Lord Shadow

Chapter 759

Chapter 759: Where is death monarch? (2)

The twelve people landed and the twelve pillars were activated.

The moment the twelve pillars were activated, blinding golden light fill the Antarctica and created aurora phenomenon that is slowly spreading outside of Antarctica.

And then a flash appears that seems to moves extremely fast and then a sound of explosion rocked the Heavens

Like the dawn came in a second, driving away the darkness and then that light dissipates as fast as it appears

A few more of these bright lights appeared

And then after a few second these flash of bright light disappeared. And the world was silent. The invading soldiers and the demons that was flying in the sky disappeared.

In that one moment, they were disintegrated by a concentration of power that have never been seen before on Earth.

If World Government satellite is still orbiting around the world right now, they would record the highest spike of powerful fluctuation of energy that would break through the record of any energy eruption in the past years since the Fall began

The portals that covered the sky and the ground of Antarctica, has suddenly dissipated.

Time and Space around Antarctica stabilized like something had swept through and repair the broken parts of reality and the ailing parts of Time and Space.

The Antarctica is silent again. Each time the portals opened up, that twelve pillars using the power of Heaven and Earth would restrict the formation. josei

All over the world right now, all of the Great Powers bring out their big guns.

Their secret forces and their secret weapons is brought out. Even though there is many deterrence, the invaders kept coming and while certain portals are closed, others are opened.

It is clear that this thing would not end easily.

The great heroes of the world all went out and fought. The whole world was at war. Since the world become bigger, there is also some portals that opened up in a landless land.

And there are other humans from another world that comes out from these portals

They either decide to stay or seek about the truth of this world. But just by looking at the sky they could see the people of this world fighting.

Chaos reigns as world collide and realities begins to merge.

The sun and the moon up in the sky had also changed.

No one notices the change because of the battle and the portals

But there is an eye. At the part of the world where the sun still shines, the sun seems to show the image of an eye.

On the part of the world where it is night, the moon also shows an eye.

Floating up there outside the sky of Earth, on the coldness of space, is a person covered with his bluish with a tint of red robe

His eyes seem to have some kind of spirals inside it and his body seems to emanate a certain power that seems to turns everything around him to be translucent.

Solid things seem to change its properties when getting near this man.

It is Hikigaya the Illusionist Archmage. Today, he is trying to break through to Divine Comprehension.

His attainment is enough and with the sudden influx of energy, today he would scatter his Disk and form his Laws.

And the moon and the sun become his eyes. If Loki could see it now, he would surely be delighted. He knew all about the illusion power of Hikigaya.

Right now, even though Hikigaya did not strike and did not attack, just by maintaining that eye up the in the sky, he is creating an illusion. But he is creating the illusion slowly.

The more people he wanted to pull in into the illusion, he longer the preparation that it needs

He is making suggestion in his illusion.

He is making laws in the illusions that he is crafting. He would make the illusion so real that those who were trapped inside it could not determine whether it is real or fake.

In each wind that blows, in each thing that the invaders could sense with their senses, Hikigaya is trying to turns all of these into illusions.

He is not able to penetrate minds like Hirate.

What he could do was to deceive the sense.

The five senses could be easily deceived.

It is like that one finger he pointed at Death Monarch He create the illusion of heaven opening up and the seas parted apart.

Now, he is doing it large scale. A large scale illusion that would affect the entire world.

If he succeeded, he would breakthrough and gain enough power to fight off against even a Demonic Duke.

‘Scatter!’ He shouted in the vacuum of space.

The world below seems to change.

At the same time in Japan, thunders are roaring from all over the island nation. The thunder clouds grew larger. Because the world grew larger, the thunder also has to grow larger.

There up in the sky, with his entire body clad with all kinds of lightning, he is hurling thunderbolts and commanding thunderstorms.

Fighting against the hordes of invading forces of the Seresian world, his face covered up by lightning bolts and shining like the brightest star in the Universe, Oreki appear like a god of thunder.

The Twin Sages of Japan is also fighting.

In pandemonium, Sina is using her alchemy pills to create a smog that kills all of the invading forces from the ground.

On the sky, a sword glares that seems to flash through the entire world could be seen every one in a while.

That is Shinji the Vice leader of the Shadow guard, showing the reason why he is called the Swift Sword.

Each time he draws his sword, the sword glare would split apart the Demonic soldiers. It did not matter whether the demonic soldier is one hundred or one hundred thousand.

As long as they are in the line of that sword glare, they would be split into two.

On the sky there is not only the sword glare but also a white flash that would disappear and appear at time.

Whenever it appears, a few people would die.

When it disappears, everyone was afraid to see it.

This is the ability of Sasha the Nightingale.

The Three Army led by the Three Great generals of Pandemonium also divided their battlefield.

Wang Jian fought in the sky with his Ruyi Jingu Bang, smashing thousands of enemies, like recreating the scene of Sun Wukong Havoc in Heaven.

Athena joined in riding her Pegasus toward the sky brandishing her Sword of Ares toward the demonic soldiers like some kind of Greek Goddess of War

On the ground, Freya unleash her berserkers creating a quake whenever her army clash with the invading force from the portals.

And this battle also brings back a familiar face back into the battlefield.

The Celestial Couple, The Celestial Painter Xu Cog and the Heaven Flute Lihua come out from their villa to join in the war.

Heaven Flute Lihua somehow had regained back her power and she is even more powerful than before she lost her power

She is in Disk Formation.

She uses her flute to confuse the minds of the enemies and uses the elements against them. With each tune the flute produce, even the winds seem to sway according to the melody. It brings madness to the enemy and calmness to allies.

Floating up in the air with the flute on her lips, she is like Pan directing the elements of the world with her flute

On the ground there is another heroine that fights the invader from another world other than Freya.

It is the wife of Wang Jian, Somi the Flower of the Battlefield. She had been low profile since the death of her sworn sisters.

Today, she reminded people why she was one of the rulers of the Plains during the Fake World event.

Her sword is fast and seems to follow certain pattern that is hard to describe and even harder o imitate. Wherever her sword flash, the invaders all died in all kinds of manners.

The sword arts that Somi had shown is very mystical.

And on other parts of Pandemonium where the Sky bearing Formation has lost its effectiveness, the Three Demoness of Pandemonium also appeared.

Death Monarch have been searching for them for a long time.

But it is ironic.

Loki and Sofia is at World Government while Loki subordinates is at Pandemonium killing enemies.

Wang Jian, Athena, Freya the Three Great generals of Pandemonium, the Celestial Couple, Sina the Genius Alchemist, Shinji the Swift Sword, the Three Demoness, Somi the Flower of the Battlefield, Katarina the Ice Queen, Jean the Time Monarch, Raymond the Earthshaker, Hirate the Mind Master, Arno the Steel Manipulator, Gisele the White Witch, Oreki the Thunder Monarch, Hikigaya the Illusionist Archmage, Loki the Trickster, Sofia the Diviner Archer these great heroes all appears in the battlefield fighting against the invasion of worlds.

But…. where is Death Monarch?


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