Lord Shadow

Chapter 866

Chapter 866: The wheel move

At the same time that Sith’venar has finished his orders to attack Balfor, on Earth, Azief frowned, looking at the silhouette not far away from him

That is because after the dust settles, Azief saw the eye of that silhouette looking at him with killing intent that burst out from his entire being

‘It is not enough to kill him. Really hard to kill like a cockroach’ Azief thought to himself.

Right now, the Heavens had become silent all of a sudden

The skies are still dark and thunders and lightning still dance above the ground but there is no longer any manifestation of Heaven anger like before when it summons thousands of thunder dragons.

Even The Heavens had to recuperate. But while Balfor did not die, this did not mean he was unaffected at all

Crackling electricity is slithering all around Balfor chest.

Azief notices that while Balfor is not dead, there is deep wound on his chest.

This wound could not regenerate itself as bolts of lightning sparks off, burning the flesh without stopping. josei

The rate of destruction is equal to the rate of regeneration so Balfor is injured now and his injury is there to stay unlike before

Balfor body is trembling right now in pain and in anger.

His entire body felt like he was being burned.

That explosion would have killed any Divine Comprehension leveler even if they were in the High realm of the Divine Comprehension.

But Balfor is a demon king.

Unlike some other intergalactic civilization that raise their energy and gain powerful destructive power while neglecting their physical body, the Seresian demon very much value their body training.

It is why when some of Seresian demon die, their body could even form a planet by itself.

Even though Balfor did not die of the attack, he knows that this wound would severely impact his fighting abilities.

He underestimated the mortal too much.

From the moment he came to this world, while it seems that he had the advantage there were many times that he did not manage to take the rhythm of the battle to his side.

Now, he is really angry.

He could feel the mortal momentum is getting stronger and stronger as second passes. And the pressure of the Wheel that is on top of that mortal head is honing in on him

Even through the pressure of the Heavens had disappeared, now the Wheel take the Heavens place to maintain constant pressure towards him.

The space around him is being squeezed by the pressure of the Wheel and the pressure that is coming for himself, fighting and resisting the pressure of that Wheel.

He could feel that the space around him solidify, but with his level he could always break through that hardened space but he did not do it.

He knew now that while killing the mortal is important, it is more important to destroy that Wheel.

That Wheel is the reason why the mortal could fight toe to toe with him.

And he also felt that as he keeps fighting with the mortal, his vitality is decreasing more and more each time they clashed with each other

This kind of tactic might work with Sithulran but it is clearly not as effective when it used against Balfor. But not as effective also means that it did have some effect.

Azief is trying to wear the Demon King down, slowly grinding through all the Demon King defenses. He is fighting a long fight.

Without normal people holding him back, Azief could go all out with his attack. The Wheel moves again.

And the pressure did not only hit the Demon King it also hit Azief.

The Demon King took a step backward, appearing one hundred kilometers away from his current position, his body is still swirling with electricity arcs that keep burning the flesh around his chest

Balfor spits out black blood from his mouth as the seawater around him spirals before flattened and become gas.

Balfor coughed as he felt the pressure on his chest.

The reason why the seawater become like that is not because of him. But it is because the accumulated pressure from the wheel, pressing him down.

At times, the Wheel seems to possess its own thoughts and desire. Other times, it appears like it follows Azief desire.

Balfor could feel that he is being hit by a disease.

This sickness tries to penetrate his body and his immune system but because the composition of the body of an Essence Creation leveler is different than those of the Divine Comprehension leveler and Disk Formation leveler, the effect is a bit constrained.

The energy that tries to induce sickness in his body was stopped by the unique constitution of an Essence Creation leveler.

The Wheel had taken his vitality and then it tries to take his health. Azief is also experiencing severe pressure on his body as he could feel two of his Laws is inactive.

Azief now know the calculation of energy that the Wheel needed now that he is in Divine Comprehension leveler.

The Wheel is matching up with him. The Wheel only gives him pressure that he could bear or surpassed.

Right now, for the Wheel to move one path to the other, it would require the energy from two laws.

But unlike when he was in Disk Formation, the Law he had is not broken or dissipated. It is still there.

Only dim.

This is the best way he could describe when he tries to sense his Laws.

It is dim and he could not use it but it is still there.

The Wheel takes the energy of the world, strengthening Azief but also strengthening itself so it could emanate its pressure to its enemies.

All around him the sea had parted away, revealing the dry seabed around his feet.

One could see all kinds of things in the bottom of the sea, from the corals, from the things that is buried underneath the sea and the sea creatures that is flapping around in the bottom of the sea that is late in following the water movement

Azief did not notice all of that since he could only feel something is pushing own his head and shoulder.

But it is clearly not as pressuring as the pressure that the Demon King is feeling right now

‘MOVE!’ Azief thought in his mind and then another surge of energy inundated the world, cracking the seabed where he was standing at.

The Wheel complete the turn of the Blissful state trials and the scenes of the paradises of heavenly desires all disappeared.

A heaven splitting force cut upon the world and Azief felt that another two of his Laws energy is being slowly drained.

But Azief let it and did not stop it as the sound of the creaking echoes around the world and the Wheel moves toward another path.

His entire body emanated a surge of energy that causes a shockwave in the four direction. It dissipated all kinds of Concepts and the Laws of the world from him.

For a brief moment, all the Laws of the world around him become distorted.

It is clear now that the Wheel had a new source of power which is the Law energy, its effect also become more powerful and it differs a bit when Azief could only use the Wheel of Reincarnation.

The Wheel that he is using right now is the Wheel of Rebirth and Reincarnation even though it still lacks the power it possesses when Azul is in charge of it

Azief smiles to himself and thought to himself.

‘I could still handle this’ It is clear Azief is intending to take this to the end. Balfor also look toward Azief.

Though, he did not take a step forward.

He did not know how to make sure that the Wheel disappeared.

He knows he could do that by killing Azief.

Yet, because of that Wheel, killing Azief is a harder task. His Laws also could not be fully used because of the suppression force of this world.

Balfor was weirded out by this.

It is true that in any powerful worlds, especially a world with magic or energy that could be refined into one body, when it reaches a high enough concentration of energy, even the world itself would have its own Will.

This Will would view outsiders with extreme prejudice especially if the outsiders come from a different reality or worlds and even more so if the outsiders have evil intentions to the world energy

Fortune and luck would not shine upon an intruder from Otherworlds and there would even be punishment.

But for someone who had reached a high level of power, even the Will of the World would become wary of such intruder. The way the Will of the World treats an evil outsiders differ from each world to the other.

But nonetheless, there is always this same similarity. It is that when someone is being suppressed by that energy, one could always accustom their Laws and their powers to that world.

It is the tactics that he himself had always used when he shows himself into any worlds that he had conquered.

When he had familiarized itself with the makeup of the Laws of the world, merging with the essence of that world creation, the Will of the World would no longer treats him as an enemy

He would become a neutral existence. That is why Balfor did not go all out before. It is not that he didn’t want to. But because he couldn’t.

He tries to make the Will of the World acknowledges him first.

It would be easier later to fight with Azief when the pressure of the world did not suppress him. That was his thoughts

But he was wrong. He should instead kill the mortal from the very beginning instead of worrying about the Will of the World.

There is also the fact, that the make-up Laws of this world is very different. There is too many Laws, to many concepts and essence of creation hovering between the Heavens and Earth

This is world rich with energy unlike any other worlds that he had been on before. It is only then that he realizes this must be because of the All Source.

The Wheel turned.


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