Lord Shadow

Chapter 787

Chapter 787: A deal (2)

But there is a reason why even after all that he still creates such a palm strike and still be fine and appears like he is not drained at all

Because he is recovering at breakneck speed and the effect of his attack had now create an energy surge all over South American Continent.

With his eyes he could see how these energies that come from the fallen demonic creatures and the energy of the otherworld forces falls into the ground.

Some surged up to the sky and will help the strengthening of the world.

After this, Azief would expect that the world will be full of monsters again. The All Source would spawn more monster and would gave the chance for humanity to rises up in level again.

‘Is this a calamity? Or a blessing?’ he thought to himself.

He then absorbs some of the energies to replenish his drain off energy. The Laws around him is also healing him. Not to mention the Heaven Will that is already partial to him.

Azief then look below. He could see some of them are still dumbfounded.

He looks at Hatta and Hamad and he said, his voice seems to reach those below like he was speaking beside them

‘Hamad, Hatta won’t you thank this old acquaintance of yours?’ Azief said with a slight smile.

Hamad and Hatta like they were broken from a long dream were startled and then shake their head as they shouted.

‘How could we dare?’ Azief laugh. His laugh was carefree and like he was the overlord of all, carefree and unrestrained.

‘You are still here, huh. I thought you would go back. But I guess, surviving all the changes of the world, you are one of the lucky ones’

Hamad and Hatta look at each other and then they laughed.

They nodded and then Azief look toward Narleod.

This time the other members of the League of Freedom all become tense.

The words between Hamad, Hatta and Death Monarch is a word of greeting between old acquaintance.

Some of the members of the League of Freedom did not know that such a normal member knows such a world renowned figure.

But the conversation between them is understandable. But now suddenly Death Monarch is looking at their leader.

And his eyes are very cold. How could the members of the league of Freedom is not alarmed? Everyone know that Death Monarch possess all kinds of abilities.

There so many rumors and exaggerated stories about him. But mixed in that exaggeration and rumors, there must be some grain of truth in that.

They just saw how Death Monarch kill almost every single enemy in the South American Continent just by pushing down his palm.

Now, that Death Monarch suddenly look toward their leader Narleod, some of them recall the stories that Death Monarch stare alone could kill people.

They all were alarmed and they are all ready to trade blows. This movement of theirs did not escape the judgement of Azief as he then smiles

‘Narleod, you have loyal subordinates. Most people would not even dare to show any hostile intention towards me’

Narleod still have that complicated expression on his face but then he laughs, his eye showing the same madness that always made Azief uneasy.

Narleod then said

‘We are all crazy people.’ Azief was shocked hearing Narleod answer and then he laughs.

‘Hahaha’ his laugh echoes above Heaven and resounded over the Earth.

His laughing fills the area between Heaven and Earth and it pressure those League of Freedom members so hard that they could not help but tried to close their ears.

The laughter stops and then the world is calm again.

Azief then said.

‘I have destroyed all the space rips in the South American Continent’ he suddenly declared. josei

Go to pandemonium and aid my people. Everyone could hear the tone of Death Monarch. He is not requesting help. He is ordering the League of Freedom.

But no one felt the need to protest.

After all, it is true that they owe a great debt toward Death Monarch right now.

Azief on the other and did not think that they owe him any debt whatsoever. Because this problem originated from him. But they didn’t need to know about it right now.

Narleod on the other and also did not want to protest. But he does have some concerns.

‘But…what if more space rips opened up when we go to pandemonium? This is my territory. If I go to another continent and ignore my home, how could people here would ever respect and listens to me in the future’

Azief did not answer.

Instead he looks toward one direction.

The direction that he is looking at is the direction of the African continent. He squinted his eyes and he could see that the African Continent has been cleansed off from all invading forces.

Now, the fighters and the African Alliance is beginning rescue operation by sending healers and medicine aid to those who are injured.

The titanic Law Body in the African Continent has stopped moving after finished cleansing the continent.

Now that the Law Body had fulfil the mission that he had given Azief could easily summon it back to become the Laws inside his Inner universe.

But he did not do that. He thought of only one desire.

‘Come to me’

And then suddenly to the shock of everyone, a titanic figure materialized in front of them, standing behind Azief. Now everyone single people in the South American Continent could see the titanic figure looming there in the distance like some kind of avatar of deities.

The moment this titanic figure materializes the laws of Life seems to materialize out of nowhere as flowers bloom and trees sprouted up as some of them even evolve themselves to become stronger and sturdier.

Smiling, Azief then look at Narleod.

‘My Law Body would guard this continent for you’ Narleod seeing that titanic figure laugh and nodded

‘Fine. I have no problem with it. But it would take some time for us to arrive in Pandemonium. Warp could only teleport so much’

Azief smiles and then said

‘Leave that to me’

The Cosmic Law Body look toward the group of fighters from the League of Freedom. One look and all of them were healed

All their fatigue and all of their injuries were healed.

Then before they could even exclaim in shock, the Cosmic Law Body waves his hand and those people and even the tortoise disappeared as the space around them turned into kaleidoscope shape before reassembling itself and the space around the area become normal again.

Azief then no longer pay attention toward this area.

Instead he looks toward the sky, his eyes seem to be piercing the clouds as his gaze finally rested on the moon.

He frowned a bit and thought to himself

‘I hope you succeed up there’ then Azief take another step and he disappeared from the South American Continent

There is now only the Cosmic Law Body there as it stands there and close its eyes like a silent guardian.

In Pandemonium, four tortoise appeared and all kinds of fighters appeared suddenly amidst a great battle and then laughing Narleod shouted to his people

‘Let us not owe Death Monarch any debts! Attack!’ the great fighters of the League of Freedom appears suddenly in Pandemonium and began helping the great heroes and heroines of Pandemonium.


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