Lord Shadow

Chapter 845

Chapter 845: Trapped in the cycle (4)

And then an illusory scene appeared behind Azief.

Deities with white haloes on top of their head and holy aura on their entire bodies is fighting a grand celestial war with demonic creatures

The palm did not yet even reach the Demon King but he could feel its power.

The Demon King took a step backward, as he could feel that his Killing aura was suppressed fiercely by the palm.

The palm seems to imbued the scenes behind Azief back creating a powerful holy aura that seems to disperse his Killing aura, fulfilling the chanting that he had said before

With one strikes, driving Gods and Devils Away.

But even though Balfor had already take a few steps backward, travelling in a distance that is light years away, the palm seems to ignore any kind of distance and space, appearing like Balfor did not even move a step and the palm is still coming towards him.

The illusory scene become even more clear behind Azief and the momentum of that palm strike gained even more pressure.

The faces of the deities were fierce and the expression of the Demonic creatures were malicious.

This time even though Azief did not see the scene behind his back with his eyes, his Divine Sense could see all of it

He could see that below the feet of these titanic gods, were countless of alien races propping the Heavens

And below the feet of the demons, were also countless of races sacrificing their lives and blood to help the demons.

But Azief was calm seeing all of this because he saw the Wheel and all of them were sucked into that Wheel.

And the moment that happened in the scene behind Azief back, his palm connected with the Demon King chest.

The palm smack right at the middle and the Demon King chest caved in as the holy light of those deities in the scene converge on Azief palm at the last moment.

‘Demons and Gods had to submit! With One Strike, cut apart evil existence!’

Azief shouted and the entire Universe seems to crack and split apart.


The strike unleashes its power and the Demon King chest exploded and his titanic figure diminished, the Killing aura disperse as fast as it comes.

The figure of Balfor shrinked until he once again became small as Azief rises in size, the Wheel behind his back become even more clear. josei

Azief eyes look toward Balfor and it no longer hold that kindness in its eyes. His face turns fierce and his aura reflected his fierceness

He appeared like a monarch of the universe and with the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation on his back, he lords over the Six Paths of Rebirths of the Desire realm and his body radiates six rays of light and accompanied by six representation of the Six Paths in the Wheel


He was about to slam his palm toward the tiny Demon King but then the Demon king shouted

‘This is your world. But it is not the real world! I defy this reality!’ A powerful pressure exploded out from him and an ancient hymns seems to echoes inside Azief artificial world and he frowned

And then Balfor roars toward Azief fierce golden titanic figure as the palm that had covered the entirety of the universe and was about to slam onto him.

In the real world, only three seconds had passed from the moment Azief and the Demon King close their eyes.

In that three seconds, countless of epoch had passed in that world that Azief had created. The effect of Azief attack in that artificial world seeped into the real word.

The Demon King who is closing his eyes is seems to be experiencing something difficult judging by his forehead that is frowning. Then suddenly wounds appears on many parts of his body

Jean had already managed to save a lot of people and his attention had already focused back on the Demon King.

He did not attack the Demon King because he knows his attack would not do much damage. But now, suddenly, he saw that the Demon King is bleeding on many parts of his body

‘What did Azief do?’ he thought to himself.

And then the Demon King open his eyes and he roars toward the sky above him. This sudden action made Jean wary and instantly shrouded himself with Time Energy

But the Demon King doesn’t seem to be paying attention to Jean, instead his eyes seems to see something that he did not

Runic-like patterns appears around Balfor body like a tattoo. The runic patterns glow like a glowing light in the darkness.

He opens his mouth wide, and a silent cry comes out from his large mouth. Storms forms on the sky, spiraling and converging the clouds before it disperses in a moment notice

A hole in the stratosphere appeared because of that cry

the blast of energy coming out from his mouth push the space dust outside of Earth atmosphere to travel further from Earth

Even though it is a silent cry, it is just because nobody could hear it. But somewhere, in the hidden dimension something could hear it and they echo back the roars.

Like a song, like a hymn.

It is the other Demon Kings of the Seresian world.

They sat lifelessly around the Palace of the Demon Emperor. And when they hear the roars, they knew that they had to shout back

Instinct take over and they roar back, their killing heart and their killing desire transmitted to Balfor, urging him to break from that reality that Azief had created in his mind.

And they were not the only demons that roars back.

Somewhere, something, in a Dark Universe roars back.

Whatever this thing is, it exists and it roars back, helping the Demon King on Earth to maintain and break out from Azief artificial illusory world.

And the echoing of that roar broke the confusion in the Demon King mind and he manages to retain his mind and not to succumb to the confusion effect that was brought by the Wheel.

Jean also heard the roars and he also manages to withstand it though it is probably because Azief from the very beginning had never treated Jean as an enemy

Azief opened his eyes as his eyes trained onto the Demon king. Now, there is no longer the vision of the six realms in his eyes.

But there is still boundless confidence in his gaze.

‘Hard to break’ he thought to himself about the Demon King willpower.

‘No matter. I could still win this’


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