Lord Shadow

Chapter 776

Chapter 776: The decree of heaven (1)

‘What kind of a world we arrive at?’ one of them ask at the soldiers beside him.

These soldiers from other worlds have seen all kinds of phenomenon when they conquered other planets and world before and nothing should shock them anymore

But they have never seen such scene. They themselves in their worlds believed that they are the peak of human existence, possessing powerful technologies.

There were many worlds overlapping each other right now. And this soldier come from one of those world.

The world where he came from is governed by one singular entity of power, the Empire of Evenisia.

They had mastered space travels and conquered planets and star systems.

Today, the military department suddenly detected a huge explosion of energy that opens up portals in their Earth.

The military immediately send scouts and found out it is a world untainted by pollution and seems to have many mineral resources that is now rare on Earth and even some new mineral resources that they could not identified. josei

As the Empire usual behavior, they immediately send an invasion force. What they want, they take.

Of course at that time, they did not know that they were about to kick a very hard metal plate.

They appeared in a vast land of emptiness.

No one would have thought that when a scan of the world was done, the scanner that they brought could not scan the entire planet surface.

It surpasses the machine scanning range.

That alone should be a warning sign for them that they should not have come into this world. This world that they come into is larger than any planets that they have encountered before and it is also one of the strangest planets that they have ever been in

They then began exploring the world, sending their drones and their scouting robots up toward the sky.

They could see the weird plants, large trees that reached up toward the Heavens, all kinds of manners of beast that are all gigantic in size and possess abilities that is illogical

It was then that they were found by the inhabitants of this world and engage with them in battle. One thing that their soldiers are famed was their ability to win every battle they are in.

Of course, that confidence lasted only until the first clash between them and the original inhabitants of this world

And it is to their shock, that they found the inhabitants of this world is not as primitive as they thought and they are not weak either.

They possess powerful weapons and all kinds of abilities that bordered in magical abilities that usually could only be found in fantasy stories

At first, they scoffed at these people weapons.

Some of them brought out spears, some brought swords and other brought out weapons that look like they came from a medieval world era.

But it wasn’t until their prided advanced machinery clash with these cold weapons, that they understood why these people uses these kinds of weapons.

Their weapons possess powerful destructive power.

Some of them controls the element and some of them control the very energy that exist around them.

With their sword they could cleave mountains and with their spears it is like they were using a powerful lightning bolts to pierce through their armor

They could fly to the sky and hurls down lightning and thunderbolts, produce fire from their mouth and control the weather like gods in myths.

If Earth Prime did not experience the event of the Fall where the All Source transformed the world, it is without doubt that these invaders would easily steamrolled any opposition.

But if never existed in the battlefield.

When they ask this question, it is not because they were curious like any other times they conquer other planets.

The tone is a tone of fear and disbelief.

This is because as they look toward the distance, they could see a titanic silhouette covering up the Heavens.

And it grew larger and larger that one could almost feel that this titanic figure is about to envelop the world like a world devouring creature

They felt fear and uncertainty creeping in their hearts.

What kind of world did they tried to invade right now? By now, many of this people had fought the inhabitants of Earth prime.

And they come into one terrifying conclusion. Whatever these beings are, they are not human at all.

The people of this planet in the minds of these invaders looks like humans but they were nothing like a normal human.

They did not have to wear nano integrated suit to fly and they control the power of the elements. Some of them have unique abilities like superpowers.

They are godlike being that live in a planet that is the same as their planet.

Some of the soldiers even thought that they have arrived at a Divine Realm where all the inhabitant is some form of deities.

This soldiers are but one of many of the other invasion forces that just realized that they have come into a very dangerous world

And now a new worry fills their mind

Instead of them able to use the space rips to come to this world and conquer it, some of them even fear that these people of this world would set their sight to their worlds.

Since the space rips went both ways. The silhouette figure struck fear in all the hearts of these invaders

Only at a certain place where the sight is obstructed by tall trees and tall mountains that it is hard to see the silhouette.

But for invaders that come from a world of magic, even though they could not see it, they could feel the intensity of energy that is swirling throughout heaven and Earth

But that would not remain for long as Azief silhouette grew even bigger by the second and that feeling is no longer just a feeling, as the pressure mounted upon them become like a solid attack that would pressure their body

As for the heroes and heroines of the world, they all gaze toward that direction and they all were shocked.

They were shocked because of different thing. It is not the gigantic silhouette that shocked them.

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