Lord Shadow

Chapter 825

Chapter 825: The gaze of the demon

The sound of a Battlestar exploding behind them could not drown the sound of their own heartbeat beating wildly as they look at that thing

Sofia noticed it before when she first step inside the space rip

But she ignores it because she had to bring Raymond out of the space rip first. And because she fears that if she cares too much about that thing, she would not be able to stand the fear that is trying to take over her

Sofia is no longer that fearful woman on a bridge. She had grown and she had long experience more fearful thing in this world

But it is a lie if she said that she is not affected by that thing

The thing that Sofia and Raymond is looking at is a face. And it is a face that was not pleasant at all. josei

They are looking at the face of a demonic creature that was so big that it is like a mountain. Before Raymond could only see a portion of that demon head.

Now, that demon entire head had come inside the rip and that face is looking at them, staring at them, like he is staring at an ant

What unsettled them was how the eye of that demon is looking at them. There is no anger or madness in its gaze.

It is pure calm.

There is a certain coldness one could feel just by looking at the demon.

On the edges of his face, one could see the space portal inside the space rip is unable to force that head to return to where it come from.

Instead it is slowly opening up more.

Raymond gulped.

Not only because the portal around that demon head is getting bigger but because that demon clearly saw them

It even stared at them. But it did not say anything or do anything to them. The demon hand that is holding the space rip opens also seems more visible.

Before one could only see the hand and the finger and one could not see where the entire hand is.

But now Raymond could see it. Before it was hidden by the force inside the space rip. It is translucent and unclear, like some kind of a blurry outline of his hand

But now, it is no longer hidden and one could see it clearly.

All around the body of the demon there is some scars and there is a lot of tattoos that lined up all of its coarse and rough skin

The skin of the demon seems like the rocky terrains of land and this is even more clear to them because of how large the entire proportion of the demon body.

If the demon stand still and people walk around his hand, they might think that they are walking on a natural bridge of a rocky terrain sainted of thinking that they are walking on the hand of a demonic creature.

The tattoos seem like a runic in inscription but it is not. It might be the inscription of the Seresian worlds.

It glows red like blood and emanated an aura of resentment. There is also thick killing intent that one could sense from the tattoos.

Separating the distance of Raymond, Sofia and the demon head is the span of hundreds of kilometers.

And in between them is the battlefield between the titanic golems and the demonic soldiers.

The golem army is in the verge of defeat and Sofia knew that they need to go out of this place as fast as possible now that the demon is not doing anything to them

She was very clear of her situation right now.

That demon has enough ability to kill them if it wanted.

The only possible reason that it did not kill them is simply probably because they are too weak. Like no normal human would be too bored to kill ants all the time, it is probably the same for this demon

To him, both of them might look like ants and only register as ants in front of its eyes. It was curious but it is nothing more than that.

The demon doesn’t believe that both of them could pose any threat to him.

It is quite an unpleasant feeling to be treated like that especially when Raymond and Sofia could be considered one of the powerhouse of the world.

But it is probably also because of that, Sofia and Raymond had a chance to live right now. Sofia muster her courage

‘Let’s go’ Sofia said as she grabs Raymond and then without even giving Raymond a chance, she turns into an arrow of light and flew toward the exit of the space rip, the gaze of that demon keep following them.

But it did not do anything

Sofia and Raymond went out of that portal and the demons inside the portal that watch it simply said

‘It is not the wielder of the Ten Rings’

The demon king is Balfor Q’un, one of the Demon Kings of the Seresian world. He just watched two tiny beings doing something.

What Sofia and Raymond did not know was that there is an invisible barrier that separated them and the demon king

That is the only reason that they have survived. If not just by staring too long at the demon king face they could be inflicted with madness and bloodlust.

They might even start killing each other if they look at the demon king eyes.

The only few beings on Earth that could resist such gaze that seems to contains Laws are people like Hikigaya, Jean and of course Death Monarch Azief.

It is why Balfor Q’un did not do anything. It is not because he didn’t want to. But because he couldn’t

Someone had strengthened the reality barrier and the dimensional barrier of the world. It is already hard enough to try to open up the multiversal barrier that is closing up, now that the frequency of the world is also slowly changing, it took a lot of efforts for him to make sure the frequency stays at the same position.

And then he is now struggling to break the strengthened dimensional barrier. What he saw was a blurry tiny figures flying around like flies inside the space rip.

That is what he saw.

That is why he stares at the two tiny things.

In the Universe, there is no such thing as treating thing like ants when in a war. If it’s an enemy, even if it’s an ant, you must stomp it until the ant is squashed dead

‘Hmm’ he grunted as his eyes narrowed and his hand gripped tighter to the edges of the space rip.

He is using more energy taking the energy of the Seresian world with him to force open all the obstacles holding him back

He had decided to enter this world because of the orb that is in the Palace of the Demon Emperor.

He was determined now to enter this world whatever the cost.

It wasn’t until he truly enters this world he knew what treasures that the Demon Emperor was searching all this time. The Seresian home world is on a secluded dimension. It is better to call it a hidden dimension.

Because of some things that happened in the past, the Seresian monarch had choose to cut themselves off from the Omniverse.

This save them from some powerful being inside the Source Wall. But it also cut them off form the demonic energy of the Infernal Realm

Since they were always moving they could never return back to their former glory.

The energy that is in the hidden dimension was not as bountiful as the energy that is inside the main Omniverse.

As such, many Demon Kings power stagnated.

If not for the Ten Eternal Rings, they would probably have been wiped out by one of the Seven Intergalactic Powers.

As such to replenish and revitalize the Seresian home world, the Seresian demon have been conquering worlds after worlds but they never try to stretch their hands into the world in the main Universe. Instead they targeted the parallel universe t, those worlds that is in other dimension where it is hard to trace their appearance

Today, a Multiversal Convergence had happened and he had noticed it and send his army to conquer that world and other worlds that is connected to the Multiversal Convergence.

Who would have thought that the world that they were connected to possess such an ungodly inhabitant like those of the Celestial Court of the Jade Empire?

Almost everyone in this world possess all kinds of power that some was even thought to not existed any more

And he had to divert all of his forces trying to bring down the knees of the inhabitants of this world

He didn’t even have the capacity to send his other armies to the other world that is connected to it because he had been too busy trying to force this world to submit

The power that this world possess would not lose to some of the middle grade power in the Universe


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