Lord Shadow

Chapter 803

Chapter 803: A lone flower in the snow (i)

The skies around the Asian continent is very clear right now

There are even birds flying in the sky and the white clouds moves gently as it is pushed by the wind. One could be forgiven to think that there is no battle that was waged just a few minutes ago

Emperor of Wei Feng Jing look at the sky and sighed heavily

‘The world won’t remember Lee Sangmin and would only remember that person’ and thinking of this matter, it made him sighed.

If not for the array formation that Lee Sangmin had written, it is possible that the Lotus Order many cities outside the Lotus Forbidden City would be destroyed and the lives that would be lost would amount to millions of people.

But who would remember that middle aged men wearing the brown robe? All remember the one wearing that black clad attire but not the one wearing the brown robe

That is not the only thing that the Emperor sees when he looks upward.

He also saw the protection formation that covers the Lotus Palace, the strongest protection formation in the world.

Even Death Monarch would think twice before breaking it

There is a character written on the top core of the array formation that protect the Lotus palace.

And it is this character that protected the people lives during the invasion.

It is a one curved line and one straight line. The curved character is leaning on the straight line character.

It is like the character for human in Chinese and Korean. But it is not. Instead it is word character that was inspired by Lee Sangmin own understanding of arrays, of protection, of shelter and of the will of the people inside the Lotus Forbidden City

The meaning of the word is simple.

It is Mortal.

Today, that word Mortal had protect the lives of the people of Lotus Order. The Emperor sighed again thinking of the things that would happen after this.

As he thought about this time and wanted to rest the Minister of War and his other officials all come to him for direction and he began dispensing his orders to pacify the people

When the top of the wall went silent he could see that in the distance there is only two titanic being in the distance and not three.

He frowned.

‘Did you pay a huge price?’ the Emperor of Wei said to no one but it is clear that the one he is referring to Death Monarch

Because there is no three law Body but only two. Before, he could see there was another titanic body.

Where did the other one go?

Meanwhile, Lee Sangmin had appeared suddenly in Pandemonium and he immediately joined the fighting force of Pandemonium fighting the demonic creatures as he created mini formation to protect the small villages and cities of Pandemonium.

Lee Sangmin is using his formation because while only a few second had passed since the attack on the Asian continent he could sense that the divine wind would also come to Pandemonium.

He was not wrong.

At the same time that the wind reaches Asian Continent and guided by the illusory power of Hikigaya, the third gust of wind went to South American Continent.

The South American Continent is the second place that Azief had appeared after he returned from his journey to the future.

With his Cosmic Law Body, he had eradicated all of the Seresian demons and the Otherworldly forces that is present here.

Then what is the powerful wind gust is doing here? The powerful swing that Azief had created did not only possess the power of destruction, it also possesses potent life force.

Thus, it is clear that this gust of wind would not bring destruction.

An aura of rebirth fills the continent. A powerful nurturing force pervaded every inch of the battered continent

Many places in South American continent that was devastated by the war is filling with energy.

Every single being that had passed the Orb Condensing level could fill the energy filling in and some even had the chance to breakthrough.

This gust of wind only stays for a second and dissipated almost as fast josei

The fourth swing went to the African Continent and heal all the people that it sweeps through. African Alliance did not send aid to Pandemonium.

It isn’t because they didn’t want to but because they did not have a mass teleportation device and because they did not know the exact location and distance between their continent and Pandemonium right now

Instead they first have to establish the size of Earth and how the geography of the world had changed and where is the border of their continent.

They did not possess Eye of Heaven belonging to the Order of Thinker so they could not easily know where Pandemonium is right now so they could not calibrate the space and time distance between the two to send people to aid Pandemonium.

They were not like the forces of South American continent that was teleported by the power of Death Monarch Law Avatar or like Sangmin who have deep understanding of array formation that he could accurately determine the position of Pandemonium and appears there in an instant.

Their artifact is also badly damaged when they use it against the invaders.

Even if they sent people, they would not be of help and instead probably become a hindrance.

Probably even Death Monarch had seen this and as such Azief did not send them to help Pandemonium

But then what is the reason sending a life giving wind to this continent?

To those who did not know, they might think it is Death Monarch being generous. When the truth was that Death Monarch is preparing them.

Because the worse has yet to come

The fourth strike dispel all the chaotic energy in African continent and at the same time this was happening in Africa, the fifth strike appeared suddenly in Europe bringing a powerful destructive force that seems to contain even emotion in that strike

Anger seems to be contained inside that gust of wind that appeared in all four direction of the Europe continent.

The moment it appears, it sweeps the sky as the clouds were all dispersed and the falling snows that had changed the landscape of the continent into white were all pushed away

The anger is like a burning flames and whenever it passes any demonic creatures and any hostile lifeform toward Earth prime, they all turned into dust

There is Will power and emotions in that strike that differentiated it with the other strike that Death Monarch had unleashed

Katarina stop slashing her red sword as all she could see in front of her right now is clear skies and the sun shining upon the land below.

The surrounding area is no longer white, there is no longer any snow falling from the sky.

The space rips are also no longer there and her maidens were all ejected from the space rips, appearing there up in the sky floating beautifully like some maidens of heavens

Her beautiful forehead frowned and her eyebrows creased.

‘You are taking too much risk’ she muttered silently.

She did not feel good about this and she could never understand what Azief is thinking.

he rejects her but keep protecting her. He rejects her but keep looking over her. If this is the case, then how could she ever forget him?

How could she ever not love him?

This emotion could wreck a person. Katarina could not contain this feeling. There is unease but there is also a trace of happiness.

She did not know what she is feeling right now. There is anger of course.

But there is also happiness. It is hard to classify and name this mixed emotions that she is feeling right now.

She only knows that she had to do something for him.

Even though it appears that it is very easy for Death Monarch to solve all the problem in the world which is demonstrated with his one strike that cleanse all the demonic creatures in Europe, she knows that this kind of expenditure of energy would severely drained Azief.

She could not stand still knowing this fact.

And there is this same kind of feeling like the time when Azief was about to be assassinated. Her premonitions are almost always right.

After all, the stronger a person become, their premonition would also become more advanced. It is like an intuition of the future that would happen.

It is not good to ignore such intuition

In the sky there is Katarina and in the ground below, there is Boris riding a gigantic sabretooth that has now stopped moving since there is no enemy in front of it anymore.

Boris who were controlling his beast horde also was stunned with the sudden disintegration of the invaders.

It did not take him long before he could be sure that this is the work of Death Monarch.

At first he was happy but then he was reminded of his sister and he look toward the sky with a hard expression

He could guess what his sister is about to do and then he shouted toward the sky with all of his power.

‘Don’t’ he shouted, his roars fill the Heaven and Earth.

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