Lord Shadow

Chapter 880

Chapter 880: The sword slash

World Cleaving Saber when it is activated it cleave a world of its life. It is something that Azief had used when he was at Earth Thirty-Nine when he fought against the Normies.

When he uses it at that time it forcefully plunders that world energy, cutting the world energy at its core.

But now, that same treatment is heaped upon the Demon King.

It grinded upon the Laws around the Demon King body, plunders his energy, cutting the Laws, creating disruption all over the world as these Laws were spread out and its energy absorbed by the All Source.

Azief knows that the Seresian demon had powerful physical body.

That alone made them a terrifying enemy but they also have the killing aura that acted like a layer of protection against their body.

He had weakened the Demon King by breaking his horn.

But Azief knows that it is not enough.

As such, he needs to grind that killing aura that covers the Demon King body before he could inflict an injury powerful enough to kill the Demon King in one slash

The Wheel above Azief head is showing the Blissful state trials where he got his World Cleaving ability

And the Wheel supply him with energy of the Universe. The worldly energy and the Universal energy both is pouring into Azief body right now.

The sword on his hand felt like he is holding the universe. Like he is about to bring down the might of the Universe upon the Demon King.

He could feel his hand feeling numb because of that pressure of the sword. Even in that moment, he did not yet bring that sword down toward the Demon King.

The weight of his sword increased by the second as all of these energies gathers all over the sword.

The weight should have lightened now that he is in Divine Comprehension. But nothing has changed

The weight is determined by the energy contained inside it. The stronger he became, the heavier the sword become.

It is still as heavy as before

One could argue that it is even heavier.

Because this time, he did not simply wield energy, he wields the Laws of the world and the Universe at the edges of his sword.

Laws that prop up worlds and maintain the fabric of reality could be weightless but they could also be the heaviest thing in the Omniverse

It all depends on what the Laws is used for. Azief World Cleaving Saber in the past suppresses the Heaven and pressured the Earth

But today, his strike split part the Heaven and bring down the Heavens falling.

The Earth was suppressed and battered, the sea waves break the moment a simple wisp of the energy of his sword pass through

The sea under his feet had turned into a desert and the deep parched ground of the sea depressed one hundred feet.

With each feet of the ground that it depresses, the plate tectonic of the world seems to also be pressured creating earthquake that would make any earthquake before the fall pale in comparison.

The sky all tear apart around the area of his battle. The Laws all went crazy. The Earth is cracking all over.

The essence of destruction of the World Cleaving saber has now been understood fully by him

The last time he uses this skill, he understood the destruction part of the skill. But he could cut apart worldly concerns

But today, he understood it. Worldly concerns are mortal concerns. Food, life and death. That is the mortal concerns.

But now, Azief had reached Divine Comprehension. He no longer has mortal concerns. the Worldly concerns also concerned the environment around him.

They could not stop disaster as nothing is under their control.

The things that are under their control is simply an illusion of the mind

The order that they built could fall into chaos in any moments. Entropy is ever-present.

But even that Azief could now control.

He could control the environment around him to make sur he had control of his own life and death, of his own fate and destiny.

Of course, this control over fate and destiny, over life and death is true, to a certain extent.

One thing that is true right now is that Azief could now cut apart concepts and sever Laws. The World Cleaving skill had always had this kind of meaning.

Each Laws could create an independent world. Azief would know. After all, he controls thirteen Laws.

If he wanted to, he could scour the known universe and found some uninhabited planets and sow one of his Laws inside that world.

For example, if he sows Worldly laws in that planet, that planet might evolve the same like Earth possessing the elements and become like Earth in the future.

Each Law is and independent world. It is the Laws that propped up reality and determine the reality of those people living under that Law.

Thus, the World Cleaving skill had always had this kind of meaning that it is not only used to cut worlds, but also to cut Laws.

Azief is embedding his Law in the sword and the Wheel gives him purer energy as the Wheel is like a millet, processing the worldly energy, the universal energy and even the traces of Omniversal energy residue and directed it toward Azief body

If not for that Azief would not be able to withstand such pressure of holding this sword.

His skin cracked and seems to exploded before regenerating almost in an instant as Azief keep his grip natural on the sword grip. josei

Purple mist is all around him, swirling and hovering. This purple mist seems to emanated an ancient pressure.

This is the mist that is actually part of the Wheel.

‘The Sky as Chessboard, The Stars Are It Pieces, Gods Do Not Care About Mortal Live, Carefree Roaming the Universe. Cut Apart Worldly Concerns’

This is the words that came into his mind.

He then slashes down. All of this take time to describe but from the moment he raises his sword upwards, all of that happen at that instant moment.

That is what precipitated the kneejerk reaction of the world, why there is so many unexplainable things phenomenon happening all over the world

Laws were torn apart and space and time seem to rearrange itself in an unorderly manner causing the people to see different scene and causing some parts of the world to experience certain time dilation and time differences from other parts of the world.

Even Jean with all of his ability focused on time could not stop this Time phenomenon happened because it is all encompassing and did not only affect a certain place.

Balfor Q’un roars toward the sword. A powerful wave comes out from his mouth that causes all the golden clouds to explode into motes of light. Azief only smirks

The sword cut apart the waves of that roars, silencing the roars, cutting the connection between the call of that roar from whatever dimension that Balfor wanted to ask help from

The sword strike will come down on him and nothing would be able to stop it.

Balfor is unresigned for things to end like this. This is not how things should have ended.

Balfor Q’un just woke up from his illusion.

He just savors the taste of victory.

But the moment he opens his eyes, what he sees make his heart jolted in shock. It is like standing on the highest peak and the falling back down to the bottom.

The fact stands that the illusion that Hikigaya had crafted for him is very useful.

Hikigaya might only be able to strike at the Demon King once, but that is enough to change the course of the battle.

Balfor seeing that his roars did not able to force the sword to break decided to look at the properties of the sword strike

He saw the sword coming down towards him. But he saw more than just the sword. he saw the Laws embedded into it.

He saw the Wheel that seems like a pressuring ancient primordial existence and he heard the sentence that was spoken before and everything seem to come full circle.

The purple mist first envelops Balfor. Balfor thought even though the human had caught him unaware, he could still counterattack and defend himself

But the moment that he tried to defend himself he realizes that his defensive layer of aura had already been grinded into nonexistence.

The purple mist that envelops him is making sure he could not generate any protective energy around his body and the Worldly laws around him were all cut

He could not even generate any energies

It was then that he knew that he is at a dire strait. His eyes turn fierce and even as the pain from his horn being broken assaulted his body, he ignores it as he roars again toward Azief.

That roar would be able to pulverize an entire mountain but it could not stop that sword strike from coming down.

It is because at that same moment he roars, there is detonations of something happening all over his body that causes the Laws that he used to execute that roars to rupture.

It was only then that he remembers the missile that was shot at him by the Orvanians.

As Azief slash down his sword, the purple mist that is around him and around Balfor both exploded into motes of purple light, like an explosion of a supernova.

DIE! Azief shouted in his heart

The whole world was enveloped by that light.


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