Lord Shadow

Chapter 887

Chapter 887: An unwelcome guest

His Law Avatar is still at the ocean, but his time Avatar is everywhere. The moment he arrives at those places, he created more time shield josei

Each time shield had some kind of resonance with each other.

If one looks at it from space, one would be able to see that the world is covered by some kind of purplish and greenish lights that glows on and off.

Like a firefly in the night

Everyone was shocked with the sudden appearance of Jean. Right now, Jean did not even think about the differences between their factions or the interest of his organization.

This is a battle between the world and the forces that wanted to destroy it. There is no need to think of factional or organization differences.

He would try to protect all he can. And he would use his Time power to do it.

At the same time, the wave of destruction finally descends down toward the Demon king

The land exploded even before the sword strike arrive at the Demon King. All of the things in the sky was cut down. All kinds of particles were turned into nihility

The entire might of the Universe comes toward the Demon king. The Demon King saw it and then he smiles.

As the sword strike come closer to him, he laughed.

There is no fear at all in his eyes

‘This is weird’ Azief thought to himself. Even though his strike created large storms around the area he could still see clearly the laughing face of the Demon King

Azief felt that premonition of disaster grew stronger. He did not understand it.


The sword strike arrived and the sword strike cut through the Demon King body.

It crashed for a second, and then it pierces the Demon King body easily. The hard shell exterior of the Demon King body cracks before the sword strike cut the fleshy part of the Demon King

The sword energy engulfs him and cut him into two

But then at that moment, the Demon King raise his aura to the max and the moment he died, a burst of energy exploded out into the world.

This aura exploded upwards reaching space and wherever it passes, it changes the properties of the Laws of the World and created spirals like winds that go on to create a chaotic energy storms.

Even Azief could not have guessed that such thing could happen. The waves of energy also blast toward Azief.

But most of the energy was absorbed by the Wheel spinning on top of Azief head. The Demon King last act was laughing.

His laugh echoes through the entire world, but drowned by the sound of the calamity that resulted from the blast of energy

His body did not disintegrate even after such punishment

Cut but not destroyed

Instead, the Demon king left a husk of himself as he closes his eyes and die there. His face is smiling

A deep gash stretching deep into the underground appeared in the area. This deep gash could fill an entire mountain inside it and still have room to space

Particles of energy floated up into the surrounding as the energy from the death of an Essence Creation leveler would fills the world with energy

The strike is causing the entire world to be affected.

The land shakes with such great intensity that the mountains crumbles, rivers crack and split apart, island was engulfed by titanic tidal wave, and causing the already unstable plate tectonic to move violently as some continent collided with each other.

Some of this plate tectonic break off and some other merged with each other. The seven great continent however is protected by Jean hence there were not many changes.

Most of the continents that was affected is the new continent that was born during the expansion.

Underwater volcanoes spew its lavas from the bottom of the ocean to the surface.

That is the physical impact of the strike.

The intangible effect is in the fact that the sword strike cut the laws of the world causing weird and bizarre phenomenon to occur all around the world.

Time dilation is the most common.

Then there is the absence of laws of thermodynamic, the laws of gravity where some parts of the world experience zero gravity condition while at some other places, it experiences massive mass contraction, causing an entire continent to be contracted until it shrinks into nothingness.

That is only a few example of the chaos that was created from that last sword strike.

Even though the dust, Azief could confirm that the Demon King, Balfor Q’un is dead. There is no life force from the Demon King husk.

But Azief…. could not remain at ease

‘Am I…missing something?’ he thought to himself.

At the same time that the powerful energy exploded out from the bubble and reached toward all the corners of the world, the time Shield that was erected by Jean exploded into motes of light

It could not even stand the pressure for a second but Jean was not anxious. He had expected it.

But as the Shield exploded, the pressure decreases.

And on the many places of the world where Jean time Avatar is present, he is protecting the people below Divine Comprehension with his Time Shield

Everywhere the pressure of that attack is minimized and is slowly being pacified. The curtain to this calamitous day seems like it would be about to end

At the same time, on that place where snow falls on top of a cliff, a portal suddenly appeared causing change in the weather.

The snow stops suddenly. It did not stop falling. It stops in midair like time was sealed by some foreign energy

Katarina who was floating on the air atop her snowflake opens her eyes as there is a disturbance in the energy around her.

This appeared a few second before Azief strike hit the Demon king.

The moment that someone comes out from that portal, the strike hit the Demon king a million miles away and the pressure exploded and covered the whole world with its shockwave.

Coming out from the portal is Balfor Q’un, the Demon King of the Seresian world.

He smiles look at that scene of his original body being cut and simply said

‘I told you, it is not easy to kill me’ But this Balfor Q’un is only in Divine Comprehension level. Katarina was the first one that notices his appearance because she was the closest

Jean also notices it and he was shocked

‘How could you be here?’ That is his first thought.

‘Shit’ at this time, Jean quickly reached a conclusion.

The Demon King target is probably Katarina. Because Katarina is Azief important person.

He didn’t know how the Demon King found that out. But he knows that he must not let the Demon King do anything to Katarina.

‘Hyargh!’ Jean moves forward as the Time around him spirals out of control, the force of energy blast that comes from the battle between Azief and Balfor on the other side of the world is now running amuck around the Hill as Jean no longer constrain it

He punches toward the Demon King and a wave of energy gathered around his fist, creating Time Storms all over the area.

As he hurls his fist, his entire being appears in front of the Demon King in almost an instant. The space around him wrinkles and time experiences a regression.

His Time Avatar tries to attack Balfor head on.

Balfor smiles.

‘You are not worthy enough to fight with me’ he raised his hand and the Laws around the area seems to be changing its properties.

Killing intent rises up and dark red mist suddenly appears and filled the entire area. Then Balfor wave his hand and a sharp light seems to morph into being

Balfor just waved his hand as a dark red saber intent flew toward Jean and cut him into two.

Jean was shocked. He did not have the chance to do anything. With one wave of his hand, his Time Avatar was sliced

Before he disintegrated into motes of energy, his eyes etched the figure of the Demon King. The Demon King has a smirk on his face.

At the same time, that his Time Avatar is destroyed, Jean Law Avatar form suddenly open his eyes on that vast ocean and alarm rises in his heart

‘Shit’ he said as he turned his head and trained his gaze on that place.

‘I need to go there now’ he takes a glance to the area where Azief had just killed the Demon King.

The distance between them two is millions of miles away from each other but Jean could see him like he is in front of him.

But he could not communicate with Azief.

Noticing this he frowned

‘That Demon King probably had planned this from the very beginning’ he thought to himself

Even his Divine Sense is disrupted.

Jean could guess how the Demon King had planned this plot.


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