Lord Shadow

Chapter 889

Chapter 889: The plot of the demon king (2)

The moment he says that all the energies around Katarina seem to burst into bubbles.

The icicles that circles around her burst into fragments of ice and turns into motes of energy.

Katarina felt pain in her body as her Disk crack hard. That attack did not only destroy her defense, it also affects her Disk

The cold air that trails behind Katarina feet is swept away by some kind of invisible force.

And all the area around her seems to contract and force her down

‘Shit’ she cursed in her heart as the alarm in her heart go off.

Katarina dived back down toward the ground like there is some force that is forcing her.

She is like a bird that had her wing clipped. She thought of Azief right now. if Azief knew about what is happening right now, he might come here immediately to save Katarina

But for some reason, he did not know anything about what is happening here.

When Azief blast exploded Balfor original body leaving only a husk, the energy explosion covered up the world and created energy instability.

Even Azief could not see what is happening in this area right now because of that disturbance of the chaotic energy. This is the trump card of the Demon King.

His incarnation.

The Demon King smiles and then he made a pulling gesture with his arm.

A powerful pulling pressure surrounded Katarina.

Katarina narrowed her eyes

She already lost most of her energy after doing that attack. But she had time to recharge when she flew upwards toward the air before

‘Release me’ she shouted as she slashes her sword, sending white light in the shape of a thin sharp apparition of sword intent toward the Demon King

A blast of cold energy slices through the air. The air around the slashing trail seem to freeze that even the particles around it were freeze.

In less than a second, the slash hit Balfor body, cutting through the red mist. Balfor did not even bother to deflect it as he let that sword slash to hit him.

It created a shockwave that causes the ground to freeze and become hard.

Ice spikes appears in the ground and it freezes any life form around the radius of three kilometers.

The radius might not be large but the power of the attack is very concentrated.

Balfor laughed as he shrugged the attack.

He opens his hand wide and a pulling sensation went over Katarina entire being as her body quickly rush though the air toward the Demon King


Katarina neck arrived at Balfor hand as her body slams toward that open hand. Balfor smiles

‘Got you’

‘Release me!’ She shouted.

Her shouts are filled with energy and it usually would be able to create destruction but the body fortification of Balfor easily repels the force.

He only smiles and he said

‘You are bait’ he simply said. And Katarina face pale for a second as she understood why she was targeted.

She did not worry about herself. She worries about what Azief would do.

Balfor realizes that the human that fought him cares a lot about this woman.

Before the beginning of an all-out battle with him, Azief must not have thought that Katarina wanted to come to him

At that time, he uses his power to transport her away from the battle area.

His action at that time was observed by the Demon King

Balfor would not be able to become a Demon king of he is not cunning.

Even though at that time he underestimated the human and was very confident that he would win, this did not mean that he would simply not have any contingency measure.

When he first thought that he could lose, he creates this incarnation. The body that died is his original body.

That is the only way he could do it without the human realizing that he had split himself.

But Balfor is not a normal Seresian demon. He had ways of recreating back his body. This incarnation is created form one drop of his essence blood.

It possesses the power of Divine Comprehension leveler. It is why he had become a bit weaker than Azief after he created this incarnation and why Azief felt it was easy killing him

Balfor look at the woman, closing his face with hers and said

‘This world…’ and he paused for a second as he looks at the sky above his head and sighed

‘Does not welcome me. Your lover seems to have all the home advantage. I could not defeat him in this world.’ Katarina spit toward his face.

But that spit halted in midair, not able to reach Balfor face. Balfor only smirks as that spit turns into air.

Balfor might be smiling and smirking like happy is happy but only he knows how frustrated he is right now.

Would he do such a thing if he is not desperate?

There are too many obstacles for him to gain any benefit from this world and he knew that his objective had failed.

And then there is also that fleet in space, aiming weapons at him. He saw that the Orvanian is still at the atmosphere when he looks up into the sky

They were adamant in trapping him here.

It was during this time that Sith’venar look at Earth and was shocked at the sudden change in the battle.

He was shocked because he saw the Demon King is dead. And then he saw the Demon King incarnation appearing before Katarina and taking her under his control.

Katarina did not meekly let herself be caught. She tried to struggle but she found out that her entire body seems to be sealed.

The space around her binds her, making him unable to move. Even the control she had over the temperature around her had been revoked.

‘What did you do to me?’ She said, looking at Balfor with anger.

‘Sealing Laws of space around you’ he simply said. Still holding her at her neck, Balfor then look behind him. josei

He did not choke her or hurt her. He even takes great care not to apply too much pressure on her neck.

And he did not kill her. A bait must act like bait.

A dead bait would not be beneficial for him at all. And there is still use for this human.

Balfor then senses that the energy around the area is undergoing a change.

He looks around him and he could see that Time and Space around him seems to be bending, like it is being sucked into a black hole.

It is not as dramatic as that but the scene has some similarities.

He chuckles as he understood why there is such a disturbance in the Time around him.

‘Ah, that Time manipulator is coming’ he muttered to himself.

It is quite amazing when he thinks about it. That human with the power to manipulate time reminded him of the Time Lords.

But if there is a difference between that human and Time Lords, is that the Time Lords is bound by something.

That human seems to be able to freely use his ability to control and manipulate time.

Balfor could sense that Jean is travelling through Space and Time, ignoring the spatial storm in Time Space continuum to stop him from kidnapping this human.

‘You are too late’ Balfor thought to himself.

Then with his left hand he made a slicing motion toward the space beside him. A sizzling sound could be heard and then the area where his hand had passed seems to be morphed.

The space is cut and then immediately connected toward a space channel. And bursting out from that space is thick demonic energy

Katarina look at the space tear and then she could see a red colored world. Among others, she could also see a ruined world with tall dark buildings that reached the clouds.

‘Seresian world’ she thought to herself.

BOOM! The second wave of the energy blast sweep round the area but Balfor only smiles

Around the area, the blast of energy from the death of his original body did not affect him. He then looks back and smiles a bit

His gaze looks toward that human that have killed him, from a million miles away. It is a mocking smile

‘If you want her, come get her’ he said under his breath and with a smile he enters the space rips. the moment he enters the space rip sew itself shut

But there is still a little bit of the crack connecting Earth to that world. It is clear that this is a deliberate move by Balfor. He wanted Azief to find his way to the Seresian world.


Suddenly the area around the crack suddenly stopped. The blast is being halted off by some invisible force causing everything to stop.

The dust that rises up to the air and wanted to fall back down, halted. The wind that blows, halted.

The falling rain also halted. Everything stop.

Time and Space suddenly distorted and then gathered at one point. Coming from that point is Jean.

Jean appears and Time regain back its stability

The dust falls, the wind blows and the falling raindrops drenched his body. His face is solemn and he clench his fist hard.

Jean then spread out his Divine Sense almost immediately look around him and he sighed.

There is only a snow covered hill and a scene of destruction around him.

With his Divine Sense he could infer that Katarina had done the best she could. But, the Demon king is just too strong for her

The fact that she could endure that long is already amazing enough.

‘Fuck’ he cursed under his breath

And there is also Time Disruption here. It is why even though he had already come and uses Time to his advantage, he is still too little too late

There is only the scene of snows melting but there is no Katarina.

‘Death Monarch would not be happy with this’ he thought to himself

‘This is clearly a trap. But, it is an effective trap’


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