Lord Shadow

Chapter 751

Chapter 751: Portals all over the world

The whole world was shocked. That morning, just as it about to reach afternoon, when the sun should be at the highest points, rips of space appears all over the world.

These rips of space are like a portal that connect Earth Prime with the Multiverse

There are space rips that could easily be seen, like the one in the sky or the one in the ground. And there is some that is not.

At the sky, space rips open and all kinds of energy flooded the world.

In the bottom of the oceans, there is also rips of space. This are the rips that the world did not see

The Bubble Land that is one of the mysteries of the world also popped out in a few spots in the seabed.

These rips of space also affect the weather of the world, bringing all kinds of natural phenomenon to become a calamity level natural disaster

Thunders and lightning covers the world, with snow also pouring in. Heavy rain hit the ground like it wanted to attack the world.

Wind turns into storms, taking over thunder and lightning as a lightning storm ravages the sky and the land

The sun could not be seen up there above the sky as everyone sight was blocked by the millions of portals appearing out of nowhere.

And that is not the only things that shock the people of the world.

They could see with their eyes, the distance between one place to another seems to be stretched out by some unexplainable force

Some hills grow into a mountain, with its peak piercing the clouds and going even higher, flowers and plants blooming on either side of the new mountain.

Thunder and lightning could not destroy it and the wind split when they come near the protruding mountain.

Rivers widened so large that a journey that would take a few jumps now become an area where one could fit a large ship into it.

The Sea rumbles as all kinds of waves rises up from the sea and the Earth quake as abyss opened up.

Some of these abyss spew large flames. Some other spew water, the water itself contains some powerful magical properties.

Wherever the water falls, grass will grow and colorful flowers bloomed.

And a few rare one’s spew energy.

Temples and structures that is foreign to Earth prime suddenly appears. It appears like a mirage first, then it became solid and then it stays there.

Like something is superimposed onto a painting which then were pasted into the original canvas.

Realities are colliding and things from other words begins marking it marks on Earth prime.

Loki is there on the World Government entering the largest rip of space in the world right now and holding off the largest fleet of the Seresian world.

That large rips of space are probably there because of the fact that the World Gate is in the Island of Peace.

Because of what Azief and Will had done, there is an instability of the equilibrium of Time and Space in the World Gate, making it able to produce such a large and wide portal to another Earth.

And everyone could feel that something is about to come out from these portals.

Outside the portals in the Island of Peace, a woman bathed in white light is pointing her bow to the Heavens.

When she plucks the strings of her bow, lights would shoot into the portals, killing thing that is inside it.

Roars sounded and roars dissipated

In the largest portal, Loki is delaying the coming of the largest fleet of demonic monsters by employing the deceiving of Laws.

It seems like Island of Peace is safe now. But that is far from the truth

Because that is not the only portals around the Island of Peace.

There is a lot more and the demon’s flies out from those other portals, bringing a baleful aura of death and destruction


A mace flies out and a shout echoes in the Island

‘Do not fear!’ and Raymond appears, clad in golden armor, looking like a chivalric warrior. His face is like always handsome and his appearance is dashing.

Like a sun that drove away the darkness of night, he stands there on the air looking particularly brave,

The pressure around his body that is emanating out distort the edges of the portals near him, forcing a few small portals to close up almost immediately.

Raymond the Earthshaker enters the battle!

Rows and rows of gigantic Earth Wall appears blocking the descent of these demonic soldiers.

Wherever he pointed his mace at, the sound of eruption sounded. With his powerful physical bodies, he enters and fights the demons, smashing the heads of the demonic soldiers with his mace.

The mace curses and Raymond laugh at the world!

Fired up by the appearance of their Supreme Commander, The Golden Legion of the World Government flies up to the sky like celestial soldiers and divide themselves fighting on many of the portals in the sky.

The whole Island of Peace is mobilized and the scene of fighting could be seen in the sky and down in the ground

Now, the whole world had seen it. Coming from the portals in the sky is demonic beings.

Most of them are Seresian.

On the ground there is also other invading forces. They are not demon-like creatures but humans that is from other Earths.

On the sky demons are invading.

On the ground there is humans invading. Unlike the demon’s soldiers from the sky, those in the ground were first shocked when they come through to this world.

It is clear they do not know what to expect when they cross the Space Tunnel

But then they regrouped. And they decided to fight. These people seem to think that Earth Prime is good for the taking.

This people must come from the same Earth and they must have conquered other world before.

But maybe this convergence is something that is unexpected for them.

Instead of trying to understand this new world, and contacting the authorities or leaders of this world, their first response was to fight and take this world.

If Azief was here, he would know that this is one of the world he had stranded on.

The people of this world is a conquering race.

The history of that world deviated from any history of Earth Prime and they embarked in a different kind of development.

They have traveled the stars and conquered the stars and they keep conquering and colonizing more stars.

They did not have magic but they have powerful technology. But even then Azief was not afraid of them

In that world Azief did not do much.

The largest of these group of people arrived in one of the large portals in the Asia continent. The moment they regrouped the began attacking.

The Sage of Arrays, Lee Sangmin who was sitting on the walls of the Lotus Palace, got up from the city walls

His eyes see it and he smirked.

‘Do they think the people of this world is only a decoration?’ he said

He had a staff made of wood.

‘Arrogant people that do not know the heights of the world’ he said

He pointed his staff toward the sky. Then he wrote something with the end of his staff. A shining array revolves across the sky of the Asia continent.

Something seems to be written up there in the sky.

The words he wrote could not be recognized and it is written in an unknown character. it has lines, vertical and horizontal lines.

They are also a few symbols.

But whenever one looks at the sky, they could understand what Lee Sangmin wrote

‘Mortal’ That is what he wrote.

The moment that he wrote that, a powerful pressure envelops the entire Asia continent. josei

A village that is about to get destroyed by these humans from another world suddenly seems to distort.

A powerful pressure burst out from the people of that village but it did not come from themselves.

Like their potentials are being brought up forward, these energy gathers and then burst out towards the invaders

The entire Space of that village seems to be shaken

The one attacking the village suddenly burst into explosion, leaving nothing of their body.

Even their powerful iron armors were crushed into atom particles.

Clouds covers the Asian continent. Lee Sangmin moves his staff. And the clouds move, imbued by the word mortal.

Some of them flew down to the ground and cover the entrance of the Space Tunnel.

Other clouds went and turns into swords, spears and all kinds of weapon and rains down upon the enemies.

The Mortal character shines brightly over the Asia continent and it began to cover up the Heavens.

But these kind of conquering humans is not all of the humans that came out from the portal.

Not all of them is the same

There are people who came out from the portal and after looking at Earth prime they burst out in happiness and crying in joy.

These people came from another world that Azief did not go before. Probably it is one of the world that the World Gate had travel towards.

With the Multiversal Convergence happening, any worlds that Earth prime resident had travelled before, is the first one that is being converged.

Not all of these places is the result of Azief and Will journey into the Multiverse.

Some of them are from worlds that Azief had never visited before.

Because before the Orvanians came, Azief and Will was not the only one traveling inside the Multiverse.

There is that mysterious figure one called the Dimensional Traveler who seems to always be in different places at different times all over the world

The name itself is pretty self-explanatory

The people that suddenly were transported into Earth Prime was perplexed. They all look toward each other and step into Earth Prime.

They wear white lab coats and unlike in Asia where these people from other worlds are wearing something like military iron armor, these people look normal.

This people come out of the portals in the Amazons.

The few people who made their residence in the Amazon flew out from their houses and brandish their weapons, pointing it at these people.

They did not seem to come with bad intention and they are as weak as normal people before the Fall.

They convey their intention and they look around with the original inhabitants of the world looking at them with vigilance.

Right now, all kinds of races and from the parallel Earth and the Multiverse is coming into Earth prime. Some come by designs. Others come by accidentally.

The people of Earth prime did not think too much about these people that come from other worlds.

Not everyone understand what is happening right now in the world.

Because not everybody is privy to the knowledge of the multiverse and there are only a few people that have the ability to travel to and fro from the myriads worlds of the Multiverse.

So, the method to handle these people that come out of nowhere is very simple.

Those who attack them, they attack back. Those who did not, will be spared and will be interrogated later.

To some people who lived during the Weronian Invasion, they even think that this is just another invasion from the otherworldly forces and they have to fight

The humans with the high technology might be unbeatable in other worlds, but here, where a wave of one hand could overturned mountains and split the Heavens and Earth, their high tech technology is nothing more than an explosive toy in the eyes of people who have the power of Seed Formation and Disk Formation leveler.

They were many such battles all over the world right now.

Everything is chaotic.

The inhabitants of the Earth prime did not hesitate to kill when someone attack them. They treated this as a provocation from other worlds.

To them, these people are no different than the Weronians. If they did not want to suffer, they must fight.

No one wanted to live in a world like the world in Weronian Occupation again

Seed Formation experts and Disk Formation experts that is in seclusion also comes out. They flew out from their mountains, island and caves and underwater palaces.

They come out and brings with the terrible power that accompany them. their momentum affects the Worldly and the Universal energy.

It changes the colors of the sky and quake the Earth with each step.

The humans of the other world attacks with their laser and plasma blast.

But a Disk formation expert slash with his sword, and tens of thousands of these men wearing powerful armor that could destroy a battleship men were cut down, their body disintegrates into particles of atom.


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