Lord Shadow

Chapter 807

Chapter 807: Sensing something

As Jean was breaking through to Divine Comprehension level, the strike that Azief had unleashed did not stop its destructive rampage to the enemy

The fifth strike cleanse the European continent from any invaders and the sixth strike arrived at Pandemonium with a bang.

The moment the sixth strike appeared in Pandemonium a large rip appeared suddenly around the edges of the skies of Pandemonium extending to the ground.

Such size at this moment is nothing compared to before.

If this was before the world expanded the height of this space rip would extend outside of Earth and reached space.

Probably because of how powerful this strike was it did not appear simultaneously like the other strikes and instead comes a few second late.

Then the strike seems to turns into a gust of wind that sweep all creatures in pandemonium and no one seems able to escape it.

By now the demonic creatures like they were informed by some telepathic connection had already try to retreat and the three Great generals of Pandemonium wanted to regroup and take a break.

Even Narleod wanted to regroup back when they saw the demonic creatures wanted to retreat.

But Lee Sangmin who appeared in the battlefield and constructing mini formation all over Pandemonium could guess why these demonic creatures wanted to retreat,

He immediately relays what happens in Asian continent to the Three Great generals of Pandemonium and armed with that information, when the demonic creatures wanted to retreat, they chased them and did not allow them to leave.

They all chase them in the skies. The scene look like celestial soldier is chasing and hunting demons.

Then as they were trying to retreat a powerful pulling sensation could be felt by everyone.

like someone slash open the void, space was ripped apart from the edges of the skies to the bottom of the ground

Then a gust of wind appears that inundated all living beings.

Everyone could feel the wind brushing past them. For the people of Earth Prime, the wind is a rejuvenating wind filling them with energy of the world, activating their regeneration ability.

But to those invaders, this wind is a tribulation wind, its sharpness could cut open space and grinded Laws.

No matter how they try to run and escape from the wind, before they could even return back to the space rips, the space rips closed almost instantly.

The space rips fluctuate its opening like a candlelight that flickers and then died down when the wind sweeps by the space rip.


The Seresian demon shrieks in the air, the sound of their shrieking sounded very sorrowful but then they simply become silent a second later.

They turned to ash, all the space rips disintegrated and silence reign over as the heroes and heroines of Pandemonium look at the sky with dumbfounded expression.

It was like they were ready to throw themselves into their death to fight the fierce counterattack of the demonic creatures but as they were rushing to the sky, wind swept by the place and suddenly the enemy they wanted to kill turns to dust.

How could they not be dumbfounded with such phenomenon?

Up in the air all of these demonic creatures they all dissipated like they never existed in the first and in the ground, the same thing also happens.

Wang Jian, Athena and Freya all look at each other. For a moment they were silent and then they laughed.

Wang Jian then shouted

‘Hail to Death Monarch!’ His voice resounded all over the area and the White Tiger Army all shouted together with their commander.

Freya return to her Berserker and Athena sheathe back her Sword of Ares and ride her Pegasus to her Myrmidon Army.

Even though the threat has suddenly disappeared, it did not mean that the loss that they suffered during the invasion would be compensated.

All the three Armies that participated in the frontline defense all lost someone. They all lost their brother and sisters in arms

Freya was like a valiant death soldier when she was fighting before but now that victory has come, she did not feel at all accomplished.

In her face there is only the look of sorrow, like a sister that lost her brother. Many of her soldiers died to protect Pandemonium.

Their blood did not yet dry on the ground and as such, she could not found herself the will to cheer.

The battle ended and now it is time to mourn the fallen.

It is the same for Athena.

She was like a warrior princess when she was swinging her sword, killing demonic creatures in the air but her face is solemn now that the battle is won.

Wang Jian on the other hand did not show his sorrow so openly.

He too felt the same sorrow that those other two is feeling but he knows he needs to keep the morale.

There is nothing easier to raise the morale of the people than victory.

These three generals slowly descend down from the sky and went to their army, to comfort those who lost someone, to encourage those who lost their heart and to mourn their fallen comrades

The officials in the Centre palace finally come out and begin sending orders for search and rescue and calculated the damage and the cost for reconstruction among other things

Around the Centre Region of Pandemonium, the sight of these three great generals descending from the sky is akin to the declaration that the war had ended

To those people hiding in their home, looking from their window, praying for the protection formation of Pandemonium to hold, praying for the victory of the Three Great Generals to win the war against the invaders, when they saw the clear blue skies and the lack of any threat, they all cheer in excitement.

Most of those who immigrated to pandemonium had survived the Weronian Occupation. They did not enter the battle not because they were afraid.

It is because they would become a hindrance.

Not all people possess Seed Formation level or Energy Disperse Stage level. Those who did had already joined the battle in the beginning even though the soldiers did not ask them too.

Because they all know that cone they lose, another dark history of humanity would appear again.

For those who were eager, they were sent to relatively low level area to aid the military personnel there.

But even so, the quantity of the invaders made it difficult for everyone that volunteered to survive

But those who survive the battle, they all rose in their levels and their hard work was rewarded. Some even break though to Disk Formation in battle and other break through to Seed Formation.

There is always danger in participating in the war but there is also benefits.

Those of low level still had quest that they still have to complete and is not like Death Monarch where he no longer had any notification quest as he is slowly breaking free of the control of the system

But those who were old and have no power to level up further and those who were too young like children they could not do anything but look at the sky and pray that the sky would not fall on them

But suddenly a gust of wind came over and like their prayers were answered, they all see that their enemies were all annihilated.

The streets of the Central region of Pandemonium is cheering as the people hiding in their house come into the streets and some of them was singing, some were cheering and some were carting tears of happiness.

This scene did not escape the gaze of that person in white bandage all over his body. This person is standing on top of the head of one of the four tortoise.

The four tortoise stop spewing their elemental attacks and the cannons that was fitted on the edges of the shell of the tortoise finally had time to rest, as they were red because of the constant bombardment.

If they have to endure for another few minutes, those cannon probably would die down because of overheating

Warp who was standing beside Narleod also released a sigh of relief.

On the distance, Lee Sangmin look at the sky warily and then he taps the space in front of him with his wooden staff and a triangle portal opened up for him as he jumps inside that space.

On the tortoise however, Narleod could see the cheering people and the song of victory is being sung but only he felt like this is the calm before the storm

‘This is not over’ Warp who was standing beside him also nodded.

They both sense something after all of the space rips were swept away. josei

They both guess that every Disk Formation in the world could also sense this aura that is slowly pervading the Heaven and Earth

‘I sense something’ Warp said. Narleod nodded and said

‘Me too’ They look toward the horizon.

They both felt that there is a demonic aura that is germinating. It is hard to say why and how they could feel it but this kind of feeling is probably not wrong.

There is something that is trying to enter the reality of the world. This is a bad premonition. But as Warp and Narleod had learned, bad premonition always comes true


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