Lord Shadow

Chapter 827

Chapter 827: The orvanian fleet

At the same time this was happening on Earth up there on space, there was also an anomaly that is happening up there on space.

In space, it is now populated by spaceship and alien’s aircraft that had suddenly appeared in the Milky Way galaxy.

It is the grand fleet of the Orvanians.

They had finished setting up things and they even have sent a few ship Deep Dive into the Tie and Space Tunnel to cut the frequency of worlds.

But it did not seem like it is smooth sailing experience for the Orvanians

The space shipyard around the edges of the milky way galaxy seems to be destroyed by a powerful fluctuation of energy

The debris floated there in space while the crew of the space shipyard had managed to come out from that space shipyard in one piece

Considering that they have ability to turn liquid form, and the fact that they are a long lived race make them hard to kill

But that is not all. The space shipyard destruction is not counted high in the priority ranking of the Orvanians fleet right now.

There is the fleet of Battlestar is heading toward earth and all kinds of spaceship is flying alongside the titanic Battlestar.

If this Battlestar was present during the first time that the Orvanians was here, it would probably shock the whole world.

Because this starship is the size of Earth before it expanded.

Inside another control room, there is an Orvanian that is monitoring a different kind of radar than the one used in the main fleet Intisar control room.

The radar ports are connected to something that looks like a biological mechanism that has life.

Operating it is an Orvanians with seven triangle marking on its forehead.

It then shouted in some shrieking words. These shouts are a code and this code was transferred to all the mothership of all the fleets.

The message was simple. A sizable Psionic activity was detected.

Someone is using Psionic Force to distort perception of reality and it is also heading toward the fleet.

Someone is using some kind of enhancement device to direct a powerful psionic force toward the fleet.

This warning quickly makes it round to all the ships around the fleet.

But it is expected that even before the warning reach all ship, that force will crash onto them first. At the same time, there is a transmission form the main fleet

‘Send so- ‘before the force hit every single ship of the Orvanian fleet

The Psionic Force came with a rushing force and sweep through all the forces of the Orvanians.

All the radars of the ship of the entire fleet seems to be controlled by something and began malfunctioning as that Psionic Force also brings a few crew members of the fleet to become unconscious

A few moments before that happens, Sith’venar was in the control room of the main fleet and he look at the reading frowning.

There were some readings that the measurement device had reported that make him feel conflicted

‘Now, this a headache’ he said to no one in particular as he read the reading again, fearing and hoping that he was mistaken.

The starbases had separated their readings so it would be easier for him to analyze it.

But now that is has separated the reading and sending a fleet to deep dive into the space and time tunnel, he found a reading that he is all too familiar with.

‘Speedsters’ he said with a slight annoyance.

Sith’venar knew that there were a Speedster on Earth. He was not all surprised when he saw a Speedster.

A slight shock but that was it to it.

He predicted that the ancient legacy of Etherna would also bloom because of the usage of the All Source.

Asargan is one of those ancient force that has existed since the beginning of Time and even before Time was created.

The Orvanians Scholars had called that era, BT.

Before Time.

The Etherna was created in a Universe that have no time. They do not die and they are all in the sense of the word was eternal

In the beginning, the Etherna were pacifistic in nature, and they moved extremely slow.

They do not progress as much as there is no need to progress when even death do not claim them

Some Scholars also called that era as BD. Before Death.

When Time came, everything changes. With Time come other concepts into being. Then there is Death. Destruction was always there in the beginning.

But Death came later. The Etherna no longer walk slow and act slow. Now, Time has its hold and things died.

The history of Etherna is hard to determine because they were the First Race of the Omniverse. And most of their traces in the Universe at large was erased

As they become the building blocks of all sources of power in the Omniverse, The Scholars of Orvanians had made many research about them.

And one of them is about the source of power of every Speedsters in existence.

In the ancient time, these Speedster were called Savi’krian. They were of the Savi’krian race who worship the Etherna of Momentum josei

People always believe that Asargan was the Etherna of Speed. So, people believe that speed is the only thing that he is in charge of.

It is more accurate to called him the Etherna of Momentum or Force, because when one reached the level of that Etherna, they not only control speed they also control the concepts of slowness.

It is not that hard to understand.

After all, when the Etherna Asargan was present in the Universe when he moves everything slow down.

From the movement of the stars to the most delicate basic generation of particles, all thing in the Universe would slow down when he moves because the force of his body seems to affect the entire Omniverse.

The ability of a Speedster is related closely with the Etherna of Time and the Etherna Borgan which is the source of powers for Seers and Oracles ability to see through the veil of time.

Asargan the Etherna of Momentum, Borgan the Eterna of All Seeing and Qwalgan the Etherna of Time were siblings.

They were of royal lineage of Etherna

Sith’venar as one of the long lived civilization existing since the creation of time knows all of this.

They know most of the secrets of the Omniverse and as the defender and guardians of the Multiverse, they know a lot about Speedsters

They were a race that brings a lot of headache to Time Lords and Orvanians.

When he saw Will the Speedster on Earth before, he ignores him because Speedster without guidance would never become something that would threaten the Time Space Continuum

This is because the Speedster legacy is not inherited.

It did not matter how Will become stronger in the future.

As long as Will did not have the true inheritance of the Savi’krian race, then he is not a problem to the Multiverse.

And something that is not a problem to the multiverse is not a problem to the Orvanians.

But he never thought that in just a few years, that Speedster had now able to travel freely into the Time and Space Tunnel and is now even capable of changing the frequency of the Multiversal Convergence

That would be hard to do even during those ancient Savi’krian race who were populated by Speedsters like Will.

But it would not be hard if there is someone who is guiding him

That is the reason why he checks the reading again and then when he saw the reading, he was shocked and the same time feeling worried.

His solid body almost turns to jelly again when he first read the reading because of his anxiousness.

After the death of the Savi’krian race, it is not like there is no Speedster at all. But there is no new Speedster.

All that is left is some legacy of the Savi’krian race all over the Omniverse.

The original speedster was taught to leave only their legacy as the proof that they existed in the ancient epoch and the Orvanians had never heard of any surviving Speedsters from the ancient epoch

how could the Destroyer be lacking in his job? When The Destroyer wanted to destroy something, he destroys something completely.

But maybe there are some backstory that even the Scholars of the Orvanians highest knowledge institute had not known

Because, right now the reading that he is reading is showing that there is a Savi’krian race inside the Time and Space Tunnel.

There must be someone from the temple is here.

That is the only explanation he could come up with.

While the Orvanian Scholars had never had any proof that there is a surviving Speedster from the ancient epoch, there were talks and theories that when the Creator interfere with the destruction of all the legacies of the Savi’krian race, there might be some original Speedster that manage to tide over that calamity.

The reason for the headache that Sith’venar is experiencing right now is because the appearance of a Speedster inside the Time and Space Tunnel is disadvantageous to the repairing process

Their technology would clash with the speedster Speed source as it is not a good match. The Orvanians did not dare to harness the power of the Speed Source.

Speedster called it the Speed Source but the Orvanian called it the Momentum Source


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