Lord Shadow

Chapter 789

Chapter 789: Take some time

Azief opens back his eyes and he is still floating on Asian sea area. All around him the turbulent seas rages and rages on

His apparition up there in the moon had disappeared and Azief could feel that the formation of Laws by Hikigaya is about to be completed.

‘This would help me tremendously’ Even right now, Azief could see a mass of energy swirling up there above the skies, swirling around the moon.

‘A Heavenly Realm Divine Comprehension. That is impressive’ Azief thought to himself.

Hikigaya could be considered a late bloomer.

The world had always compared Azief to Raymond and many people believe that under Death Monarch, the number two strongest in the world is Raymond.

But Azief also knows that this list is not entirely accurate.

There are some people that did not wish to be known and there are some that did not show their strength, preferring to remain low profile like Jean.

Jean ability is very troublesome to deal with. If Jean reaches Divine Comprehension, he would even become harder to deal with since he could use Time to play around with his enemies

As for Hikigaya, that is a true definition of a late bloomer.

Right now, the fact that Hikigaya manages to condense Nine Disk at such a small gap of time and seeing that there is no instability in his Disk, Azief could very well said that Hikigaya talents in comprehending the Laws is probably even higher than Raymond.

Raymond seek stability. That is his path. While Hikigaya seems to try to differentiate what is the illusory and what is real.

And it is clear that in this path, Hikigaya is faster.

As the energy above seems to gather around the moon, Azief could see that an eye seems to open up. The moon and the sun become an eye.

It is clear that Azief help Hikigaya to quickly impose his illusion on the world by using the Heaven Will

Right now, many of regions in Asia seems to be enveloped by mysterious mist.

Mist suddenly coming out of the voids and fills the area.

Those who were invaders and have hostile intention to the people of Earth Prime all were shrouded with this mist.

When the mist receded, they all turn crazy, killing their comrades maniacally. Most of those who were affected is the people from the Otherworld who were red in the eyes and their veins bulging from their body.

They laughed as they turn on their comrade and some even started eating the flesh of their comrade in arms.

This sight is truly terrifying

There were also some Seresian demonic soldier that was affected but only the weakest among them would be affected while the strongest among them could maintain their sanity.

In the eyes of the Otherworlds invaders, they are killing their enemies when in fact they are killing their brothers in arms.

The Asian continent seems to be shrouded with a thick misty fog. Azief smiles as he thought to himself.

‘It seems it would take some time for him to strengthen his illusion. But at least I now could cross Asia out of my list’

Azief then look around once again determining where he should go now. he then gazes further and his eyes saw what is happening in Antarctica.

He took another steps, the space ripples and he appeared in the sky of Antarctica.

All over the sky of Antarctica there is space rips and even some mini black holes that was the result of the great battle between the forces of the Order of Thinkers and the invaders from the other worlds.

He could also feel a demonic force that seems to pervades every inch of space of the Antarctica continent

Even though he had seen this scene with his Heaven Will vision, seeing it in front of his eyes, it still seems incredible.

The thing that Azief is seeing is none other than the Demon Slaying Array. He could see the large and tall twelve pillars

He could see the root of the twelve pillars, embedded deeply in the seabed of the oceans that surrounded the continent and saw the end of the twelve pillar which is up there above the clouds

There are flat lands up there on top of the tip of the pillars. And there are lines on these flat lands that seems to connected energy from the ground to the top

Azief took a quick glance and everything is revealed in his eyes

Each of the pillars have a person on it and each of these person is all in terrible condition, some of them bleeding from their mouths, some lost their limbs and some even lost their lower body but they are still fighting.

‘Hmm’ Azief muttered as he could see there are corpses of demonic creatures all around them. It is clear that they are protecting their position on top of the pillars not giving even an inch space for the demonic creatures to disturb whatever they were doing

‘This kind of formation is truly one of a kind’ Azief thought to himself. After all, he could see where the energy of this formation come from

Twelve people and twelve pillars.

These are the twelve people that maintain the formation. Hence it would not be surprising that they were targeted and attacked by the Seresian demonic creatures

Azief also had determined something very important. These demonic creatures of the Seresian world lack …independent thought.

Someone is directing their actions. josei

The area around the pillars seems to emanate holy light that dispel the demonic force.

‘I could make use of this’ he thought while smirking a bit. A plan had already formed in his mind.

‘Twelve pillars’ he repeated again.

‘A great material’ he thought again as Azief took another step in the air.

The space around him integrated and he appears suddenly at one of the pillars, like he was materializing out of thin air

There is a person on the edges of the flat land of the top of the pillar. He could see that one of the Disk Formation levelers assigned to this pillar is about to die.

He simply judged it by seeing his life force. Those who could see Azief eyes right now, would notice his eyes is clear blue like those of the Etherna.

He could judge whether a person is about to die or not by seeing their life force. He frowned a bit and thought to himself.

‘It seems Order of Thinkers really experimented with everything’

The reason he thought like this was because he notices something weird about these people guarding the pillars

‘It turns out it is not people after all’

He once again glances around and his eyes could see all twelve of the people on top of the other pillars like distance and space concepts did not apply to him

these twelve people is not as much as people but cybernetic organism.


The best or the worst of both worlds.

that is because while some parts of their body is machinery it is also have the trace of magical power.

Azief was quite curious how the Order of Thinkers managed to stunt the recovery and regeneration process of people.

Seeing that most of these cyborgs is around Disk Formation leveler, unless they died completely, they could always regenerate their body and this is unconsciously done and not something that needed to be done intentionally.

The fact that the Order of Thinker managed to merge new kinds of adaptive metals and stunted the recovery and regeneration process of people of Disk Formation seems more interesting to him than the fact that these people are cyborgs

Man merged with machinery.

It is not the first time Azief ever saw such thing so he was not that surprised. It is only a surprising matter that Order of Thinker could create one.

After all, being a cyborg in Earth Prime is not like an upgrade of power. Instead it had its disadvantages especially if these people wanted to reach Divine Comprehension later.

Azief smirks a bit when he understood the Order of Thinkers secret forces

‘No wonder they are called the Order of Thinkers. So, they boosted the power of half dead person to such a level making them able to possess power close to the peak realm of Disk Formation. It seems Order of Thinkers is still hiding a lot of things from me’

Azief thought to himself.

He appeared at the pillar.

The large mob of demonic creatures was all about to tear the person on this pillar when Azief move his finger

A force sweeps by the area and all of this mob they suddenly halted in their position. Azief was calm and it appears like he is easily walking through the battlefield

They shrieked and was about to scream when Azief move his finger again and the Laws around the area was altered.

This time even the sound waves around them stopped, making their sound could not travel.

‘You Seresian are all the same. All of you are very noisy. Like mosquitoes. Is it that you are not able to speak, or is it that I do not understand your words. Your demonic counts and others could easily speak; why would the low level did not know how to speak?’ Azief shake his head.

He spoke and none of the Seresian demon seems to understand.

They do understand fear and they do feel emotions, though from what Azief could tell these emotions that these demonic creatures have is like it is an infancy.

Like a child barely coming out of a womb and learning for the first time emotions of fear.

Azief long notices something is very wrong about these demonic soldiers. Not only in this continent but also on the other continents. There must be some secrets.

One of the problems that Azief notices is the exaggerated number of them.

From what he could remember in his journey in the Seresian world and the subsequent war against the Demonic Emperor, the Seresian worlds seems to be fragmented and trillions of life were reaped in that great battle.

All kinds of Demonic prince died turning to ashes.

But Azief did not dwell on it for long. The reason is because this is the matter of the Seresian race and not his.

Maybe they created a birth hub or maybe they have cloning technologies or maybe there is countless other technologies that create this mindless soldiers that did not seem to understand the concept of language.

Yes, that is the conclusion that Azief had reached.

These demonic creatures did not seem to understand even the simplest concept of language. It is like they come out of their mother womb and then were ordered to fight.

There is like an imprinted sets of order sin their mind, some kind of locking mechanism in their minds and hearts.

Azief notices it because he is a Divine Comprehension and there is much mysteries in this world that he knows of.

If Hikigaya step onto Divine Comprehension, even he also probably would notice this weirdness about these demonic creatures.

One of the hypothesis that was formed by Azief is that after the great war, the few Demonic Kings that survived the war had to replenish their demonic creatures.

And maybe they found a way to create an endless soldier.

Maybe there is a reason why they keep invading worlds and the act even become even more aggressive after the war with the Demon Emperor.

But whatever it is, Azief did not have to dwell on it for too long because this is not his problem.

Then Azief took a step. And the entire pillar seems to shake and disturbed the seabed from which these pillars originated.

The space around Azief body seems to crack and break before reforming itself back. Azief smirk a bit

‘This might take a little of my time’ he thought to himself.


There is an announcement on my discord channel. For those who are not in my discord channel, the gist is that I will be focusing only three books for now. Because I wanted to end the story by the mid of next year.

Which also means there would be more chapters for Lord Shadow readers and longer chapters.

Today there would be double release. It would be released maybe half an hour later because I need to check some of the mistakes in the chapter first

I could not promise that everyday there would be a double release but expect a double release every few days.

Anyway, if you like the change please comment below. And privilege readers for now could buy until five chapters ahead but in Dec that would be eight chapters ahead.

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