Lord Shadow

Chapter 810

Chapter 810: That woman

Even though the surrounding area have been cleared from the chaotic energy, it is still hard teleporting to a person location since the distance had become larger and father away.

The reason that she could arrive in front of Shinji is simply because he has tracking device planted on him and because she is close to Shinji location

She come closer to Shinji body and then she squats around Shinji body looking over his wound and sigh

‘Ah, good job for surviving’ she knows he could not hear her but it is something that she has to convey.

Because of him persevering, that the current situation had been created.

The most badly hit area are around Centre Region of Pandemonium where most of people in Pandemonium made their home

Many people had learned from the mistakes during the Weronian Occupation which leads to people opening settlement and establishing city near the capital city of the great power.

It is easy to protect such cities rather than trying to protect cities that are far away from them.

Establishing city far from the central authority does give you more autonomy but when such world ending disaster happens, it would make the great power prioritizes the cities around them first.

That is why secluded villages or cities that is far away from the Centre region had to be protected by military officials which is not as strong as the main force of Pandemonium.

But probably also because they were on the other side of Pandemonium and their population is low, the Seresian demon even ignore some of these villages and small city and head straight to Pandemonium Centre Region to conquer it first.

For that reason, there is many large cities around the Centre Regions.

Before the world expanded, the protection formation could envelop all of Pandemonium.

But after the expansion, not all parts of Pandemonium were protected.

Shinji went to one of these unprotected area and fought the hordes of the Seresian demons and the Otherworldly forces by his lonesome.

And judging by the state of the city and the casualties, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people that have died.

It is ridiculous to expect Shinji to be able to save everyone in that chaotic battlefield. Not to mention that this, all city didn’t even have one Seed Formation expert.

Shinji basically saved this city by his lonesome.

Sina then touch some of the wound but Shinji did not respond. He also had no breath left in his body.

But she is not panicked. She already confirmed that Shinji still have his life force, only that his life force is dwindling.

Even though he had no breath that did not mean Shinji had died. It is the life force that determine whether a person died or not. For Disk Formation they won’t die easily unless they fought someone that is equal or higher level than them

Sina then pour down a potion on Shinji wounds as the wound around Shinji chest quickly sew itself back up and form back flawless skin. josei

The life force in Shinji body exponentially rises up but he still did not get up. But Sina had heaved a sigh of relief.

The reason Shinji did not wake up is simply because he exhausted his energy and it is nothing serious.

The fact that he had gone over his limit and the worst thing that happen to him is only a loss of a bit of life force is the more amazing thing, Sina thought

She then stands back up and took a deep breath. She too finally could take a deep breath and look at the area around him while feeling a little bit relaxed.

Seeing dark red skies and demonic creature coming out endlessly, how could she not feel constricted and at times helpless.

If she cares only about herself and her safety it is of course would be easy for her to survives this calamity.

After all, the Multiversal Convergence would stop sooner or later.

The Orvanians would not let the Multiversal Convergence to attract more worlds and create a Cataclysmic Reality Eruption that would affect all realities and dimension that existed in the Omniverse.

But she has begun to care for the world and its people. And like most people, she had someone that she loves and she has her family here

Earth must not be destroyed. If only for these people. That is her wish as she fought like crazy to protect that wish

Every Disks Formation leveler always had a choice to go up and escape to the starry skies.

It is not like it is a hard thing to do.

They could survive in space and if they travel long enough they could find another world to live in.

It is not that hard considering that humanity had learned that they are not alone in this Universe.

As they are warlike civilization like Weronians, there is also a lot of civilization that is peaceful out there in the starry skies

But most of the Disk Formation leveler all over the world, even those who were secluding themselves in caves and in undersea paradise comes out and fought for the world.

Sina participated in the battle and she had also done her utmost best and because of her ability she had helped the military officials to save a few city

She uses her alchemy pills to create a poisonous smog.

It is actually an anti-matter smoke so it did not only destroy the weapons of the Otherworldly forces it also kills the Seresian demonic creature.

If not for the fact that she had only scant amount of the resources to create that pill, she could probably save even more people.

Instead, she had to activate her golems that she had created from the Philosopher Stone.

She still has a bit of fragments of the Philosopher Stone after using it to bring back Lihua ability back

The Immortal Couple also joined the battle and Lihua ability was restored, shocking all of the high officials of Pandemonium.

Many had said that Lihua ability could not be restored but to see it suddenly restored, it made people ask who heal her?

Sina was the one that did that by creating the magical philosopher stone. But her philosopher stone was not a perfect philosopher stone but it is enough to help her regain back her ability.

Sina was not far away from Shinji battlefield.

All the high ranking members of Pandemonium that could fight all joined the battle and Sina was not excluded.

She took the orders from the Palace to protect one of the city but she at least had protection from the armored suit that Azief had given to her, to the bodyguards assigned to her and the military officials that also supported her from behind while she create an advantageous terrain for her allies.

Shinji however disobeyed military law but the result is quite positive. But military law is still military law after all.

Sina could only sighed. Since she was close to this area of the battlefield, even she could see the sword glare that Shinji had unleashed.

Every once in a while Sina could see a sword glare splitting apart the formation of the Demonic soldiers in the sky

The title Swift Sword that is given to him was not undeserved.

She was about to check on the city when she looks at the sky and saw a white light charging toward her.

‘What the hell?’ she thought to herself.

‘Any enemy?’ that is her first thought as she instantly put her palm together and opening it, there is a floating pill floating between the middle of her opened palm, floating like some kind of divine pill.

She was ready to hurl it toward that light when suddenly she felt the cold and saw that the sky become cloudy and then white snow suddenly falls and she could guess who is coming

And immediately she closes her palm back. The white light stopped and materializing from the white light is a woman dressed in white attire, with a red sword on her hand.

That woman looks at Sina and Sina sighed internally

Sina smiles bitterly.

She is also a woman but the difference between them is sometimes too much.

But at least, her love life is not as complicated as this woman in front of her. The person materializing in front of Sina is Katarina.

She follows the trails of energy and she arrived at Pandemonium.

She of course could not have known that Azief had already change the direction of the energy, tricking Katarina to go to Pandemonium.

Probably that is the other reason why the force that cleanse Pandemonium is very thorough. Even after the strike had passed, the residual force of that energy still stay and keep repelling any forces.

Maybe because she would be coming here. Sina could only sigh in her heart.

Azief had made pandemonium safe with one strike and like he promised, he sent Katarina to a safe place.

She descended from the air, floating gently toward Sina. Her feet touch the ground and she ask

‘Where is Azief?’ That is her first question.

Haish’ Sina sighed. She was about to click her tongue when she saw something else in the sky

‘What the hell is everybody coming here for?’ that is her thought as she saw that thing in the sky coming down


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