Lord Shadow

Chapter 753

Chapter 753: Battle between worlds (2)

There are even some who were wearing a suit, with black ties and black shoes, looking all formal, just standing there up in the air looking at him while pointing a gun that have golden inscription all over it.

And when these people pointed their weapon at him, he could feel a powerful pressure envelops him.

Then he looks up at the sky. It was then he knew that this is not some ancient world or him going to the past

It is a different world and these people in these world are probably the kinds of race that could be considered Gods

He saw portals all over the skies and the land and even in parts of the sea.

His eyesight is limited but from where he come out, he could see the sky and he could see a large whale flying toward the sky fighting a person who is using a spear to fight a titanic being of immeasurable power.

He saw up in the sky, people who bathed in the blood of their enemies and killing without being tired as the elements of the world was commanded by them.

He was scared. Then he was excited. He imagines that if his world had such means, maybe they didn’t even need spaceship to travel beyond the Earth josei

They could just fly up to the sky like birds

The flying people spoke to him.

Weirdly enough, he could understand what they said and they could understand him. The leader of these group after looking at a glance on them said

‘Mortals’ he then ordered his subordinate to watch over them and if they attacked any inhabitants of Earth, execute them all.

Arthur nodded as he saw the battle in the sky is like the painting of arts in the distant past of his world.

The Battle of the Gods. He clenches his fist and nodded to himself

‘the salvation of my Earth may lie in this world’ he thought to himself as he follows the orders of these powerful flying people.

As people from the portals is being settled by the respective great powers which the portals opened up, on the bottom of the sea, a great change is also happening.

A portal opened up all over in the seabed of the ocean. Countless of titanic snake slithers outside the portals and arrive in the seabed of the sea.

The prehistoric Titanoboa would be dwarfed by the difference of sizes between it and these new monsters that is coming out from the portals.

Snakes is not the only things that is coming out from that portals.

There are all kinds of fish that followed behind the snakes and the other beast, all of them large and titanic and they did not seem to fear the titanic snake.

Then behind them is a large group of small and medium sized fishes that seems to be able to live among these beast and monster species.

The beast that is now slithering on the seabed of the Ocean, if they are not killed, probably after all of this is over, they would stay here in Earth Prime as their home, once again making the seven seas become an inhospitable place.

It was like the portal is draining out a sea of other worlds bringing with them the creatures in that ocean.

More energy gathered in the sea once more, rivaling the energy that is being poured into the world surface world.

When the world had expanded before the oceans water level had decreased.

It did not decrease because of the evaporation of heat but because suddenly the land was stretched further and the Earth becoming bigger.

A few moments ago, the world was no longer 71 percent water. Instead it was only 20 percent water.

Most of the area that was once covered with water stretched out and forms flat lands, or forest.

But now, with the portals water sea levels is rising up again filling up the empty lands and filling it with all kinds of fishes and monster that came from another world ocean.

It might not reach 71 percent water and 29 percent land like in the beginning but at least even if the whole world is fifty percent water and fifty percent land, one had still take into considerations that this world is countless of times bigger than before.

Even borders between county stretched out so large that there are even more lands to explore and more places to lives in.

All the while, people are fighting all over the world.

The great powers also began to move; their military wing is mobilized all over the continent that they guarded.

Like the world is being invaded, once again the world is in a state of war with the sudden appearance of these invaders that came out from the portals.

But unlike a few certain humans that came from another world that attack Earth Prime resident, most of the human civilization coming into Earth prime did not attack and actually was confused on how they end up here.

Thankfully, those great powers send a few groups to check the people coming out of the portals.

If its humans from other world, they would determine at the spot whether they are dangerous or possessing unkind intention.

If they do, then they would be killed.

Most of the humans coming out of the portals did not have powerful life energy.

They are no different than mortals. To these kind of group of people, the scouting group would escort them to a temporary tent.

As for a few human civilizations that come blasting with their superior technology weapons thinking that they arrived in a primitive world, they would soon realize the terror of fighting against Earth prime people who wields the Laws of the World like a weapon.

It is like a clash between a sci fi world and a fantasy world. Their metal armor is nothing but paper and their guns could not hurt the people of this world

Of course, the casualties are mostly being the people who are at Pillar Forming, mostly teenagers that just grows up

As for the Seresian? All kinds of heroes fly up to the sky and begin engaging them. The contrast between the two forces, is like celestial soldiers fighting against demons.

Even those in the Energy Disperse Stage did not shy out of fighting. This is a crisis but also an opportunity

Because they all could sense the energy that is flowing between heaven and Earth.

With the Multiversal Convergence, all kinds of energy entered the world.

Many people could condense their Orb or break their limits and condense more energy in their body.

In the thundering roars of lightning and the storms that is raging all over the world, a great battle between worlds starts!


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