Lord Shadow

Chapter 812

Chapter 812: Brother and sister

She takes some time to try to understand what she is looking at right now

Usually the development of this kind of thing would be that Katarina would relent after hearing what she had said

She then would have listened to Sina suggestion and waited for Death Monarch here.

If Azief could not defeat the threat that is coming, then the least he could do was to save his loved one.

Sina knows Azief personality. He is not particularly heroic, in that he would prioritize the ones he loved first

Azief never wanted to be the savior of humanity.

He is very cynical of humanity in whole.

Of course Sina could not said this confidently.

People change sometimes. And who knows how Azief had changed. The stronger Azief become, the more unfathomable he became, even to the one closest to him.

This has nothing to do with his own personal behavior but it has something to do with the position and the things that they have access too. josei

As Azief grown stronger, he too got a lot of information about the Universe and the Omniverse and that separates him.

The experience he gained and the things he knows distance himself from people.

Maybe because he could see them from an omniscient point of view, Azief probably would always prioritize the safety of those he cares about and not the whole world.

He had never care if the world praise him or vilify him. As long as he did not do anything that would make himself regret, he is content enough.

As such, Sina was confident that if he failed in his endeavors, the first thing that Azief will do is not to save the Earth but to teleport all of his friends out of the planet.

It is a good thing that most of Azief friends is in Disk Formation so they would survive the calamity of the world if they escape to the starry skies.

And Katarina would surely be in that list of people Azief would save.

Who could have thought Katarina was so stubborn that she would rather suffer such a pain and demoting her own cultivation realm just to find the location of Azief.

Love is crazy indeed, Sina thought to herself.

The process of disintegrating herself took only three seconds.

By the time Boris comes out from the ice prison and tries to stop the process, Katarina had already disintegrated into snowflakes that scattered all over the world.

Disintegrating oneself like this did not mean she is dead.

She is burning her power, turning her body into the elements of the world and this usually would result in the user suffering demotion of realm.

It is a way of escape.

Technique is one of the things that could be cultivated and could be derived by the energy that they have stored inside their body.

Azief however never created his own technique.

It is simply because there is never a need for him to create a technique. Being on the perfection path did not require him to do many things that most other people had to do.

But as there is pros, there is also cons.

Azief attack is very simple.

But because of the Perfection of his path, in his simple strike, there contained the abstruse concepts of the Universe.

Azief usually could easily deduce his enemy moves so he could easily respond appropriately giving him the ability to fight like a master of martial arts.

As such he never requires a technique.

There is also the fact that he had gained the inheritance of Azul, which it itself a technique that utilizes Laws and energies of the world which is the Six Path Fingers.

That alone is a powerful mystical technique.

He also possesses the ten eternal rings which could supply any kinds of technique that he wanted

But there is no technique that he derived by himself. Katarina however was different. She had created the Snow Scattering Over the World.

That is what she called her technique.

As there are myriads of lives in the Omniverse, there is myriads of ways of cultivating.

As such even among Disk Formation, their way of cultivating their ability and powers is also different.

Most of the early stages is all the same.

But as one grew stronger and reached Seed Formation and Disk Formation, there is a difference in the way they practice and progressing forward.

Each different understanding of some Laws each would lead to a different method. But as long as one progresses forward, sooner or later, they would come closer to the peak of power.

This technique of Snow Scattering Over the World uses the Disk to forcefully integrate one entire being into the very fabric of reality.

It is just energy of the world returning back to the source.

After all, her snowflakes are formed by the energy of the world and did not form naturally.

And where did this energy come from.? From the world. As such, she is only returning it to the world.

But forcefully returning it and naturally returning it is different. The former is an act of transgression, trying to forcefully enter the source of power.

The latter is an inevitability

Katarina had burned her Disk to gain this ability integrating with reality and Laws of the world.

For a moment, her ability would come infinitely close to Divine Comprehension leveler. And because she took the same path as Azief her reserve of energy is very large.

With this, she could truly see all over the whole world. She did not need hours. She only needs a few second.

And then she disappears from their sight, scattering beautifully into the sky. Boris, the maidens that follows Katarina and Sina were all dumfounded

They look at each other and then Sina said to Boris

‘Don’t blame me’ and she made a gesture with her finger to stay away from her. From what Sina knows about Boris, this person six very protective of his sister and is also very violent.

Like before, she is ready to summon that divine pill once again if Boris did any threatening moves.

Boris sighed, close his eyes and shakes his yes.

‘Where is Death Monarch?’

This time it was Boris that ask the question.

But it is clear from his tone that he is not seeking Death Monarch. He is asking about Death Monarch simply because his sister is seeking for Death Monarch

But Sina is slowly starting feeling annoyed.

‘Why the hell everybody is asking me where he is? Am I his manager of something?’ she said to Boris.

As for the maidens behind Boris, they did not know what to do, their Lady suddenly use the Snow Scattering the Worlds.

It is not a technique they have learned so they could not do the same

How could they search for Katarina and chase after her, if they could not even see where she is going.

Each of the snowflakes that flew up in to the air and scattering all over the world is all a part of Katarina.

And even if they follow each snowflake, the speed of each snowflake outstripped their speed by a whole level.

The maidens are the maidens that served Katarina. One could think of them as her servants

But they were also taught by Katarina. Katarina took in these young girls who were dying in the streets and turned them into phoenixes

Azief did not use this function but there is a function of master and disciple in the system.

Since his system windows and his power seems to affect the system interface, he rarely gets any quest and while he knows that there is a feature of master and disciple, he had never use it.

But Katarina had used it and created a maiden army as elegant warriors. They were all wearing white and they all used a light sword.

Azief had only one disciple in his life and that is Xi Feng in that small world in the macrocosm that is the Three Thousand Worlds.

Sina was about to say something to comfort Boris when suddenly a great demonic aura fills the whole world and Sina no longer have any mood to joke around as she looks at the sky with solemn expression.

Boris grunted

Sina and Boris both recognize that aura is a demonic aura.

And this kind of demonic aura that pervaded every inch of Heaven and Earth is surely not going to be a weak demon and maybe a demon of the same level as Death Monarch power or maybe even a demonic creature that suppressed Death Monarch ability.

‘I guess I only need to follow the demon to find Death Monarch’ he said. Sina also heard what Boris had said and her frown become even deeper. She said gently

‘One wrong move and you will die’ Sina warn.

‘My sister is there. It didn’t matter if I were to die. But she could not’ Sina clicked her tongue and then she said

‘Stubborn, all of you’ But she too is actually thinking of joining the battle. She had long thought Azief as her younger brother.

A little bit immature and a little bit anti-social. A younger brother that always make trouble outside the house

At the same time, all of the people in Pandemonium also sense the demonic aura. And each one has their own thoughts and scheme.

For once, these people were united in one thought. Earth must survive.


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