Lord Shadow

Chapter 762

Chapter 762: Connection between past and future

It is not something that is farfetched.

He did see himself in another vision, possessing such powerful divine abilities that no one could do anything to him. Could it be that in the future, he rules everything?

Almost immediately like a divine guidance, Azief knew what he had to do to save Loki. He raises his index finger and then he taps Loki head.

And almost immediately the signs of injuries, all the wounds, all the rotten flesh seems to be healed by some kind of divine miracle.

Loki is still unconscious but he is now no longer delirious or having any injuries. When he woke up he would be as good as new.

Azief could still feel his control over the Heaven Will. He got up and his body seems to glow blue.

A powerful pressure rises up around him and the heavenly skies seems to be affected with pillars of light seems to connect the ground and the sky

Azief come closer to Will, as his body could controls all kinds of powers that is on Earth.

Azief right now could feel that if he wanted to, he could rush through the Essene Creation and come closer to breaking the system that is embedded into his development.

But he knew that if he did that, he would abandon his Perfection path. There is something that he had come to understand after the many trials and the many tribulations that he had suffer in the name of Perfecting his Path.

And that is perfection is always hard. The easy way is like a temptation. but once he falls in to that temptation, he could no longer return the original path

So he did not take advantage of the heaven Will to try to break through. Instead his mind focus on his original reason for coming to the future

Will words echo in his ears.

This is just a pit stop.

Why they arrived here is something both of them have no way of knowing. But they both felt that this is like some kind of machinations of some powerful beings.

He come closer to Will and Will was shocked to see Azief current state. Azief did not see himself as Will had see him.

Will could see that behind Azief, there is a vague image of another version of Azief. This version of Azief is larger and sits on a throne that is as black as night.

Mist covers up the facial feature of this vague figure of Azief. And Will understood why Azief could wield such power of heaven and the power of Earth on such level.

Azief future-self might not be that different then Azief current self.

They both ruled the era. Azief then hold Will shoulders and then Will was also pulled in into the same state as Azief had.

They could see the whole world using the power of the Heavens.

And what they saw is miraculous and magical. The Earth of the future is nothing like the Earth of their time.

They were crystals towers reaching up the clouds.

This might not seem amazing because even in their times, there are building and structure that reached the skies.

But for a structure to reach the sky in the future, they both knew that it is hard.

Because now they see that the Earth is no longer as small as they were in the past. josei

In their eyes, reflected upon them is land and sea and all kinds of mystical places filed with fog, thunders, waters and all kinds of elements that exist in the universe.

Azief willed it and they seem to look down on Earth from space and what they see was the same sun, the same moon, and the same planets that surrounded it.

Only that they were bigger. So much bigger. And as they become larger, Earth also become large.

It was so large that they could fit tens of thousands of Earths in this new Earth. Will use to brag that he could run around the world back to back in only a few second.

With his current level, it might take him like a few hours to run around the world. And that is not to mention the many obstacles that he might not be able to pass.

‘What happens in the past?’ Will ask. Azief also raises his shoulders, gesturing the same thing. How should he know?

They look upon the world from the eyes of heaven and try to see their future-self. Azief suddenly got an idea.

‘We don’t have to run around the world to gather speed’ Will heard Azief and the he understands.

‘The power of Heaven’ he muttered

‘Yes’ Azief smiles.

It is fortunate that in the future, Azief seems to have full control of Heaven power. He could just absorb the speed using the power of Heaven. Will then asked

‘Is there any obstruction from the Wil of Heaven?’ Azief shake shakes his head.

‘My future-self must be very powerful. This Heaven Will is actually my will. Or to be more accurate the will of my future-self’

Will nodded but he did not say anything about it.

Will did not necessarily felt happy about that. Azief understand why. Because they both feel and Azief is also included in feeling it, that his future-self is a very cold person.

With the Will of Heaven, how could Azief in the future could not see what happens to Loki? Yet, there is no help coming.

If even Azief that is coming from the past using the Heaven Will could see from the vision of the Heaven Will the swaying of a leaf a whole other continent away, how could he not see this scene right now

But there is also a creepy feeling that engulfs them both. Because they both could be observed by Azief future-self right now.

Azief then come out of that state and look at Loki that is still unconscious. He looks at the walls of the caves and he was inspired to do something.

He wanted to know whether time has a corrective power. Azief come to the cave walls and Will was puzzled

Azief then put his finger on the cave walls and write his name. Each of his finger seems to be like some sharp tool as it creates a deep writing on the walls of the cave

He writes Death Monarch Azief on the cave wall. Will then understand

‘You wanted to see how much effect the Time Corrective Measure would do?’

Azief nodded and he waited.

Suddenly in front of their eyes, they could see slowly that the writing in the walls faded away like it has experience thousands of years of aging before some of the letters that Azief had wrote disappeared

It only left a few alphabets. The alphabets are D r Ch

Death Monarch.

The C is supposed to be a small letter and not a capital letter but suddenly it changed into a capital letter.

The D the beginning of Death Monarch is the only thing that was left from the word Death. Monarch left three alphabets which is the rch.

‘It could not correct everything’ Azief said satisfied.

‘That is good for us’ Will said.

‘I don’t want to get erased by some Time Reapers or by those self-serving, holier than thou Time Master’

Azief took a long hard look at Loki lying on the ground and nodded to Wil.

‘Let us go.

‘The faster the better’ Wil said.

Azief once again activated the Will of Heaven. He gathers the speed and laws of time and space onto his fingers.

And then he grabs she empty space in front of him. And then a tearing sound exploded inside the cave.

The empty space is suddenly being ripped out like it was a blanket that is used to cover something behind it.

Azief had use the power of the Will of Heaven to easily rip out a Space and Time Tunnel.

‘Jump in’ Azief said to Will.

Will smiles and then immediately he jumps in and Azief follows after.

The moment Azief enter the Space and Time Tunnel, his connection with the Heaven Will was severed.

And a few eyes that look at this matter closed their eyes. A few minutes later Loki regained his consciousness

He got up and then look around his body

‘Huh’ he himself was shocked at his current state. He still remembers that he almost charred to death being attacked by that person.

He checks his pouch and looking at the pouch and still seeing the Book of Mysteries is still in it, he was perplexed.

Is there such a nice person in this world?

He got up from where he is and he was about to rip the space around him and hide away for a moment from his enemies.

Then as he was about to go away, he saw there is a carving on the walls.

‘Dr Ch’

Loki then saw a few alphabets that was erased.

‘Could it be that Doctor Cha? His initials or his calling card? Like the clouds calling card of Void? Dr Cha, that person saved him? Hmm’ Loki said.

He frowned. This is because he studies the principle of Karma and his path that he takes is quite different. Loki is retying to prepare for the Battle of the Divine Throne.

The next battle of the Divine Throne has long been discussed since the crowning of The Earthshaker a few decades ago.

Loki is interested in fighting for the battle of the Divine Throne fighting against the top two contender, Katarina and Jean.

If he owes Karma to Dr Cha, he better repays him back before the Battle for the Divine Throne started. His enemies could use that to inflict Fate Backlash at him.

He shakes his head and then ripping the space in front of him, he jumps in and disappeared from the cave.

Loki survives that day.

And up there in the sky above the sky, in the layer of dimensions that separates the world and this place, a person covered up in golden armor frowned.

He frowned and he returns to his throne in the core of the Earth. Then he began to think and the earth shakes and the waves went wild


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