Lord Shadow

Chapter 798

Chapter 798: A golden staff (i)

The world rumbles, the Heaven was tear apart and all kinds of demonic creatures roamed the skies and below it.

Earth, seems to be like one of the painting of Hell. And all of this happen in the timespan of half an hour

Half an hour could change the lives of many people.

That is what happened to humanity today.

Half an hour before, some of them wanted to enjoy drinking with their friends, others wanted to open their stall to sell their wares, while others wanted to laze around.

But suddenly these peaceful people, and their peaceful city were attacked by demonic creatures and people who wore iron suits and having technology that seems to outstripped humanity technology before the fall appeared before them.

Some of these Breacher appears as dumfounded as the people of Earth Prime. Others was not as their civilization was seeking other world to conquer and suddenly they got access to it. josei

They immediately drew fire and the war began

There are even Witches and Warlock among them. They were suddenly invaded by people from other worlds.

In half an hour, they all fought, trying to survive.

Most adults that is alive today, most of them were the survivor of the Weronian Occupation.

The moment that these demons showing intention to attack, they immediately enter combat mode

That is what happens in Antarctica in half an hour before

But now…. there is only silence.

All those cities and villages all over the Antarctica region all were shocked when all of their enemies turns into an emaciated corpse in front of their eyes.

At one second they were clashing each other, weapons drawn, a second later, the weapons of their enemies fall down and they turn into a corpse.

The Seresian demonic creature that was flying in the air with their skeletal wings all dropped down from the skies, likes someone had just spray poison to mosquitoes and they all fall down to the ground like heavy rain.

Their bodies drop into the ground by tens of thousands, and they died almost immediately, the impact of their body crashing down on the ground created heavy shaking all over the area.

Some of them fall down and exploded, other had their body smacked flat and some others that have powerful body falls down and created deep craters or hole in the area as the world seems to be trembling withstanding the impacts of millions of bodies falling down.

It is rain of corpses

These invaders were all dead in an instant. And so, suddenly the Antarctica is silent.

The All Source Law body did not even do anything. Just by being there, standing there, it seems that it is able to reap lives.

The All Source Law Body then said

‘I decree protection’ before anyone could react, the All Source Law Body pointed his finger to one of the pillars.

Bluish light shoots out from his index finger.

This blue light covers the whole skies of Antarctica. The moment it shoots out from the law Body finger, it split into twelve light that went into different direction.

The blue lights all went to each one of the pillars.

Those who were around the pillars those who were at top of the pillars all were affected by the lights that Azief had send

All the twelve pillars shines brightly purifying the red skies and the gloomy aura in the ground.

The red skies were created because of the thick killing intent of the demonic creatures. But as the light of the pillars grew bright, these red skies was dispelled

The formation was activated once again.

But this time the formation is not controlled by the twelve people of the Order of Thinker.

The entire formation is now under control of Death Monarch as Azief could feel the boundless energy of the All Source.

Azief however could not deduce the location of All Source. But even if he deduces it, that did not mean he would be brave enough to take the All Source.

Such powerful source of energy that seems to be shrouded with myths and legends is not something that would be easily obtained.

The twelve people on the pillar was shocked but there is nothing they could do.

It is not like they could complain to Death Monarch. The twelve will of the twelve people of the Order of Thinkers were removed almost instantly the moment Azief decided to

Azief did not stop his action.

‘This is not enough to force you out’ he thought to himself as he smirks evilly.

Azief stomps his foot and his Law Body also stomps his foot.

The stomping of his Law Avatar foot did not create a cracking sound in the seabed nor does it shake the world.

It is like a wind blowing gently, causing a slight breeze but not harm under the sea.

Instead it seems to send energy on the seabed.

BOOM! A great surge of water rises up to the heavens as a powerful force then covers the twelve pillars base and forcefully ejected the twelve pillars from the seabed, bringing up the sea water rising up

Rains fall down from the sky and some parts of the area near the shore were drenched with large amount of water that wash away the small forest around it.

The twelve people on the pillars felt the force even before the pillars were ejected from its position so they fly out from the pillar peak and watch in amazement as the twelve pillars shoot out toward space.


The sound waves reverberated under the seabed and the sea water seems to become turbulent and segmented waves could be seen all around the base of the pillars.

All the sea creatures that was near the pillars all exploded as the soundwave sweeps through them.

It is like a powerful force enter their body and because their body could not withstand it, they exploded into mass of blood in the darkness of the deep sea.

There is a force that come from below the seabed that pushes out these pillars from their stable position piercing the seabed.

Grand Researcher who was seeing this scene from her throne was shocked and above all else, she was dumfounded.

Of all the things that could happen to the pillars, this one particular happening has never crossed her mind.

She already felt that there is something wrong with the behavior of Death Monarch but she could not send any orders right now because of the suddenness of this matter.

And even if she does send an order, who could take on Death Monarch right now? And would she even dare give such order?

It is not like she wanted to offend Death Monarch.

The Order of Thinkers is not like the other Three Giants of the Great Powers and could have equal voice in their council.

Their fate could be sealed by Death Monarch if he so wanted to. As such, she is in dilemma right now.

And she is feeling uneasy right now

What makes her uneasy is because she did not know what Death Monarch is trying to do by ejecting the twelve pillars out from the seabed.

She didn’t know that was even possible.

The twelve pillars are not some pillar that you just stuck into the ground and easily could be pulled out.

It had runic formation, marking of symbol and many other protection measure.

It is almost impossible to take it.

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