracle had try to hide

They see a tree.

The tree is withered, and there are no fruits on the branches. They could see, probably in the past there is fruits there but all of it shows sign that it has been plucked.

It looks like any minutes now that three would fall down. Dried up and in the verge of dying

But it still stands there, its tips seem to reach the clouds. But whenever something collides with the tree, it phases out the area around it. So no one and nothing ever hit the tree.

They see the standing stones of the Stonehenge and they saw how it glows in bluish colors and the energy around it is full of abundance.

They could also smell the scent of herbs all around them.

And there standing below that dried up tree is a woman, wearing a gray clean robe, her clear pair of blue eyes look toward them

And then she smiles.

‘Welcome. Death Monarch Azief and the Golden Speedster Will. You finally arrived’


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