Lord Shadow

Chapter 756

Chapter 756: White snow

The demon collided with the humans that flew to sky and the sound of screams and shouts echoes to the ground.

Those that were not stopped in the sky swooped down and began killing.

The people of Earth Prime also kills the demons as the demons kills the human

These demons did not seem to be able to determine their enemy.

They kill the people of Earth Prime and other humans that come from other world because they probably don’t care.

In their eyes, all other things are different from them must be destroyed.

Blood poured down from the sky and drip down to the ground, staining the stone streets of Europe.

There are screams, there are shouts, and there are all kinds of emotions.

Then in the height of all of these emotions and carnage, white snow falls from the sky. Everything seems to change. A new wind is blowing toward Europe

The warmth of the sun seems to disappears.

Clouds gathered and more snow falls.

To those who is fighting when they saw the snow falling, they all felt that their spirit soars.

This is not normal snow, that is their thoughts. And when their thoughts reached this point, they remember someone.

And some of them look at the sky, looking full of hope.

They know that there is only one person who appearance is preceded by a white snow. The snow at first is just a few covering the few spot on the street.

But as more clouds gathered, the more snows fall. And suddenly the snow that have been falling slowly falls even heavier.

And then something more happened. In the beginning when the snow began to fall to the ground, it would melt in a few seconds.

But now, the snow did not melt. And whoever is touched by the snow, they felt something heavy falls down on them.

And the more time passed, the heavier the snow became. They also felt a cold wind blowing around them.

The more time passes, the colder the wind became. Some of the demonic soldiers when they breathe, hot white air could be seen coming from their mouth.

As for the human’s invaders that come from another world, their machinery seems to be affected by something, making the gears don’t work and something cold is enveloping them

Yet at the same time, the people of the Earth Prime did not feel the same weight falling on them even if the snows fall on their heads or shoulders.

They did not feel the cold of the wind.

Instead they felt like they were being energized by some kind of power.

The wind felt breezy and soothing to them. Wherever the snows fall, disaster and fortune intertwine.

Those who come from another world to invade Earth Prime felt disaster. Those who fight for Earth Prime seems to be blessed with fortune josei

Those who fought the invading force could see the effect of the snow. The enemies that is fighting with them become slower in movement. They seem to be distracted and their breathing is hard and labored.

Those who fought for Earth Prime become even more brave. They fought even harder, heir movement become even faster

Time passed, the snows falls and the battle keep going. A second in a battlefield of life and death felt like a year

Many people have died. There is the people of Earth Prime. But there are also the corpses of those who come to invade.

Like being possess by some kind of evil god, they keep killing and blood drenched the snow filled street. Explosion sounded every second and screams and shouts is drowned by the death throes of those who were defeated

Then a cold wind blows out of nowhere. The wind is unnatural and possess some kind of supernatural forces.

And the falling snow stopped. It stops there up in the air. Floating like it is being bind upon by some mysterious force.

Then out of this many snowflakes that stop and floats in the air, one snowflakes fall down. It falls slowly at least to the eyes that could see the falling of that snow. Time and Space around that one snow flake seems to be disturbed

Then it falls down.

It falls down to a person from another Earth. This person is one of the most brutal killer from the other earth.

He seems to be wearing a super powerful armored suit and has been killing Earth prime Orb Condensing Stage leveler.

He could shoot fire blast from his palm and laser beams from the hole on the middle of his metal suit chest

Most of the people from that other world seems to possess powerful technological devices. It is why they could stand tall fighting the people here.

Their suit could handle most weight normal humans can’t. And this is the height of technological advancement in their world.

There is even Nano technology that is imbued in this suits. But that means nothing in a world like Earth Prime.

The only reason that these people have the qualification to fight for such a long time against these fighters from Earth prime is simply because there is no Disk Formation level in the area right then.

All over Europe, such fight is happening.

The one determining the check and balance of the battlefield is the amount of Disk Formation leveler.

And since the word expanded without notice, the response time of each team would be late.

If this is before the Earth expanded, then the Republic would have the full confidence to quickly settle one part of the battlefield and then move toward another battlefield and slowing down the rate of destruction all over Europe.

But suddenly in an unprecedented development there is high mountain that blocks the area, or large mystical lands that appeared out of nowhere

As such they could not send help on this part of Europe.

The metal man flying over and fighting a few of Orb Condensing Stage leveler has killed a lot of people from Earth Prime and he almost seems unbeatable.

Then a snow from the sky fall down on top of his shoulder. This is only one speck of snow. But the moment that snow falls, his suit exploded into a thousand pieces.

The one that is being targeted by that iron man were saved from the impending attack of that man in the iron suit.


then the sound of such explosion could be heard all around the area.



All around, metal suits exploded into thousands of pieces, metal scrap falls down from the sky

Any enemies that have the snow falls on them suffer such a heavy pressure that their metal suit crafted with the peak of high technological advancement in their world exploded instantly.

But the people in the suit is also not going to wait for death. The moment the suit exploded, the person inside the suit would initiate self-ejection.

But the snows are everywhere in the sky. And it kept falling endlessly. By now, the people of Earth prime have no doubt.

This snow, is “that woman” snow. The wind blows harder. And the snow falls even harder than before. And then the floating snows also falls down.

It falls into the body of the invaders. It did not melt and it did not bring coolness. It brings death and destruction

A fireworks of red blooming explosion fills the sky.

Whenever the snow falls on the body of these people, they would explode like a man self-exploded by a powerful force that come from the inside

All the Demonic Soldiers all experience the same fate

Each one of them that is struck by the snow all exploded into pieces, their body parts scattered all over the streets of Europe.

They shouted in fear as they tried to hide themselves from the snow.

But the sky seems to aid the clouds to destroy these invaders that come from another world. The clouds grew bigger and the snow area become larger. Wherever that snows drops it became a death zone.

None of those that try to run were able to run to safety. Snows seems to fill the world and the whole world seems to turns white.

They all die. The screaming and the indignation did nothing to stop the snow from falling.

One of the Demonic soldier gather his strength and shot a sword strike toward the sky.

A snow falls on that sword light and the sword light trembles before turning into motes of light that dissipated all over the sky.

The snow falls, and life were reaped, an empty white plain was created by the snow

In a few seconds, the world covered with snow went silent. There is no longer the sound of invaders shouting for the heads of the people of Earth prime. There is no longer the sound of the war cry of the Demonic soldiers.

Everything is silent

And the sky and the land is empty from invaders.

The people look up into the sky and saw none of the screaming demonic invaders. They look at the ground and saw none of that metal soldiers.

the world is now white. the entire street is full of snow. Every few steps one could see deep red marks in the snow flakes.

It is silent. And it is cold. The cold wind help blowing. A voice the suddenly echoes all over Europe.



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