Lord Shadow

Chapter 857

Chapter 857: High in the heaven above

The Three Generals look at the scene in the sky with complicated feeling more than most people felt.

They do not know what to do right now.

And as such they could only look up and frowned.

They could go to the area where their lord is fighting but, they know with their power and ability instead of helping their lord, they would only be a burden.

It is the reason why they did not fly toward the area of the world where Azief is having silent battle with the Demon King

But they do not feel good to only watch.

And they were also disturbed by the announcement that had been ringing in everyone mind.

Sina who watches this from Pandemonium also felt conflicted.

She sighed.

She had heard the announcement of Hirate and she knew what Loki had done and why he had cut off all relations with Pandemonium before he goes off.

Sina knows the real truth. Hirate said the cause of this Multiversal Convergence is Loki.

But Sina knows for a fact that it is not the truth. He knows it was Azief and Will action that led to the current situation.

And she also knows that is why Azief is fighting his hardest right now and for once put the welfare of humanity as his first priority. josei

In the past, he would surely not risk his life for other people other than those who he loved and who he knows.

But as years passed the list of people he knew and the list of people he loved increased. There were more people that he could not let go and as such, today he fights for them.

Sina understand Azief more than most.

This fault is his and as such he would bear it. Sina even expected that after this is all over, Azief would not mind receiving the condemnation of the world because of his action.

To make him pay for it on the other hand might require the entire world to go against him. Sina had even prepared to reconcile the rift between the great powers after this event.

After all, he knew that the moment it was revealed that Azief is the one responsible for today calamity, then the world would turn against Azief.

Yet at the same time fighting Azief would only weaken humanity so Sina had prepared herself and thought of the idea of reconciling the great powers with Azief

Her plan might even work.

Sina after all had a lot of friends in other great powers whether it be the Senators of the Republic or the Quorum members of the World Government.

She is even friend with the Poison King Takashi in the League of Freedom and many other influential people in the other six great power.

But Hirate announcement overturned all of her plans and instead fills her with a bit of frustration at Loki

And Loki did not come out and saying it was false. Instead, it appeared like Loki had tacitly agreed on this matter

As such, Sina quickly understand what Loki had been doing all of this time. Loki was planning to take the blame for Azief deed

She did not know how to feel about this.

She knows Loki.

But the more she knows Loki, the more she knows that she knows nothing about him.

Loki for some reason, have this secret that he had never been able to share with her and one of that secret surely involve Azief.

Sina was not blind. Loki had some eccentricities that is hard for her to just ignore. Loki foresight is too good to call him just speculating.

It almost seems like he knows what is going to happen in advance.

There are many things that Sina notices as she grows in power and saw the Time Discrepancies aura around Loki.

She also believes that this is the reason for the disagreement between Loki and Azief.

But since he had never talked about it, she also never pries that much. And because she is afraid of what the answer would be.

She looks in the distance and even with her current Disk Formation level aided with the pills she had concocted, she could only see the wheel and the golden light shining over the whole world but she could not see Azief himself

All she could see is a huge silhouette of his like it is being obscured by mist

Shining too bright that nobody could stand to see it for too long, else they would become blind. She thought to herself and chuckles a bit.

There is nothing more she could do here and there is nothing she could do to help Azief.

Azief among the four friends that met in that forest, years ago, had become so high and become so far.

He is high in the Heavens above while they were all in the ground, she bitterly thought to herself.

She looks around her and she could see all the great heroes and heroines of Pandemonium are all gathered here.

They are all waiting for orders on what to do next. But no one knows what to do now. And no one is giving any orders

Sina then try to close he mouth and then she laughs a bit.

Some people look toward Sina direction but they did not say anything.

They all came here, all in the hopes that they could formulate a plan to help Death Monarch.

But now, all they could do is simply look at the distant sky, looking at that Wheel and the only thing they could do is just stares at that Wheel, moving bit by bit.

They all shares the same feeling at that particular moment. It is not that they don’t want to help.

It is that their help is not needed and even could be detrimental as they would just be a nuisance if they go there.

they felt it deeply deep in their hearts and Wang Jian clench his fist because of this feeling

They felt powerless. And that is why they only could watch

they felt that the pressure of the Wheel grows even larger and grew more powerful with each passing moment.

For some reason, they were not affected that much by the illusion that the Wheel had inflicted upon others.

While that made them able to keep their mind, they also were not exposed to the possibility of being enlightened by the Wheel

It is a tradeoff that anyone in Pandemonium would take. On some other continents they were people who were affected by it and could not think properly.

This must be an unconscious action by the Wheel corresponding with the heart of his owner.

On Pandemonium, Sina also knows that they need at least to do something.

With all of them in Seed Forming and Disk Formation level, they must be something they could do to help ease of Azief burden

It would not look good if they just stay here and watch things happen.

Sina look around her and she is trying to search someone among the crowd. She is searching for Sasha, the leader of the Shadow Guards.

But after looking around she did not find Sasha anywhere

‘Just like her, to ask help from me and then just disappear’ she thought to herself.

She smirks a bit.

Knowing Sasha, she must have some plans of her owns or maybe she has some secret orders from Azief himself.

It is ironic when she thinks of it.

Those two were enemies in the past.

But now they were like a boss and a secretary. If this is a romance series, Azief would be the overbearing boss and Sasha would be the efficient but gentle hearted secretary that he would fall in love with.

She laughs at her own imagination. She come closer to Wang Jian and Sina movements caught the rest of the other attention.

Sina stand beside Wang Jian who towered over her and she simply raise her eyebrows and said

‘What are your plans, Wang Jian? Are we to stand around here and watch a Wheel moving?’ Wang Jian frowned.

‘Your Excellency Sina, please advise’ He rebutted back.

Sina only laugh.

Sina look around her and then she laughed again.

‘This is a formidable lineup that have never been seen before other than when Death Monarch summons us’ she started saying and the people present all nodded their head

This kind of lineup is enough to shock the world and it is also this reason why Pandemonium maintain their lead over all the other great powers in the world

Yet, today, they remain motionless after seeing the disparity of power between them and the one people called the strongest person in the world

Today, they knew how high the gulf between them and Death Monarch. It is like a carp trying to leap to the Heavens

It is simply impossible.

Of course there is a reason why the disparity of power is so high.

Even though when Azief was in Disk Formation before, his power outstripped his peer. It is the reason why he remains on top and his throne as the strongest person in the world had never been shaken.

It is not simply because he created a sturdy foundation for himself, but because he follows the path of perfection,

And now after walking the Supremacy Stairway, there is not only a quantitative change in the amount of energy he possesses, there is also an overall improvement in the quality of his ability.

There are only a few people in this world that knew that Azief pursue extreme perfection in his leveling up to next realm.

People did not notice it simply because Azief grows at the same rate as everybody else.

Truth was, even though time had probably only move around eight years in the real world since the Fall, give or take any other Time Dilations Occurrences that happens all the world in a span of a day, Azief himself had experienced countless of years living in other dimensions and other worlds to consolidate his state of power.

He had used the distortion of time to shorten the Time Differences

To others, it appears that Azief progress very fast.

But to Azief himself, he knew that it is the accumulations of experiences of many years. His age could not be said as early twenty even though he looks like he is in his early twenty.

The age of his soul is even more longer than that if he included his life as the Six Live sin Azul sabers.

That is probably also the reason why Azief memories when he tries to recall the past and the experience he had experienced in the Six Lives, there is some confusion.

By slowly forgetting those moments, the soul is removed from the influence of Azul.

Whatever the case was, Azief prowess is now truly revealed to the world.


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