Lord Shadow

Chapter 849

Chapter 849: Number seven (1)

The area is cracking as the step that person takes cracks the ground into a web like pattern cracks.

The aura that this person is emanating is also very powerful

That person keeps laughing as the pressure of the Wheel could not pressure him at all. He looks at the Wheel and smiles.

It doesn’t seem that the six paths of reincarnation could affect him.

Then his eyes seem to have some trace of being possessed but this person simply clap his hand one time and he simply said

‘Lies’ He said it simply and the world that is about to form in his mind because of the Wheel exploded as he was not taken into the artificial world of six paths of reincarnation

For a second there is a titanic vague silhouette behind that person, reverting truth into lies, changing lies into truth.

The vague silhouette only appears for a few second before disappearing. No one notices it

That person smile as his eyes sees Karma connecting all over the world. The source of it is none other than the Wheel

The person then chuckles as he said

‘It is one of my most proficient Laws. Azul is powerful, yes. If he is the one doing this, I might not be able to hold on with my current inadequacies’ Then he smirks as he mutters

‘But the one holding it right now is not Azul. It is him’ and that person smile and he laughed again. Clearly there is a joke only he got

‘I would brag to him that I defeat him…one day’ he said and chuckles.

Then he looks around and sighed

‘Though, it is clear number one did improve you more than I expected. Even I have to expend some effort to withstand this. I really would like to save up for the big event but…alas…we could not always get what we want’ he said in a complaining tone

He put his hand together and the Laws around him seems to changed its properties.

It reverses and changes and Karma was manipulated, bounce back and the dome that he had created strengthened even more as the green mist emanated from him and covers the dome surface, merging together.

The dome stands steady and unbreakable even under that world shattering pressure. The green mist act like a synthesizer of Laws and changing the Laws that surrounded the dome

Of course, the one that could see this translucent dome is only Yewa Hafar and Loki.

The dome possesses and contains Laws of concealing of the world.

The element of the world seems to be reflected from this dome yet there is an ecosystem of internal Laws structure of Omniverse inside the dome itself

The sound in Yewa Hafar eyes diminished a bit and his mind seems to become clear but there is still a resounding sound echoing in his mind that he could not get rid off

It is only now that he notices the green mist and his Divine Sense finally able to sense that there is someone in front of him. His ability slowly returns as he more his head up to look at that person.

He raises his face and when he saw the face of that person he frowned a bit as thousands of possibilities is playing out in his mind.

Even though that person would be hard to be recognized with all kinds of concealing magic on that face, Yewa Hafar only need one glance to know who is the person that is standing before him right now

He gritted his teeth and simply said


It is none other than the Trickster.

Loki bows a bit, there is theatrics in his manner as he said

‘It is I, your reliable broker for trades and deals involving the supernatural’

Then Loki remembers something and said

‘Ah, not yet. At least in this timeline I am still not in the business’ and he chuckles again.

However, this Loki seems different than the Loki that fought Jean in space. He seems more playful and seem nonchalant of the situation around him

And there is another thing that separated him and the Loki that Yewa Hafar always deals with.

And that made Yewa Hafar felt cautious. The feeling that this Loki give him is pure danger.

This Loki seems to possess a powerful Will that could surpass the Heaven, his eyes seems to possess unwavering confidence and each step he took deceive the Heavens and Earth, overturning the concepts of truth and lies, his words could change the heavenly laws

This Loki seems infinitely powerful. And the Willpower of this Loki is undoubtedly the strongest in the world.

Even Azief would not be able to fight with this Loki if this Loki manifested his Willpower form. This is because the presence that this Loki gave him is the presence of a Sovereign.

Sovereigns is like a Supreme Being, a powerful Omniversal force in itself.

The only thing that could restrain a Supreme Being is other Supreme Beings and of course, The Creator, the Destroyer and The Supreme One which sometimes people called Him the One, The One Without Beginning and Ending and many other name

Gritting his teeth, Yewa Hafar said with bated breath

‘Number Seven’ Yewa Hafar instantly knows which Loki that he is dealing with and Loki only smiles

‘Ah, I should have known that my plans did not escape your eyes. You recognize me in a blink of an eye. It is quite disappointing to say the least’ But it is clear Loki did not feel any pressure of getting found out.

‘I calculated’ Yewa Hafar simply said before he once again double back in pain as he felt the pain in his head intensify.

The memories are torturing him and the lives of the people he had killed and had destroyed is now being played out inside his mind and soul, only this time, he was the person being killed.

He became the oppressed and he became the prey. He saw thing from others perspective.

Loki look at his barrier and he sighed. There is a crack and he clicks his finger and the crack healed almost instantly.

The pain that Yewa Hafar is experiencing quickly eased off. josei

Loki look at Yewa Hafar and he smiles widely.

‘is it painful?’ he asked

‘You rejoice in my suffering?’ Yewa Hafar asked back.

‘Why would you ask question that you know the answer to. Of course, I do’ And Loki chuckles with delight looking at Yewa Hafar current condition.

He looks at the distance and he saw the Wheel turns again and the sound of the melody that sound differently in others ears affects the whole world.

He smiles a bit as he saw the golden figure facing off against the Demon king, looking like a holy deity squaring off against an infernal creature of evil

‘Very impressive. It is expected of him of course. It is a pity that in that other timeline, he was suppressed by many factions before he became a Sovereign. This is his full potential unleashed’

Then he sighed a bit

‘But becoming too powerful at such an early time also had forced me to come out ahead of schedule. Since, he would know too much if I do not come out and help you’ he sighed again as he looks at Yewa Hafar and then he said

‘I hate doing this’

Loki click his finger and the area around them seems to be separated from the planes of reality. The space around them seems to change its properties, like a programmer changing the code of another programmer.

Loki is rewriting the Laws of the World with a simple click of his finger. This Loki clearly is strong enough to do anything he wanted in the world.

But he had never come out and had never interfere in many events of the world, always watching from his secret place

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