Lord Shadow

Chapter 800

Chapter 800: Seven strikes that cleanse the world

The world was split into two.

That is what everybody who saw that striking swing thought to themselves. They could see that space was cut vertically. That is the first swing.

Powerful energy spreads all over the world.

The All Source Law Avatar swings its and a ghastly wind erupted in all four direction of the Law Body containing a terrifying destructive force

The ghastly wind sweeps through all the Seresian demonic creatures that is still alive in the continent.

And it did not only seem to affect Antarctica.

Because these winds seem to be embedded with all kinds of destructive energies and even life force.

When it sweeps people of Earth Prime, it did not do anything to them like they were immune to them.

These wind travels the world in lightning speed.

Azief swing seven times with his hand and his All Source Law Avatar also swing the golden staff seven times.

With each swing, the power of the swing seems to be like a powerful cut strike from a sword because of its sharpness.

And then one could see the effect of that strike almost immediately

There are seven rips of space in Antarctica continent, and each of them were cut horizontally. It is like the space of the world is a paper and Death Monarch made seven cut on the paper.

In that gap of space, there is only void and when Azief finish his strikes, the void slowly closing back up

This seven rips transported Azief attack to other places all at the same time

Azief immediately become pale after he finished swinging the golden staff and the Law Avatar just stand still and did not make any movement.

But Azief, went pale in the face and he could feel his body heating up as he almost lost his balance in the air.

the effect of the seven strikes from his staff affects the entire world.

the closer you are to this scene, the more you could understand the kind of power that was unleashed in that attack.

It is more than just a powerful attack. In that powerful attack, all kinds of concepts and Laws were compressed in that attack.

It affects the heaven and Earth, as they saw how the skies seems to break apart and saw an illusion like the whole world was split into two.

There is profound truth of the Laws of the Universe in his attack.

And for those who saw the attack, they could see immediately the effect of Death Monarch strike.

His first swinging the staff gives and illusions that he had split the world and a torrential gust of wind shrouded Antarctica.

This wind is no normal wind. It seems to appears in all direction and sweep by all of Antarctica whether it be the mountains, the forest and even the seas.

Any demonic creatures and otherworldly forces that even grazed by this wind, turns to ashes.

The sound of shrieking or their screams could not escape their throat before they turn into nothingness.

No iron suits or powerful cannon could withstand this wind.

Wind in people mind always carry the connotation that is gentle and breezy. When it is harsh, it becomes a wind that generates tornadoes and storms.

But this wind that was produced is gentle but it brings disaster all the same.

Even metallic weapons turn to nothing.

They turn to dust and the wind devour it and so, there is no proof that it existed. It was like the wind is a divine wind of annihilation, destroying one existence when it sweeps by

But those fighters who were fighting their best against these invaders could see their enemy existence erased in front of their eyes.

They could see with their own eyes how the enemy that was so hard for them to kill instantly turns into ashes.

It took a minute before the wind calms down and silence reigns all over Antarctica.

They were dumbfounded at first and then at some places in Antarctica a group of warrior cheer to the sky happy to survive the battle.

At some places they cried their hearts out for those who have fallen. At some other places they all lie in the ground feeling exhausted, their body is drenched with blood and sweat.

The Disk Formation levelers under the Order of Thinkers did not do any of these things.

Instead they went upwards and quickly fly to the headquarters of Antarctica.

Usually it would be hard to determine the position of the headquarters of the Order of Thinkers especially after the world expanded and with the turbulence of energy all around.

But now, as long as one could look up and see the horizon in front of them they could easily determine where the headquarters is.

Because there is a titanic being holding golden staff that illuminates its golden light all over Antarctica and closed off all the space rip portals making the energy around the entire continent was not as chaotic as before.

All of these Disk Formation levelers all fly toward that direction, their face is full of anxiousness, fear and uncertainty.

Not all people know why the invaders suddenly were annihilated. But those who had at least reached Seed Formation knows this kind of energy.

And for Disk Formation, they could of course know more.

Death Monarch had saved Antarctica.

But these Disk Formation levelers did not feel happy at all. Because everyone know that Order of Thinkers did not have a lot of military power.

It is one of the reason that not many great powers think of them as a threat.

The only threat they possess is because of the many knowledge and secret things that they have uncovered, catalogued and knows.

But today, when the invasions started, dozens of Disk Formation levelers take into battle. How could they not know that their existence had been exposed by Death Monarch.

It means they were lying before.

That is why they felt uneasy.

If that wind that swept away all of those demonic creatures have ill intention toward them, these Disk Formation leveler probably could not escape it unless they have certain lifesaving technique.

Bu they still keep flying toward that direction.

Because they wanted to explain.

With one swing of the golden staff, Death Monarch Azief, the strongest person in the world had annihilated every single demonic creatures and invaders from the Other world in Antarctica.

What is more astonishing was that none of the Earth Prime inhabitants were harmed by that wind and it is also the same for people who come from the Otherworld but have no desire to attack and invade Earth Prime.

Inside a dark room, sitting on a floating throne someone had seen all this. josei

But even she did not understand what she sees or what kind of ability this is that was shown by Death Monarch.

She could not believe that Divine Comprehension leveler is this powerful. This kind of power overturn any of her previous thought about the power level of the world

The Grand Researcher seeing this could only sigh.

She could not fault Death Monarch using the weapon of Order of Thinkers. She could only say two words in whispering tone

‘Thank you’ she said as she comes out from the room and wanted to meet Death Monarch.

That is the effect of his first swing.

There is another six swing.

And the force of this swinging of the staff all went to different places and each one of them possess heaven splitting and earth ending force.

At the same time that the first attack cleanses Antarctica from all of its invaders, the force of the second swing of the golden staff bend time and space and appeared simultaneously toward the Asian Continent.

Most of the fighter in Asian Continent is reserving their strength and healing their injuries as they look on at the demonic creatures killing other demonic creatures and otherworldly forces killing otherworldly forces.

The reason why they could rest is simply because Hikigaya is there and he is using his illusion power to plant a different vision in the eye and mind of these invaders.

But it would still take a long time and not everyone is affected.

Hikigaya effort of trying to create the illusion is not an easy task especially now when the world become so big that the distance between the sky and the ground is infinitely high.

It is at this time the force suddenly erupted in all direction.


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