Lord Shadow

Chapter 859

Chapter 859: Unite, fight (2)

That is not to mention the others who also uses considerable amount of the energy of the world to raise their levels.

And it drained the world energy quickly and in a fast rate so much so that the rate of the energy being taken is surpassing the rate of the energy being replenished.

When Azief left the world, the world is slowly showing signs of having energy depletion. They know that the energy would be replenished but it would be slow.

And the more they take, the longer it would take for it to be replenished.

As such, there is even people who went outside of Earth to cultivate and absorb the energy from other worlds.

And such, this created the current problem of the weak and the strong. And the system is no longer fair

The weak people consisted mostly of those who were kids or old people when the Fall happens.

Kids do not know how to use the opportunities and they lack certain luck and certain conditions for them to thrive in the early era of the Fall.

They are mostly protected by their parents and as such they could not have made any decision that seems dangerous since their parents would not allow them to.

Even if they could make dangerous decision like hunting and doing quest, they might fail and might die

The most optimal people primed for success during the early years of the Fall was people who were around their teens or during their middle age.

Since they have seen the world and some of them quickly adapt to the game concepts

There are also people who is already established with background like soldiers or spies, or had laborer who were quite familiar with hard work and dangerous lifestyle.

And some were lucky.

Whatever the case this disparity of people who gobbles up the energy of the world has now currently become the powerful people of the world.

Azief for example had shave off the immature parts about himself, appearing to many people of the world, like some kind of impassive dark god that protect Pandemonium just by sitting on its throne and oversee all creation from the Heaven.

There is Raymond who is shining like the sun, inspiring the people of the World Government with his valiance and honor

People would not believe if Sina told them that Raymond was a gamer in the past and he is an ardent visitor to Comic Con. josei

Then there is Katarina who is unbending in her conviction against evil.

There were so many criminal warlords and evil people that has been sacrificed to her red sword that gives her the reputation of hating evil and upholding kindness

Who would believe her if she said that Katarina the strongest woman in the world was once abused by her father and powerless to stop him

How about Boris, the Beast King who ruled side by side with his sister in the Republic who had to take a beating for his father when he was a child so that his father would not laid a hand on his sister?

None of these stories is something that people knows. And even if they heard it, they would not believe it.

People wanted to be them, and envy their powers.

But normal people who were born at the wrong time, like those kids who were born after the Fall, they would find themselves lacking in the energy needed to break through to their levels.

Levels now is no longer a blessing.

It is a curse that limits them.

They have to fulfil the requirements of the system to rise up.

While this is not hard in the beginning because of the amount of energy in the world at that time which was abundant, as these people at the top become stronger, the more energy that they would consume and as such, the vicious cycle of the world not having enough energy for everyone would start again.

Regardless of all of this, Sina said

‘We simply have to fight’

They all know that they have to fight. But how? That is the question that they want answered.

Wang Jian then asked

‘How to fight? We are not even in the same level’ Sina only smiles.

What Wang Jian and these people need from her is not answer. They need confidence. Then she said

‘With all of this people, how could you not fight? In my estimation, all we need is one attack. It might not kill that Demon King but it surely would be able to distract him don’t you think? If we could give Death Monarch even one second of time, that would be help enough. We are all Disk Formation levelers. One second is enough to determine the outcome of a battle’

Some of the crowds nodded.

Then pausing for a second, Sina said

‘There is always an advantage of number. The Demon king might possess an Essence Creation prowess level, but it is suppressed by the Will of the World, suppressed by Death Monarch and even by Jean. And Hikigaya would also not sat still. He might be waiting for the opportune moment to deliver a fatal strike’

And then she pointed toward the sky and said

‘And I think some of you could see the thing that is above the sky. Of course it might be blurry a bits ice the distance between the ground and the sky had expanded but I think some of you could see it right?’

Some others look at the sky and they noticed it too and they seem to be making calculation in their heads

Sina continue saying

‘There is the Orvanians also coming to help us. I am not saying to you to make yourselves a burden to Death Monarch. I am saying to make yourself useful. Don throw your lives away. Wang Jian just because the enemy is stronger than you, you would give up? What kind of a general of Pandemonium is that? If you could not defeat them head on, then strategize! I thought that is your specialties?’ she smirked and then said

‘You don’t have to take risk. Go first, and see if you could help. If you could not help, then don’t. But think about it first. Think of a way to defeat the Demon King. If you could not do that, then think of a way to delay, to distract, to give even one advantage to Earth’

‘If Death Monarch loses, then Jean and Hikigaya would also loses. And if they lose and the Orvanians come late then one could only imagine the damage that the demon could do. And even if they come, what if they could not contain the demon? I, for one, do not want to rely on the mercy of others. I know all of you here do not exactly all seen eye to eye with each other. But I think no one here wants a repeat of the Weronian Occupation.’

Hearing this the eyes of some of the civilian become determined.

All of the people here had experienced the hellish years under the Weronian civilization.

Even though it is only a few years, millions of people died and many of the people in the world had lost their loved one because of the Weronian Occupation.

The scars of that war is still fresh for many people.

Sina then said simply

‘Unite. Fight’

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