Lord Shadow

Chapter 870

Chapter 870: Sky is falling

The sky cracked open and it falls down upon Earth!

That is what happen the moment Azief unleashes that sword energy. Azief eyes was shining blue and his entire body is swirling with unlimited power supplied to him by the world itself.

The Wheel above his head is supplying him with energy. The faith of the people of this world that prays to him, that hoped him win supply him with energy.

All of those intangible things supplied him with energy

And as such, the strike that he is about to brought down toward the Demon king is the strongest sword strike he had ever produced or could ever produce at his current strength

In his mind, the crystallization of his experience, his hard work was embedded in that sword slash.

The ending of this battle is near. It already had dragged long enough. A battle of such experts would usually ends in just a few moments.

Especially when there is a gap of power and level between them.

But yet, here is Azief, doing the impossible. He is a Divine Comprehension leveler.

Even though he is at the top peak of Divine Comprehension realms, he is still, after all in the Divine Comprehension realms.

Comprehending the Laws of the world.

That is how the Divine Comprehension title came about. By understanding the Laws of the world, you understand the Divine

By understanding the divinity of these Laws, you became Divine.

And while that is a great accomplishment, an acknowledgement of a powerhouse in the Universe, Azief is facing a Demon that might actually be half Sovereign.

But because of the repression and suppression of his power on Earth Prime, this Half Sovereign being now only possess power in the range of Essence Creation.

Even though Azief himself is not an Essence Creation, he did know a bit about this stage. Essence Creation.

The title itself shows the clue of what this next stage is. It is where one could create Essence. And what essence that it is creating?

The essence of creation.

One would create a powerful Will form that unify all the powers that one had possess till that point including the Laws that you have comprehended.

Other than having the power to use the Laws as one sees fit, one could fuse the Law Avatar to create their Soul.

These souls however are different for some people, as they would form differently according to their own comprehension of the stage

Azief understood that as you walk farther to the top of peak life form, the changes in you is dependent on the path and desire that you have

One could create an Immortal Soul that possess immortal powers or one could create a demonic soul. Each one would have abilities that is well suited to one own path.

And while the Demon King is considered an Essence Creation leveler, the methods of their practicing and absorbing energy and its application is different in that they train their body and their energy control methods is a bit different than the way the people of Earth practices with the energy that the absorbed from the world.

The Demon King body is almost like Azief Undying Physique

It is almost impossible to hurt him. But Azief, even though he is a Divine Comprehension leveler he is fighting toe to toe with the Demon King

And he had to use all the things he had in his disposal to just fight toe to toe with him with two others Divine Comprehension leveler had to help him.

The weapon that appears on his hand is the shape of the sword.

It is a perfect sword.

But it could actually take any shape he wanted. He could shape it like an orb and it would still possess the same power.

But there are certain things that have to take certain shapes so that the intention of the attack could remain pure.

It is hard to explain it. Only when Azief wanted to attack, he understands this

Azief wanted to cut down the Demon King.

He could have modelled it into a gun. But gun do not cut. Sword cuts. The mind conjures the closest thing that Azief associated with cutting

And it was the most suitable weapon for him. He did not feel awkward holding it and he knows that he would not feel awkward in using it.

And so a sword was formed.

But the sword in his hand is not some normal sword. It is a sword made of Laws, containing terrible power of destruction.

The space around the sword seems to rip apart small wound of torn space. The air distorted creating spirals or fragmented distortion around the edges of the sword. josei

The sword contains the enlightenment of the Six Sabers of World Exterminating Saber that belongs to Azul.

Azul uses saber.

Azief uses sword.

It did not matter what weapon he is using.

When you reach Azief level, the difference in using a weapon is very minuscule since those in their current level could easily master any weapon that they wanted

However, when they do fight with weapons, the weapons they used would not be some normal weapons.

Because even if they used a normal weapon, in the hand of the divine, even a normal branch of stick would become a divine weapon

As such the technique that they would use would also be elevated to a divine move and could only be understood by true experts.

Azief was more accustomed to using sword especially after his time in that world where he takes a disciple.

The sword that manifested from his desire was lift up toward the sky. And just by that act of lifting his sword causes the area above his head to split apart.

It was like Azief split apart the molecules in the atmosphere. And the source of this splitting apart is the sword on his hand.

Its sharpness not only could cut even the hardest metal on Earth like it is cutting paper, it also cut upon the things that could not be seen, the intangible things that could not be cut, the things that could not simply be described by a certain perception of the sense.

A Sword made of Laws that consisted of Worldly Laws, Universal Laws and a trace of Omniversal Laws.

In that one moment as he pointed his sword up, a great pressure descends upon every square inch of space on Earth

Azief eyes narrowed and look at the target of this strike

Azief eyes right now could only see one thing.

His attention was all concentrated on one point.

He did not see the things beneath his feet, he did not even feel the energy swirling around him, his eyes, his senses only pay attention to one thing and that is paying attention to the Demon King movement.

He then felt it. His instinct told him this is the right moment.

He charged the sword energy when Hikigaya created his illusion.

A second before the Demon King could open his eyes he was ready and then the Demon King broke from the illusion.

Azief smiles and the Demon King puzzlement is clear in Azief eyes. he could see him smiling.

And then Azief brought down the sword might upon him

‘BREAK!’ He shouted as thunders roars and lightning flashed through the golden skies and a flash of a large titanic figure of Azief materialized for a split second before dissipating.


A great explosion exploded in the sky, the shockwave was so powerful that every molecule in the air in the radius of one thousand kilometers was annihilated to nothingness

Azief shouted as he put his determination in his sword strike but even his shout that could echoes across the world was drowned by the sound of the sword cutting through space.

Balfor Q’un, one of the Demon Kings of the Seresian world screams in anger, his expression was unresigned but even his scream was drowned by the sound of the sword tearing through the space and time Laws around them, tearing a slice of the fabric of reality.

The golden skies expanded but it no longer have that life bearing aura.

Instead even though the sky is still golden, one could feel the dense and thick killing intent that the sky is harboring

The sword fell down, and the most powerful sword strike the world had ever seen materialized.

The world saw a most miraculous and terrifying sight since the Fall

Those in the distance all had one thought when seeing that sword fell.

The Sky is falling!

A huge straight space tear appears in the sky as the battle between the Demon King and Azief is about to draw down its curtain.

And purple light falls down upon the Demon King and a sword slash split apart the Heavens and pressured the Earth!


The battle between Death Monarch and the Demon King would end this month. Expect a twist at the end. I will not spoil too much. But there is a hint

Screen time for each character would be equal. that is the hint. When you read the final chapter of this month, you would understand what I mean. Or maybe not. I am bad at giving hint

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