Lord Shadow

Chapter 833

Chapter 833: The needle that stop time


Loki crack the space around him the moment he clenched his fist and throws that strike. He put half of his power in that attack.

The space around his fist contorted and break as the power of stars seems to be imbued in that attack

All around him space seems to rip apart.

Space dust all around Loki body disintegrated almost immediately. There is a smile on his face. Jean on the other hand was frowning.

He did not understand as the flow of Time around him seems to move backward at the same moment that Loki started to attack

Jean was in Divine Comprehension level so this kind of attack would not be able to hurt him. And Loki must have understood that his attack would not do any considerable damage

But then why?

Why would he still attack Jean knowing the outcome of it? Jean still has the time to think of all of this even as Loki is trying to punch him

Because if there is one thing that Jean had the most of, it is Time

Loki smiles as the power of time rewinds back to the moment before Loki release that attack. Loki could not extricate himself form the Time Rewind ability but he was smiling nonetheless.

They both stand back in their original position. Before Jean could ask him why, Loki waves his hand

‘Take this!’

He snorted and then with the movement of his hand, the psionic forces that was scattered all over the over the Milky Way galaxy quickly reformed back into a net

It only took less than a second for the energy to reformed back into a net

Jean widened his eyes and immediately his eyes shines with purple color and a sound seems to pierce the vacuum state of space. It is the sound of a clock ticking.

And a pointer appeared inside Jean eyes.

Jean look toward Loki and he wanted to lock down Time and Space around Loki but as he uses his gaze to lock the space, Jean was surprised.

‘What the hell?’ he thought to himself.

The Time and Space around Loki seems to be contorted and in chaos, unable to form a complete Law that Jean could take advantage of.

Loki seems to already foreseen this.

Whatever that artifact that Loki is using, it seems that it is able to change the properties of Time and Space.

Jean did not know for sure whether the Time and Space around Loki becoming like this is because of Loki artifact or because of another reason, but Jean did not have any other possible explanation than blaming it on the artifact

If Loki could hear what Jean was thinking he would probably laugh.

After all, the reason why Jean could not do anything to him is simply because Jean of the future had put an imprint of Himself on Loki.

It enables him to escape most Time related abilities.

Of course, just like the power that is given to him by Hirate, the Illustration of Mind, this power that Jean in the future had given him has its limit.

This is the first time he had used that effect of that imprint.

Jean in the current timeline, actually have enough power to capture Loki.

But it is because Loki had the imprint from Jean of the future that he was confident that he could escape safely from Jean.

‘Ah, like I said, it would not be that easy to capture me’ and then Loki without hesitation pointed his index finger toward jean.

The net once again shrinks and this time it turns into a thin needle that floats in front of Loki index finger.

It was so small that it is the size of an atomic particle but Jean could still see it.

The moment Loki pointed his finger toward Jean, the needle flew though matter as it phases through them and then pierced Jean body in the timespan of one second

Even though there is a shield of time around Jean body it was useless as that needle phase through it.

Jean was rendered immobile but he could see that needle is slowly losing its power the moment it enters his body

It is corroded by the properties of time

In just a few minutes, he would be able to move again. But by then Loki would long be gone.

Loki smiles at the currently immobilized Jean and said

‘Now, everyone would believe’

Jean understood what Loki is implying

Now everyone would truly believe that Loki is the one responsible for this matter. Loki is forcing him to participate in this lie to.

With Loki connection in the criminal underworld he could spread the footage of him fighting with Jean the Time Monarch in the edges of the Milky Way galaxy and people would also witness that Loki holding back the reinforcement of the Orvanians.

That would then lend credibility to the news that Hirate is spreading.

Loki smiles bitterly and he said

‘Until we meet again, Time Monarch Jean’ and then Loki took a helmet from the void and then put it on his head and disappeared from Jean divine sense.

Loki had to many artifacts and secrets.

Jean could only watch Loki disappeared from his sight with a frown

‘The Trickster is truly fill with all kinds of tricks’ he thought to himself.

Jean closed his eyes for a second as his divine sense inspect his own internal organs as he could see the needle inside his body.

He quickly applied the pressure of time on that needle

The needle is quickly dissolving as the tribulation of time that is applied on the needle is reaching tens of thousands of years

Jean could see it with his own eyes as the needle slowly lose its energy properties and then the needle disintegrated as powerful burst of energy exploded inside Jena body.

Jean frowned a bit as he pointed his finger toward the space and that energy was channeled out from his body

A Psionic Force bursted out from his body. That needle is after all created by using the psionic energy of Hirate.

And Loki has never intended to kill Jean and do harm to him. He only wanted to delay Jean. If not how could Jean easily extract the needle out of himself

Jean takes a deep breath for a second

He had released himself from that needle and could now move again and he could feel that the energy that was blocked from him is now regulating smoothly inside his body again

This feeling is very comforting as he could feel back the connection he has with time and Space

That needle might not have injured him but it cut off his connection with Time and Space

For a moment there, Jean felt like even though he could withstand the pressure of the vacuum state of space, he had this feeling like all of his energy was obstructed and his connection with Time Space were severed.

For someone who had learned how to soar to the sky, it felt like he was now back on the ground, unable to fly

It is a suffocating feeling. Jean crack his neck and move his shoulders, like he is acclimatizing back with his own body

It took less time than he thought

Jean should never have underestimated the Trickster even though he was already in Divine Comprehension.

Jean knows he had already wasted time. Loki could not be persuaded. But instead it is he that felt like he was being persuaded by Loki words.

He shakes his head and then thought whatever come later, he’ll deal with it later. josei

Right now, it is important to stop that demon from coming out. He gazes downwards.

But even as Jean is in space he could see that it would be hard to stop that demon from coming out.

As such he needs to be ready to fight with that demon.

But while Hikigaya is fully charged on Earth, he is not yet fully charged. If he is, then he might even be faster in dispelling that needle

‘I guess I have to absorbs the energy of space’ Saying this Jean then takes a deep breath and the stars that is millions of years away from him dimmed.

And not only the stars a million years away from him started dimming, the stars that is all around him were also dimming like all of their heat is taken by him.

The heat is also a part of something that could be termed as energy

All of it is being absorbed by him and he felt his energy quickly enter his body. It lacks the purity of energy that is in Earth prime but it compensates in terms of quantity.

Since he had wasted time coming to space, he need to quickly replenish his energy and help Azief.

Jean changes the properties of time and accelerate his absorption power by a multiplier of one hundred times and one who is quite sensitive to energy would find out that the area around Jean body is devoid of energy.

Jean took a glace toward Earth and he saw Azief is pointing his palm upwards and he knows he need to hurry.

He took a step and he appeared almost in an instant in front of the largest ship among the fleet.

He appeared very small compared to the largest ship of the fleet.

But Jean was not intimidated in the slightest as he closes his eyes and a powerful Time and Space distortion occurs all around him.

Space breaks down and the flow of time seems to be cut off around him as Jean suddenly, in the blink of an eyes become a titanic being that made the entire fleet dwarfed by its size.


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